

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-26

2014-现在: 山西大学全职****、博导
1.肿瘤细胞中心体扩增和凋亡的关系及其分子机制的研究。山西大学。** RMB。2014-2016
2.Characterizing the resveratrol-evoked, Bax and p53independent apoptosis signaling cascades: in relevance to the therapeutic development of resveratrol in treating drug-resistant cancers. National Medical Research Council of Singapore, 201,550 SGD, 2008-2011
3.Proteomic delineation of p53 signaling pathways. National Medical Research Council of Singapore 190,000 SGD, 2009-2011
4.Glucose-evoked cell death and underlying molecular mechanisms: in relevance to the development of diabetic nephropathy. National Medical Research Council of Singapore 190,000 SGD, 2009-2011
5.Establishment of a catalogue of Chinese-specific genetic markers for obesity, diabetes and diabetic kidney disease. Hong Kong Innovation Technology Fund, 4,473,000 HKD, 2000-2003
6.Screening for mutation/polymorphisms in obesity-related genes, melanocortin-4 receptor, uncoupling protein 2 and 3 and tumor necrosis factor-a, in Chinese patients with early-onset type 2 diabetes and a positive family history. Chinese University of Hong Kong, 110,000 HKD, 2000-2001
7.Role of hyperglycemia and oxidative stress on gene expression implicated in cancer pathways in type 2diabetes. Sanofi, 832,600 HKD, 20120-2013
8.Genome-wide search for diabetes-associated genes in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes characterized by insulin deficient or non-insulin resistance in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Research Gant Council. 580,000 HKD, 1999-2001
9.Establishment of a catalogue of Chinese-specific genetic markers for obesity, diabetes and diabetic kidney disease. Hong Kong Industrial Fund. 500000 HKD, 2000-2003
10.Mapping genes for young onset diabetes obesity and diabetic nephropathy. Chinese University of Hong Kong. 500000 HKD. 1999-2001.
1.Lee SC*, Chan J, Proteomic identification of TCP-1 gamma as p53 responsive protein. Cancer Genomics and Proteomics. 9:101-108, 2012
2.Chan J, Benny Tan, Lee SC*. Scutellarin sensitizes drug-evoked colon cancer cell apoptosis through enhanced caspase-6 activation. Anticancer Res. 29:3043-3047, 2009
3.Lee SC*, Chan J, Pervaiz S. Spontaneous and 5-fluorouracil-evoked centrosome amplification lowers the threshold to resveratrol-induced apoptosis in colon cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 288:36-41, 2009
4.Chan J, Phoo R, Clement M, Pervaiz S, Lee SC*. Resveratrol displays converse dose-related effects on 5-fluorouracil-evoked colon cancer cell apoptosis: the roles of caspase-6 and p53. Cancer Bio & Therapy. 7:1-8, 2008
5.Lee SC*, Sim N, Clement M, Yadav S, Pervaiz S. Dominant negative Rac1N17 attenuates human melanoma M14 cell apoptosis sensitivity by upregulation of heat shock protein 27: a functional proteomic study. Proteomics. 7:4112-4122, 2007
6.Lee SC*, Pervaiz S. Apoptosis in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus and its microvascular complications. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 39:497-504, 2007
7.Lee SC, Chan J, Clement M, Pervaiz S. Functional proteomic analysis of resveratrol-evoked colon cancer cell apoptosis: caspase-6 cleavage of lamin A is a major signalling loop. Proteomics. 6:2386-94, 2006
8.Wang Y, Ng MC, Lee SC, So WY, Tong PC, Cockram CS, Critchley JA, Chan JC. Phenotypic heterogeneity and associations of two aldose reductase gene polymorphisms with nephropathy and retinopathy in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 26:2410-2415, 2003
9.Ko GT, Lee SC, Pu YB, Ng MC, So WY, Thomas N, Chan WB, Cockram CS, Chan JC. Tumour necrosis factor-alpha promoter gene polymorphism at - 308 (genotype AA) in Chinese subjects with Type 2 diabetes. Diabet Med. 20:167-168, 2003
10.Lee SC*, Cooper GJS. Amylin evokes protein p20 phosphorylation and insulin resistance in rat skeletal muscle extensor digitorum longus. Sci China 45:159-165, 2002.
11.Ng MC, Lee SC, Ko GT, Li JK, So WY, Hashim Y, Barnett AH, Mackay IR, Critchley JA, Cockram CS, Chan JC. Familial early-onset type 2 diabetes in Chinese patients: obesity and genetics have more significant roles than autoimmunity. Diabetes Care 24:663-671, 2001
12.Lee SC*, Wang Y, Ko GTC, Critchley JAJH, Cockram, CS and Chan JCN. Risks factors for cataract in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes: Evidence for the influence of the aldose reductase gene. Clin Genet 59:356-359, 2001
13.Lee SC*, Ko GTC, Li JKY, Chow CC, Yeung VTF, Critchley JAJH, Cockram CS, Chan JCN. Factors predicting the age at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in Hong Kong Chinese. Diabetes Care 24:646-649, 2001
14.Chan JCN, Ng M, Critchley JAJH, Lee SC, Cockram CS. Diabetes mellitus-a special medical challenge from a Chinese perspective. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 54 (Suppl 1):19-27, 2001
15.Lee SC*, Hashim, Y. Li JKY, Ko GTC, Critchley JAJH, Cockram CS and Chan JCN. The islet amyloid polypeptide (amylin) gene S20G mutation in Chinese subjects: Evidence for associations with Type 2 diabetes and cholesterol levels Clin Endocr 54:541-546, 2001
16.Lee SC*, Pu YB, Chow CC, Yeung VTF, Ko GTC, So WY, Li JKY, Chan WB, Ma RCW, Critchley JAJH, Cockram CS and Chan JCN. Diabetes in Hong Kong Chinese: Familial clustering and parental effects. Diabetes Care 23:1365-1368, 2000
17.Lee SC*, Pu YB, Thomas NG, Critchley JAJH, Thomlinson B, Cockram CS and Chan JCN. Tumor necrosis factor-? gene G-308A polymorphism in the metabolic syndrom. Metab 49:1021-1024, 2000
18.Jazwinska EC, Pyper WR, Burt MJ, Francis JC, Goldwurm S, Webb SI, Lee SC, Halliday JW and Powell LW. Haplotype analysis in Australian hemochromatosis patients: Evidence for a predominant ancestral haplotype exclusively associated with hemochromatosis. Am J Impact factor: 11.1, cited for 74 times (60 times excluding self citation)
19.Jazwinska EC, Lee SC, Webb SI, Halliday JW and Powell LW. Mapping of hemochromatosis gene to close to D6S105 and HLA-A by linkage analysis. Am J Hum Genet 53:347-352, 1993
E-mail: lee_shao@hotmail.com
地 址:山西省太原市坞城路92号山西大学生命科学学院,030006

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