

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-13


简  历: 胡亚鲜本科和硕士就读于中国农业大学,毕业后受国家留学基金委公派出国项目资助,赴瑞士巴塞尔大学环境科学系攻读博士学位。博士毕业后,继续在瑞士巴塞尔大学开展两年博士后工作。主要从事土壤有机碳侵蚀与沉积的时间与空间变化与全球碳氮磷循环等方面的研究。2016年3月,由西北农林科技大学按照“优秀青年人才计划”引进,就职于水土保持研究所,协助黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室土壤侵蚀与碳氮循环团队,并任国家野外科学观测研究站长武站学术秘书。目前,承担国家自然科学青年基金1项及其他省部级项目若干,以项目骨干参与国家重点研发计划1项。共计发表学术论文30余篇。

研究方向: 土壤侵蚀,碳氮磷循环

承担科研项目情况: 2018.07-2021.06,国家重点研发计划,东北黑土区坡面水土流失综合治理技术,项目骨干

代表论著: 第一作者和通讯作者论文:
1) Yaxian Hu, Xianwen Li*, Menggui Jin, Rui Wang, Junying Chen*, and Shengli Guo. “Reduced Co-Occurrence and Ion-Specific Preferences of Soil Microbial Hub Species after Ten Years of Irrigation with Brackish Water.” Soil & Tillage Research. Accepted. (中科院1区)
2)He, Yao, Yaxian Hu*, Baoyuan Liu, Xin Gao, Rui Wang, Shengli Guo, and Xianwen Li*. 2020. “Minor Topography Governing Erosional Distribution of SOC and Temperature Sensitivity of CO2 Emissions: Comparisons between Concave and Convex Toposequence.” Journal of Soils and Sediments. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-020-02575-6 (中科院2区)
3)Lu, Shaojuan, Baoyuan Liu*, Yaxian Hu*, Suhua Fu, Qi Cao, Yandong Shi, and Tingting Huang. 2020. “Soil Erosion Topographic Factor (LS): Accuracy Calculated from Different Data Sources.” Catena 187: 104334. (中科院1区)
4)Gao, Xin, Weijia Li, Ali Salman, Rui Wang, Lanlan Du, Lunguang Yao, Yaxian Hu*, and Shengli Guo*. 2020. “Impact of Topsoil Removal on Soil CO2 Emission and Temperature Sensitivity in Chinese Loess Plateau.” Science of The Total Environment 708: 135102. (中科院2区)
5)Yaxian Hu*, Wolfgang Fister, Yao He, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn. 2020. “Assessment of Crusting Effects on Interrill Erosion by Laser Scanning.” PeerJ 8: e8487. (中科院3区)
6)Yaxian Hu*, Gerhard Sch?fer, Jo?lle Duplay, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn. 2018. “Bioenergy Crop Induced Changes in Soil Properties: A Case Study on Miscanthus Fields in the Upper Rhine Region.” PLOS ONE 13 (7): e**. (中科院3区)
7)Gao, Xin, Yaxian Hu*, Qiqi Sun, Lanlan Du, Pengfei Duan, Lunguang Yao, and Shengli Guo*. 2018. “Erosion-Induced Carbon Losses and CO2 Emissions from Loess and Black Soil in China.” Catena 171: 533–40. (中科院1区)
8)Lu, Shaojuan, Zhanli Wang, Yaxian Hu*, Baoyuan Liu*, and Jun’e Liu. 2018. “Effectiveness and Durability of Polyacrylamide (PAM) and Polysaccharide (Jag C 162) in Reducing Soil Erosion under Simulated Rainfalls.” Water 10 (3): 257. (中科院3区)
9)胡亚鲜*,Nikolaus J. Kuhn. 2017. 利用土壤颗粒的沉降粒级研究泥沙的迁移与分布规律.土壤学报, 54 (5):1115-1124.
10)Yaxian Hu*, Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Marilyn L. Fogel, Goswin Heckrath, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn. 2016. “Transport-Distance Specific SOC Distribution: Does It Skew Erosion Induced C Fluxes?” Biogeochemistry 128 (3): 339–51. (中科院2区)
11)Kuhn, Nikolaus J., Yaxian Hu*, Lena Bloemertz, Jin He, Hongwen Li, and Philip Greenwood. 2016. “Conservation Tillage and Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture: Regional vs. Global Benefit Analysis.” Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 216: 155–65. (中科院1区)
12)Yaxian Hu*, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn. 2016. “Erosion-Induced Exposure of SOC to Mineralization in Aggregated Sediment.” Catena 137: 517–25. (中科院1区)
13)Yaxian Hu*, Wolfgang Fister, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn. 2016. “Inherent Interreplicate Variability during Small-Scale Rainfall Simulations.” Journal of Soils and Sediments 16 (6): 1809–14. (中科院2区)
14)Yaxian Hu*, and N. J. Kuhn. 2014. “Aggregates Reduce Transport Distance of Soil Organic Carbon: Are Our Balances Correct?” Biogeosciences 11 (22): 6209–19. (中科院2区)
15)Yaxian Hu*, Wolfgang Fister, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn. 2013. “Temporal Variation of SOC Enrichment from Interrill Erosion over Prolonged Rainfall Simulations.” Agriculture 3 (4): 726–40.
16)Yaxian Hu*, Wolfgang Fister, Hans-Rudolf Rüegg, Peter A. Kinnell, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn. 2013. “The Use of Equivalent Quartz Size and Settling Tube Apparatus to Fractionate Soil Aggregates by Settling Velocity.” Geomorphology Techniques (Online Edition), British Society for Geomorphology, Section–1.
1)Du, Lanlan, Rui Wang, Xin Gao, Yaxian Hu, and Shengli Guo*. 2020. “Divergent Responses of Soil Bacterial Communities in Erosion-Deposition Plots on the Loess Plateau.” Geoderma 358: 113995.
2)陈发虎等. 2019. 近70年来中国自然地理与生存环境基础研究的重要进展与展望(中英双语出版). 中国科学-地球科学, 62(11), 1665-1701.
3)Khademalrasoul, Ataallah, Nikolaus J. Kuhn, Lars Elsgaard, Yaxian Hu, Bo V. Iversen, and Goswin Heckrath. 2019. “Short-Term Effects of Biochar Application on Soil Loss During a Rainfall-Runoff Simulation.” Soil Science 184 (1): 17–24.
4)Wang, Rui, Yaxian Hu, Ying Wang, Salman Ali, Qingfang Liu, and Shengli Guo*. 2019. “Nitrogen Application Increases Soil Respiration but Decreases Temperature Sensitivity: Combined Effects of Crop and Soil Properties in a Semiarid Agroecosystem.” Geoderma 353: 320–30.
5)Sun, Qiqi, Yaxian Hu, Rui Wang, Shengli Guo*, Lunguang Yao, and Pengfei Duan. 2018. “Spatial Distribution of Microbial Community Composition along a Steep Slope Plot of the Loess Plateau.” Applied Soil Ecology 130: 226–36.
6)Sun, Qiqi, Rui Wang, Yaxian Hu, Lunguang Yao, and Shengli Guo*. 2018. “Spatial Variations of Soil Respiration and Temperature Sensitivity along a Steep Slope of the Semiarid Loess Plateau.” PLoS ONE 13 (4): e**.
7)Sun, Qiqi, Rui Wang, Ying Wang, Lanlan Du, Man Zhao, Xin Gao, Yaxian Hu, and Shengli Guo*. 2018. “Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Respiration to Nitrogen and Phosphorous Fertilization: Does Soil Initial Fertility Matter?” Geoderma 325: 172–82.
8)Wang, Rui, Qiqi Sun, Ying Wang, Wei Zheng, Lunguang Yao, Yaxian Hu, and Shengli Guo*. 2018. “Contrasting Responses of Soil Respiration and Temperature Sensitivity to Land Use Types: Cropland vs. Apple Orchard on the Chinese Loess Plateau.” Science of The Total Environment 621: 425–33.
9)Liang, Yanru, Rattan Lal, Shengli Guo*, Ruiqiang Liu, and Yaxian Hu. 2018. “Impacts of Simulated Erosion and Soil Amendments on Greenhouse Gas Fluxes and Maize Yield in Miamian Soil of Central Ohio.” Scientific Reports 8 (1): 520.
10)Wang, Rui, Qiqi Sun, Ying Wang, Qingfang Liu, Lanlan Du, Man Zhao, Xin Gao, Yaxian Hu, and Shengli Guo*. 2017. “Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Respiration: Synthetic Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization on Chinese Loess Plateau.” Science of The Total Environment 574: 1665–73.
11)Wang, Zhiqi, Yaxian Hu, Rui Wang, Shengli Guo*, Lanlan Du, Man Zhao, and Zhiyong Yao. 2017. “Soil Organic Carbon on the Fragmented Chinese Loess Plateau: Combining Effects of Vegetation Types and Topographic Positions.” Soil & Tillage Research 174: 1–5.
12)Wang, Zhiqi, Rui Wang, Qiqi Sun, Lanlan Du, Man Zhao, Yaxian Hu, and Shengli Guo*. 2017. “Soil CO 2 Emissions from Different Slope Gradients and Positions in the Semiarid Loess Plateau of China.” Ecological Engineering 105: 231–39.
13)Liu, Qingfang, Rui Wang, Rujian Li, Yaxian Hu, and Shengli Guo*. 2016. “Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Respiration to Nitrogen Fertilization: Varying Effects between Growing and Non-Growing Seasons.” PLOS ONE 11 (12): e**.
14)Xiao, Liangang*, Yaxian Hu, Phil Greenwood, and Nikolaus J. Kuhn. 2015a. “The Use of a Raindrop Aggregate Destruction Device to Evaluate Sediment and Soil Organic Carbon Transport.” Geographica Helvetica 70 (2): 167–74.
15)Xiao, Liangang*, Yaxian Hu, Philip Greenwood, and Nikolaus Kuhn. 2015b. “A Combined Raindrop Aggregate Destruction Test-Settling Tube (RADT-ST) Approach to Identify the Settling Velocity of Sediment.” Hydrology 2 (4): 176–92.

获奖及荣誉: 1. 2015年2月,瑞士土壤协会,优秀博士论文,土壤科研奖
2. 2015年1月,瑞士巴塞尔志愿学术基金会,博士后赴海外研修专项资金
3. 2014年4月,瑞士地貌协会,青年****参加学术会议专项资金

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