

烟台大学 免费考研网/2016-03-15


职务:    讲师

教授课程:  高等数学

研究方向:  多物理问题数值算法与理论

2004.9-2008.7 山东理工大学 信息与计算科学 理学学士;

2008.9-2011.7 兰州大学 基础数学 理学硕士;

2011.9-2015.12 西安交通大学 计算数学 理学博士;

2014.9-2015.9 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 计算数学 联合培养;


2016.2-至今, 烟台大学 数学与信息科学学院, 计算科学系, 讲师;



10. Guo-Dong Zhang, Yinnian He, Decoupled schemes for unsteady MHD equations I:Time discr

etization, 2016, Submitted.

9. Yicong Ma, Jinchao Xu, Guo-Dong Zhang, Error estimates for a structure preservin discretization of an incompressible MHD system, 2016, Submitted.

8. Jinjin Yang, Yinnian He, Guo-Dong Zhang, The well posedness and convergence analysis of second order Newton linearization of MHD equations, 2016, Submitted.

7. Guo-Dong Zhang, Yinnian He, Unconditional convergence of the Euler semi-implicit

scheme for the 3D incompressible MHD equations:numerical implementation, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow,2015

6. Guodong Zhang, Xiaojing Dong, Yongzheng An, Hong Liu, Newconditions of stability and convergence of Stokes and Newton iterations forNavier-Stokes equations, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2015.

5. Guo-Dong Zhang, Yinnian He, Decoupled schemes for unsteady MHDequations II:Finite element spatial discretization and numericalimplementation, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2015,

4. Guo-Dong Zhang, Yan Zhang, Yinnian He, Two-Level Coupled andDecoupled Parallel Correction Methods for Stationary IncompressibleMagnetohydrodynamics, Journal of Scientific Computing,2015.

3. Guo-DongZhang, Yinnian He, Di Yang,Analysis of coupling iterations based on thefinite element method for stationary magnetohydrodynamics on a general domain, Computers& Mathematics with Applications , 2014.

2. Guo-DongZhang, Yinnian He, Yan Zhang, Streamline diffusion finite element method forstationary incompressible magnetohydrodynamics, Numerical Methods for PartialDifferential Equations, 2014.

1. Guo-Dong Zhang, Hong-Rui,Sun,Multiple solutions for a fourth-order difference boundary value problem withparameter via variational approach, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2012.
