

烟台大学 免费考研网/2016-03-15


获工学博士学位,博士毕业至今在烟台大学数学与信息科学学院工作。在控制论领域的国际权威杂志《IEEE Transaction on Automatic


本科 数学分析 概率统计 数理统计 多元统计 现代控制理论

研究生 线性系统理论 最优控制 非线性控制 自适应控制 概率论与测渡论 随机过程


[15] Z. J. Wu, M. Y. Cui, P. Shi and H. R. Karimi, Stability of stochastic
nonlinear systems with state-dependent switching,IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, Accepted as Full Paper.

[14]. Z. J. Wu, Y. Q. Xia, and X. J. Xie, Stochastic Barbalat's lemma and its
applications, IEEE Transactions on Automatic

[13]. Z. J. Wu , M.Y. Cui, and P. Shi, Backstepping control in vector form
for stochastic Hamiltonian systems, SIAM Journal on Control
and Optimization, Volume 50(2), pp. 925-942, 2012.

[12]. Z. J. Wu and Y. H. Liu, Stochastic Stabilization of Nonholonomic Mobile
Robot with Heading-Angle-Dependent Disturbance, Volume 2012 (2012),Mathematical
Problems in Engineering, Article ID 870498, 17

[11]. Z. J. Wu and Y. H. Liu, Robust output-feedback control for
stochasticnonlinear systems with modeling errors. Journal of Control Theory and
Applications (10.1007/s11768-012-0068-0) (Online First?, 23 December 2011).

[10] Z. J. Wu and M. Y. Cui and X. J. Xie and P. Shi,Theory of stochastic
dissipative systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic

[9].Z. J. Wu and J. Yang and P. Shi, Adaptive
tracking for stochastic nonlinear systems with Markovian switching, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 55, 2135-2141,
2010.(SCI IF 2.556)

[8] Z. J. Wu and X. J. Xie and P. Shi and Y. Q. Xia,
“Backstepping controller design for a class of stochastic nonlinear systems with
Markovian switching", Automatica,vol. 45, pp.
997–1004,2009.(SCI 4.103)

[7]. Z. J. Wu, X. J. Xie “Robust adaptive output feedback control
for nonlinear systems with output unmodeled dynamics,” International journal of
robust and nonlinear control vol. 18, pp. 1162-1187, 2008(SCI IF 1.108)

[6]. Z. J. Wu, X. J. Xie, and S. Y. Zhang, “Adaptive backstepping
controller design using stochastic small-gain theorem,” Automatica, vol. 43, pp. 608–620, 2007.Regular paper.(SCI
IF 2.273)

[5]. Z. J. Wu, X. J. Xie, and S. Y. Zhang, “Stochastic adaptive
backstepping controller design by introducing dynamic signal and changing supply
function,” International Journal of Control, vol. 79, pp. 1635–1646, 2006.(SCI
IF 0.989)

[4]. Z. J. Wu, X. J. Xie, and S. Y. Zhang, “Robust decentralized
adaptive stabilization for a class of interconnected systems with unmodeled
dynamics,” International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 35, pp. 389–405,
2004.(SCI IF 0.239)

[3]. Z. J. Wu, X. J. Xie, and S. Y. Zhang, “Reduced-order design
of robust adaptive backstepping controller,” Acta Automatica Sinica, 自动化学报vol.
31, pp. 543–548, 2005.(一类EI)

[2]. 吴昭景,解学军, 张嗣赢, 具有动态和静态关联项大系统的鲁棒分散自适应镇定",控制与决策,19, 2004,

[1].Z. J. Wu, X. J. Xie, and S. Y. Zhang "Robust decentralized
adaptive stabilization for a class of interconnected systems", Journal of
Control Theory and Applications, 2,2004,137-142.


[7]. Z.J.Wu and M. Y. Cui Backstepping control design for stochastic
Hamiltonian systems, Control Conference (CCC), 2011 30th Chinese.

[6]. Z.J. Wu and Y.H. Liu Stochastic stabilization of nonholonomic mobile
robot Control , Conference (CCC), 2011 30th Chinese.

[5]. Mingjie Li, Zhaojing Wu and Zhongmin Song, Robust adaptive
output-feedback controller design for stochastic nonlinear systems, 1496 - 1499
, Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2010, China(EI)
[4].Jun Yang and Zhaojing Wu, Stochastic position control for
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, 2192 - 2197, Chinese Control and Decision
Conference, 2010, China(EI)

[3] Zhaojing Wu, Xuejun Xie. Backstepping Controller Design for A
Class of Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Markovian Switching Proceedings of
the 27th Chinese Control Conference. July 16–18, 2008, Kunming, Yunnan,

[2]Zhaojing Wu. Lyapunov Function-based Stochastic Small-gain
Theorem and Its Applications. Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 2008 July
2–4, 2008, Yantai, Shandong, China(EI)

[1].Zhaojing Wu, Xuejun Xie., Adaptive Output Feedback Control for Stochastic
Nonlinear Systems, Proceedings of the Sixth WCICA, DaLian, China, 2006,




主持: 中国博士后科学基金面上项目"随机无源性理论"(准号:**9)第45批

主持: 山东省博士后科学基金"随机系统的爆炸前耗散性理论"(准号:**)

参与: 国家自然科学基金面上项目《随机非线性系统的控制问题研究》(准号:**)2008-01至2010-12




No.32 Qingquan Road, Laishan District,
Yantai, Shandong 264005, China.

School of Mathematics and Informational
Science, Yantai University, Yantai, Shandong Province, 264005,China.

