

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-31

教授,太原科技大学外国语学院教授,AILA会员。九三学社山西省委社会服务专家。籍贯河北省景县。研究方向为英美文学及跨文化对比研究。1993年至今一直在太原科技大学从事高校教学及研究工作。2003年获西南师范大学英语语言文学学科文学硕士学位。曾在北京外国语大学英语系从事国内访问****工作。2011-2012 年英国剑桥大学英语系访问****。2017-2018年美国印第安纳大学教育系高级访问****。

近年来先后出版论著6部,其中专著一部,国家“十一五”规划教材一部,发表学术论文20余篇,在本学科各类国际学术会议宣读论文20余篇, CSSCI及北大核心4篇,其中《外语界》等外国语言类核心期刊2篇。承担教育部人文社科项目1项,主持山西省教育厅、山西省科技厅软科学、山西省回国留学人员科研资助项目、山西省教育厅高校哲学社会科学项目、山西省哲学社会科学规划课题等纵向科研课题7项,横向课题2项。曾获山西省教学成果三等奖1项,校级教学成果一等奖1项、山西省社科联“百部工程”二等奖1项。被聘为太原科技大学创新创业导师,指导省级UIT项目1项,校级UIT项目2项,并获校大学生创新创业大赛互联网+优秀奖2项。近年来主讲课程为英美文学、英美文化、英美概况、英语国家报刊选读、高级英语、学术论文写作、学术前沿动态,2+2国际班阅读与写作、硕士研究生英语等课程,先后荣获“山西省高校教学名师”、太原科技大学“十佳青年教师”、太原科技大学“优秀教师”、太原科技大学“三育人先进个人”等荣誉称号。
Research papers
Hu Yan. 2017. John Donne--- the simulacrum forerunner of Carnival era, Journal of XIAN international studies University.

Hu Yan. 2015. Different Tension Presentation in Similar Images’ World: A Comparison between Plath’s “Morning Song” and Lin Hui-yin’s “You Are the Tender Month of April”. Mountain Flowers.
Hu Yan. 2013. Translation Standards From the Perspective of Constructivism. Journal of Henan Polytechnic University.
Hu Yan. 2011. An Empirical Study of Intercultural Sensitivity of College Students. Foreign Language World.
Hu Yan. 2009. Jonathan Swift and A Modest Proposal. Journal of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology.
Hu Yan. 2009. Intercultural Metaphor and Cognition. Journal of Shanxi Normal University.
Hu Yan. 2008. Appreciation of A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning. Journal of North University of China.
Hu Yan. 2008. The Application of Cooperative Learning Approach and the Multimedia Teaching to British-American Literature Teaching.
Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics.
Hu Yan. 2008. On Fatalism and Pessimistic View in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles. Journal of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology.
Hu Yan. 2004. Probe on College Literature Teaching. Journal of Shanxi Normal University.
Hu Yan. 2003. On Improving College Students’ Writing Competence. Journal of Shanxi University.

Edited books
Hu Yan. 2015. Shanxi Stories. Customs & Traditions: Taiyuan: Shanxi People’s Publishing House
Hu Yan. 2008. New Horizon College English Comprehensive Exercise (Book1). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
Hu Yan. (as editor-in-chief), Shi, Guanhui, etc. 2008. Essentials of American Literature. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press.
Hu Yan. 2007. A Survey of British Literature. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press.
Hu Yan. (as editor-in-chief), Ruan, Yanwei, etc. 2003. Pracitcal College English Grammar. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press.
Hu Yan. 2002. New Extensive Reading for College Students. (Book 2). Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.

International & national conferences

Hu Yan. 2018. Research on English Education and transmission of native culture. Oct. Beijing
Hu Yan. 2014. A Research on the Status of Intercultural Communication Ability—on the Basis of the Teaching Reform of English and American Literature. Paper presented to The 7th International Conference on English Language Teaching (ELT) in China, October 23-26, 2014, Nanjing, China.
Hu Yan. 2014. Different Tension Presentation in Similar Images’ World. Paper presented to National Symposium on English & American Culture, 27th -30th June, 2014, Guiling, China.
Hu Yan. 2014. A Comparison between Plath’s “Morning Song” and Lin Hui-yin’s “You Are the Tender Month of April”. Paper presented to the 17th Annual Conference on American Literature, 23nd -25th Oct, 2014, Suzhou, China.
Hu Yan. 2014. Translation Standards From the Perspective of Constructivism. Paper presented to the International Conference on Pragmatics and Translation, 12th -14th Dec, 2014, Guangzhou, China.
Hu Yan. 2013. .A Cross-Cultural Study of Chinese and English Social Appellation Systems and its Translation. Paper presented to 2013 International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies, Oct.3-5 2013, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
Hu Yan. 2011. On Wordsworth's Poetic Features and Artistic Charm of his Lyrics of Nature. Paper presented to the 8th Annual Conference on British Literature, 23nd -25th May, 2011, Chongqing, China.
Hu Yan. 2011. An Analysis of the Daughter’s Deformed Demand for Maternal Love in Beloved. Paper presented to International Symposium on English & American Literature, SISU, 6 -8 April, 2011, Shanghai, China.
Hu Yan. 2010. Marry for love or bread?---A Comparative Study of Price and Prejudice and WoJu. Paper presented to 2010 SHNU International Communication Conference, 22nd -24th Dec, Shanghai, China.
Hu Yan. 2010. A Study of American Culture Through American Films. Paper presented to the 16th IAICS International Conference, 18th -20th June, 2010, Guangzhou, China.
Hu Yan. 2009. The Pursuit of Freedom —Tragic Origins of Catherine in Wuthering Heights and Caddy in The Sound and the Fury. Paper presented to International Conference on English & American Literature, 22nd -24th May, 2009, Shanghai, China.
Hu Yan. 2009. Impacts of Cultural Difference on Sino-Western International Business Negotiations. Paper presented to the 8th CAFIC International Conference, 11th -14th June, 2009, Beijing, China.
Hu Yan. 2007. Integrating Cultural Studies into the language skills development to improve the intercultural communication competence. Paper presented to the 13th IAICS Conference on Intercultural Communication & 7th CAFIC International Conference, 22nd -24th June, 2007, Harbin, China.
Hu Yan. 2007. Combination of Realism and Idealism—On David Copperfield. Paper presented to the 6th Annual Conference on British Literature, 23nd -25th May, 2007, Shanghai, China.
Hu Yan. 2007. The Application of Cooperative Learning Approach and the Multimedia Teaching to British-American Literature Teaching. Paper presented to International Symposium on English & American Literature, SISU, 6 -8 April, 2007, Shanghai, China.
Hu Yan. 2006. Critical Thinking on College Writing Teaching. Paper presented to International Conference on Information Technology in Tertiary/College English Language Teaching, 2006, Shenyang, China.
Hu Yan. 2004. Working Out Your Own Way of Teaching Writing. Paper presented to the 1st International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching Methodology in China, 5th-9th March, 2004, Shanghai, China.

Research Projects
Research on strengthening speech rights of Chinese culture under the context of international cultural communication. approved and funded by Shanxi Planning and Design Office, 2018.

Research on American Epic Novel, Humanities & Social Science Project, approved and funded by Ministry of Education, 2015

Long-term Mechanism Research on Bidirectional Flow between English Teaching and Enterprises Innovative Talents of Shanxi Colleges During the Transformation Period, approved and funded by Shanxi Science and Technology Bureau, 2013.

Long-term Mechanism Research on Bidirectional Flow between English Teaching and Enterprises Innovative Talents of Shanxi Colleges During the Transformation Period, approved and funded by Shanxi Scholarship Council of China. 2013

A Research on the Status of Intercultural Communication Ability—on the Basis of the Teaching Reform of English and American Literature. approved and funded by Shanxi Education Commission, 2013

Strategy Research on the English Translation of Shanxi Tourism Resources from the Perspective of Cross-cultural Disseminate Theory, approved and funded by Shanxi Planning and Design Office, 2012.

Enculturation Research on Chinese Traditional Culture in UK, Philosophy and Social Sciences Project, approved and funded by Shanxi Education Commission, 2012

Study on Cultural Ecology Balance in the English globalization Context, Philosophy and Social Sciences Project, approved and funded by Shanxi Education Commission, June, 2009.

Reform and Study on the Syllabus and Teaching Mode of British and American Literature for English Majors, approved and funded by Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Sept. 2008.

Reform and Practice on Systematic Construction of Cultural Courses for English Majors, approved and funded by Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Sept. 2007.

A Systematic Evaluation on the Quality of College English Teaching, approved and funded by Shanxi Provincial Government, Sept. 2001

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