

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-31

孟涛,男,山西运城人,工学博士,副教授(油气储运工程)。2016年于太原理工大学获得矿业工程学位。主要从事盐岩油气地下储库、矿山围岩巷道支护、岩石断裂力学,高温岩石力学,裂隙岩体渗流机理的研究工作。主持国家自然科学青年基金、山西省高等学校教育创新基金、山西省青年面上基金、太原科技大学校基金各一项。研究成果发表在:Journal of natural gas science and engineering,Rock mechanics and rock engineering, Environmental earth science, Marine and petroleum geology, Engineering Geology, Royal society open science, 岩石力学与工程学报,岩土力学等期刊上,其中SCI/EI第一作者/通讯作者发表论文11篇、申请发明专利2项、获省部级科技奖项2项。

1、含强弱交界面盐岩-硬石膏静态断裂与蠕变断裂机理研究 国家自然科学科学青年基金
2、混凝土-岩石组合体混合型I±II型断裂机理研究 山西省青年面上基金
3、含强弱交界面岩石协同断裂与竞争断裂机理研究 山西省高等学校创新基金
4、岩石混合型蠕变断裂及其裂缝尖端演化规律研究 太原科技大学校基金


1) Meng Tao, Hu Yaoqing, Fang R, et al. Study of Fracture Toughness and Weakening Mechanisms in Gypsum Interlayers in Corrosive Environments[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015, 26: 356-366.(SCI、EI 收录)
2) Meng Tao, Hu Yaoqing, Fang Ruiling, Gan Feng. Weakening Mechanisms of Gypsum Interlayers from Yunying Salt Cavern Subjected to a CoupledThermo-hydro-chemical Environment[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 30: 77-89.(SCI、EI 收录)
3) Meng Tao, You Y, Chen Jie, et al. Investigation on the Permeability Evolution of Gypsum Interlayer Under High Temperature and Triaxial Pressure[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2017:1-11.( SCI、EI 收录)
4) Meng Tao, Xiankai B, Jinchang Zhao, et al. Study of mixed mode fracture toughness and fracture characteristic in gypsum rock under brine saturation[J]. Environmental Earth Science, 2018: 6-17. (SCI、EI 收录)
5) Meng Tao, Xiangxi M, Donghua Z, et al. Using micro-computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy to assess the morphological evolution and fractal dimension of a salt-gypsum rock subjected to a coupled thermal-hydrological-chemical environment[J]. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2018, 98: 316-334. (SCI、EI 收录)
6) Meng Tao, Zhang D H, Hu Y, et al. Study of the deformation characteristics and fracture criterion of the mixed mode fracture toughness of gypsum interlayers from Yunying salt cavern under a confining pressure[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2018, 58: 1-14. (SCI、EI 收录)
7) Meng Tao, Richeng Liu, Xiangxi Meng, et al. Evolutions of Permeability and Pore Structure of Transversely Isotropic Calcareous Sediments Subjected to Triaxial Pressure and High Temperature[J]. Engineering Geology, 2019, (SCI、EI 收录)
8) Meng Tao, Yue Y, Ma J, et al. Use of DC voltage fluctuation method to investigate real-time Mode I and Mode II subcritical crack growth behavior in gypsum rock[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2020: 107104.(SCI、EI 收录)
9) Meng Tao, Jl X, Xm L, et al. Experimental study on the evolutional trend of pore structures and fractal dimension of low-rank clay rich coal subjected to a coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical environment[J]. Energy, 2020: 117838.(SCI、EI 收录)
10) Xiankai B, Meng Tao*, Jinchang Z. Study of mixed mode fracture toughness and fracture trajectories in gypsum interlayers in corrosive environment[J]. Royal Society open science, 2018, 5(1): 171374.(通讯作者,SCI、EI 收录)
11)孟涛等.层状盐岩溶腔建造过程中石膏夹层周期性垮塌理论分析[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2015,S1:3267-3273.(EI 收录)

12)孟涛等.层状盐岩石膏夹层在腐蚀条件下断裂韧度试验及其弱化机制研究[J].岩土力学, 2017, **.(EI 收录)


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