

烟台大学 免费考研网/2016-03-15


职务:    系副主任

教授课程:  高等数学、数学软件

研究方向:  混沌、分岔

孙丰云: 男,山东泰安人. 工作单位:烟台大学数学与信息科学学院,


1999.9—2003.7 曲阜师范大学 数学 本科毕业

2003.9—2008.7 中山大学 运筹学与控制论 (硕博连读) 博士毕业

2008.7— 烟台大学 数学与信息科学学院 工作



地址:烟台市莱山区清泉路30号 数学与信息科学学院 264005


【1】 Sun fengyun, Zhao yi, Zhou tianshou. Identify fully uncertain parameters and design controllers based on synchronization. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals.Vol. 34.(2007),1677-1682. (SCI)【2】 Sun fengyun. Shil'nikov heteroclinic orbits in a chaotic system. Int.J.Modern PhysicsB .Vol.27 No.25(2007),4429-4436. (SCI)【3】 Sun fengyun. Global Chaos Synchronization between Two New Different Chaotic Systemsvia Active Control. Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol.23 No.1(2006),32-34. (SCI)【4】 Sun feng yun,Zhou xueqin. Simulation and synchronization studies on voltage collapse model in power system. 2011 IEEE Power Engineering and Automation Conference,WuHanChina (PEAM 2011).(EI,ISTP)【5】 Sun fengyun,Zhao yi. Identify fully-uncertain parameters and design controllers basedon synchronization for chaotic fractional-order unified system.International Journalof Pure and Applied Mathematics.Vol.1 NO 2 (2010). 103-112. 其他论文:【6】 Sun fengyun, Qin Li. Dynamic analysis and chaos of the 4-D fractional-order power system. Abstract and Applied Analysis. Accepted and In press 2013. (SCI)【7】 Sun fengyun. A scheme to synchronization a new fractional-order hyperchaotic system and computer simulation . 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (2012) (EI,ISTP)【8】 Yan yuqing,Sun fengyun. Insensitizing controls for a forward stochastic heat equation .Journal of Mathematical Analysis and application Volume 384,ISSUE 1, December 2011, Pages 138-150. (SCI)【9】 Sun fengyun,Li qin. A New scheme to synchronization of the fractional-order chaotic systems and simulation. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering ,ShangHai,China. (2011). (EI,ISTP)【10】Liu changkai, Sun fengyun(Corresponding Author). A scheme to synchronization a new fractional-order hyperchaotic system and computer simulation .2012 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (2012) (EI,ISTP)【11】Sun fengyun, Zhao yi. On the Trapping Region of the Trajectories of ChaoticLorenz-type System.The Chinese Control Conference (2007). (2)147-150. (EI,ISTP)【12】Xu guangli,Sun feng yun. Existence of the attractor and numerical analysis for the fractional-order Lv et. power system.2012 IEEE Power Engineering and Automation Conference (PEAM 2012). (EI,ISTP).【13】Sun fengyun. Shil'nikov heteroclinic orbits in new chaotic system. Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems. Vol.11. NO.1 (2008), 89-93. 山东省高等学校青年骨干教师国内访问学者项目资助,并于2014年2月至2015年1月去中山大学数学与计算科学学院针对该项目进行为期一年的访问学习。
