Impact of an accidental explosion in Tianjin Port on enhanced atmospheric nitrogen deposition over the Bohai Sea inferred from aerosol nitrate dual isotopes
Zong Zheng1; Sun Zeyu1,2; Tan Yang1; Tian Chongguo1; Qu Lin3; Ji Ling3
研究领域Environmental Sciences & Ecology
英文摘要In recent years, emergent pollutant's accidents have occurred frequently in China, causing serious harm to the ecological environment. In this study, the impact of an accidental fire and explosion at Tianjin Port in 2015 on the atmosphere over the Bohai Sea was explored. Results showed sharp increases in the concentrations of several important components of fine particulate matter (e.g. NO_3 -, SO_4~(2-), NH_4~+, organic carbon, elemental carbon) over Beihuangcheng Island after the explosion. Among them, NO_3 - was most affected (about 10 days), with a maximum concentration of 16.45 mug m~(-3). The delta~(15)N-NO_3 - ranged from -1.58 to +8.74, with an average of +2.79 3.32. Influenced by the explosion, delta~(15)N-NO_3 - decreased significantly, which was in accordance with the industrial processes of explosives. The delta~(18)O-NO_3 - varied between +49.40 and +69.52, and showed a marked increase (+66.62 3.92) in the explosion-affected period. Using Monte Carlo simulation, the ·OH pathway for NO_3 - formation was 51.79% 10.94% at that timemuch lower than in the regular period. The elevated dry deposition of NO_3 - caused by the explosion was 266.08 mumol N m~(-2) d~(-1) over the Bohai Seaagain, much higher than in the regular period. With the dry nitrogen deposition of NH_4~+ (42.41 mumol N m~(-2) d~(-1)), the total nitrogen deposition increased by 308.49 mumol N m~(-2) d~(-1), leading to severe ecological risk. Through the inverse computation of the dry deposition flux of NO_3 -, the affected area over the Bohai Sea was less than 1.42 * 10~4 km~2, which is about 20% of the total area.
中文摘要近年来,我国突发性污染事故频繁发生,对生态环境造成了严重危害。本研究基于气溶胶硝酸盐的氮氧同位素确认并评估了2015年天津港火灾爆炸事故对渤海地区大气氮沉降的影响研究结果表明delta~(15)N-NO_3 -与delta~(18)O-NO_3 -范围分别为-1.58至+8.74与+49.40 至+69.52 受到火灾爆炸影响,delta~(15)N-NO_3 -显著下降,而delta~(18)O-NO_3 -明显上升。火灾爆炸导致渤海地区大气氮沉降量增加308.49 mumol N m~(-2) d~(-1),其中硝态氮为266.08 mumol N m~(-2) d~(-1),总影响区域约为渤海面积的1/5。本研究显示同位素技术是污染事故研究中重要的示踪手段。
资助机构supported by a project funded by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation; the National Natural Science Foundation of China
作者单位1.Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Laboratory of Coastal Environmental Processes and Ecological Remediation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai.;
2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.;
3.Yantai Monitoring Center of Marine Environment, State Oceanic Administration of the People's Republic of China, Yantai
GB/T 7714Zong Zheng,Sun Zeyu,Tan Yang,et al. Impact of an accidental explosion in Tianjin Port on enhanced atmospheric nitrogen deposition over the Bohai Sea inferred from aerosol nitrate dual isotopes[J]. 大气和海洋科学快报,2020,13(3):195-201.
APAZong Zheng,Sun Zeyu,Tan Yang,Tian Chongguo,Qu Lin,&Ji Ling.(2020).Impact of an accidental explosion in Tianjin Port on enhanced atmospheric nitrogen deposition over the Bohai Sea inferred from aerosol nitrate dual isotopes.大气和海洋科学快报,13(3),195-201.
MLAZong Zheng,et al."Impact of an accidental explosion in Tianjin Port on enhanced atmospheric nitrogen deposition over the Bohai Sea inferred from aerosol nitrate dual isotopes".大气和海洋科学快报 13.3(2020):195-201.
Impact of an accidental explosion in Tianjin Port on enhanced atmospheric nitrogen deposition over t
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