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姓 名:
 韩永明 性 别:
职 称:
 研究员 学 历:
电 话:
 86- 传 真:
 yongming@ieecas.cn 个人主页:
 陕西省西安市雁塔区雁翔路97号 710061

男,1971.2生,博士,中国科学院地球环境研究员,基金委****基金获得者(2016年),黄土与第四纪国家重点实验室副主任。曾于2008年9月-2009年9月在美国NASA GISS研究中心和美国哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)Lamont地球观测中心做访问****,2008年5-8月和2013年6-9月分别在香港理工大学和哥伦比亚大学Lamont地球观测中心短暂访问。现任职美国Columbia University(哥伦比亚大学)Adjunct Senior Research Scientist(客座资深研究员)、西安交通大学双聘教授、GEIA(国际排放清单联合会)中国工作组委员、中国颗粒学会青年理事等。
2006年以来,已在Environ. Sci. Tech., Global Biogeochem. Cycle., Atmos. Chem. Phys., Sci. Rep., Chemosphere, Atmos. Environ.,(以上为第一作者,下面为合作者)、Nature、QSR、JGR等地学主流期刊发表SCI论文70余篇,其中第一作者SCI论文21篇,另有英文专著章节2篇(第一作者1篇),被SCI引用(数据来源ISI)2800余次,其中第一作者单篇最高被SCI引用500余次。第一作者论文入选Elsevier颁发的2005-2010年度环境科学领域高引用中国作者论文。
2013.5-至今,美国哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University),Adjunct Senior Research Scientist(客座资深研究员);
2013.6-2013.10,美国Columbia University,访问研究;
2008.9-2009.9,美国航空航天局(NASA)GISS 研究中心和美国哥伦比亚大学 (Columbia University),访问****,合作者Profs. James Hansen and Dorothy Peteet;
1992.7-2000.8,新疆地矿局,助理工程师及工程师(1997 年9 月起)






1.Han, Y.; Bandowe, B.; Schneider, T.; Pongpiachan, S.; Ho, S. S. H.; Wei, C.; Wang, Q.; Xing, L.; Wilcke, W., A 150-year record of black carbon (soot and char) and polycyclic aromatic compounds deposition in Lake Phayao, north Thailand. Environmental Pollution 2020, 269.
2.Han, Y.; An, Z.; Marlon, J. R.; Bradley, R. S.; Zhan, C.; Arimoto, R.; Sun, Y.; Zhou, W.; Wu, F.; Wang, Q.; Burr, G. S.; Cao, J., 2020. Asian inland wildfires driven by glacial-interglacial climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2020, 117(10): .
3.An, Z.; Zhang, R.; Tie, X.; Li, G.; Cao, J.; Zhou, W.; Shi, Z.; Han, Y.; Gu, Z.; Ji, Y., Severe haze in northern China: A synergy of anthropogenic emissions and atmospheric processes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2019, 116, 8657-8666.
4.Han, Y.; An Z.S., Cao J.J., 2018. The Anthropocene - a potential stratigraphic definition based on black carbon, char, and soot records. In DellaSala D. and Goldstein M (ed.): Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.10001-6
5.Han Y.M., Chen L.-W.A., Huang R.J., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Ni H.Y., Liu S.X., Fung K.K., Shen Z.X., Wei C., Wang Q.Y., Tian J., Zhao Z.Z., Prevot A.S.H., Cao J.J., 2016. Carbonaceous aerosols in megacity Xi'an, China: Implications of thermal/optical protocols comparison. Atmospheric Environment, 132, 58-68.
6.Han Y.M., Peteet D., Arimoto R., Cao J.J., An Z.S., Sritrairat S., Yan B.Z. Climate and fuel controls on North American paleofires: Smoldering to flaming in the Late-glacial-Holocene Transition. Sci. Rep., In press.
7.Han, Y. M.; Wei, C.; Huang, R.-J.; Bandowe, B. A. M.; Ho, S. S. H.; Cao, J. J.; Jin, Z. D.; Xu, B. Q.; Gao, S. P.; Tie, X. X.; An, Z. S.; Wilcke, W., Reconstruction of atmospheric soot history in inland regions from lake sediments over the past 150 years. Scientific Reports 2016, Doi: 10.1038/srep19151.
8.Han Y.M., Wei C., Bandowe B.A.M., Wilcke, W., Cao J.J., Xu B.Q., Gao, S.P., Tie X.X., Li G.H., Jin, Z.D., An Z.S., 2015. Elemental carbon and polycyclic aromatic compounds in a 150-yr sediment core from Lake Qinghai, Tibetan Plateau, China: Influence of regional and local sources and transport pathways. Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (7), 4176–4183.
9.Huang R.-J., Zhang Y., Bozzetti C., Ho K.-F., Cao J.-J., Han Y. et al., 2014. High secondary aerosol contribution to particulate pollution during haze events in China. Nature, 514, 218-222.
10.Han Y.M., Bandowe B.A.M., Wei C., Cao J.J., Wilcke W., Wang G.H., Ni H.Y., Jin Z.D., An Z.S., Yan B.Z., 2015. Stronger association of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with soot than with char in soils and sediments. Chemosphere, 119, 1335-1345.
11.Han Y., Chen A., Cao J., Fung K., Ho F., Yan B., Zhan C., Liu S., Wei C., An Z., 2013. Thermal/Optical Methods for Elemental Carbon Quantification in Soils and Urban Dusts: Equivalence of Different Analysis Protocols. PLoS ONE, 8(12): e83462. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**.
12.Han Y.M., Marlon J., Cao J.J., Jin Z.D. and An Z.S., 2012. Holocene linkages between char, soot, biomass burning and climate from Lake Daihai, China. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26, GB4017, doi:10.1029/2011GB004197.
13.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Wu F., Zhang B.C., Zhan C.L., Wei C., Zhao Z.Z.. 2012. Geochemistry and environmental assessment of major and trace elements in the surface sediments of the Wei River, China. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 14, 2762-2771.
14.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Yan, B. Kenna T.C., Jin Z.D., Cheng Y., Chow J.C., An Z.S., 2011. Comparison of elemental carbon in lake sediments measured by three different methods and 150-year pollution history in eastern China. Environmental Science & Technology, 45, 5287-5293.
15.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Kenna T.C., Yan, B. Jin Z.D., Wu F., An Z.S., 2011. Distribution and ecotoxicological significance of trace element contamination in a ~150 yr record of sediments in Lake Chaohu, eastern China. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13, 743-752.
16.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Lee S.C., Ho K.F., An Z.S., 2010. Different characteristics of char and soot in the atmosphere and their ratio as an indicator for source identification in Xi’an, China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 595-607.
17.Han Y.M., Lee S.C., Cao J.J., Ho K.F., An Z.S., 2009. Spatial distribution and seasonal variation of char-EC and soot-EC in the atmosphere over China. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 6066-6073.
18.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., An Z.S., Liu S.X., 2009. Elemental carbon in urban soils and road dusts in Xi'an, China and its implication for air pollution. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 2464-2470.
19.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Posmentier E.S., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Fung K., Jin Z.D., Liu S.X., An Z.S., 2009. The effect of acidification on the determination of elemental carbon, char-, and soot-elemental carbon in soils and sediments. Chemosphere, 75, 92-99.
20.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Jin Z.D., An Z.S., 2009. Elemental composition of aerosols in Daihai, a rural area in the front boundary of the summer Asian monsoon. Atmospheric Research, 92, 229-235.
21.Han Y.M., Han Z.W., Cao J.J., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., An Z.S., Liu S.X., Zhang R.J., 2008. Distribution and origin of carbonaceous aerosol over a rural high-mountain lake area, Northern China and its transport significance. Atmospheric Environment, 42, 2405-2414.
22.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Posmentier E.S., Fung K., Tian H., An Z.S., 2008. Particulate-associated potentially harmful elements in urban road dusts in Xi’an, China. Applied Geochemistry, 23, 835-845.
23.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., An Z.S., Chow J.C., Waston J.G., Jin Z.D., Fung K., Liu S.X., 2007. Evaluation of the thermal/optical reflectance method for quantification of elemental carbon in sediments. Chemosphere 69, 526-533.
24.Han Y.M., Cao J.J., Chow J.C., Watson J.G., Fung K., Jin Z.D., Liu S.X., An Z.S., 2007. Evaluation of the thermal/optical reflectance method for discrimination between char- and soot-EC. Chemosphere 69, 569-574.
25.Han Y.M., Jin Z.D., Cao J.J., Posmentier E.S., An Z.S., 2007. Atmospheric Cu and Pb deposition and transport in lake sediments in a remote mountain area, Northern China. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 179, 167-181.
26.Han Y.M., Du P.X., Cao J.J., Posmentier E.S., 2006. Multivariate analysis of heavy metal contamination in urban dusts of Xi’an, Central China. Science of the Total Environment, 355, 176-186.

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