其他题名Surface properties and changes in morphology of microplastics exposed in-situ to Chinese coastal wetlands
周倩1,2; 涂晨1,2; 张晨捷1; 章海波1,3; 付传城1,4; 李远1,2; 李连祯1,2; 熊宽旭1; 徐笠5; 骆永明1,2,4
研究领域Environmental Sciences & Ecology
英文摘要Coastal wetlands are key areas of accumulation of microplastics. However, until now only a few studies have focused on the surface properties and morphological changes in microplastics in the real coastal wetland environment. Here, two typical biogeographic coastal soils, the Yellow River Estuary salt marsh wetland in the temperate zone and the Beibu Bay mangrove wetland in the subtropical zone, were selected for study. Polystyrene foams and polyethylene films were used and exposed within two coastal wetlands sites through in situ soil burial (underground exposure) and surface placement (above-ground exposure). The samples were sampled after 6, 12, 18 and 24 months of exposure to reveal the characteristics of the surface properties and morphological changes in microplastics in typical wetlands from the southern and northern biogeographic coastal zones. The surface morphology, microstructures and attached materials were observed using scanning electron microscopy using an energy dispersive spectrometer. Surface properties of the microplastics, i.e. the surface roughness, specific surface area, pore size distribution, functional groups and hydrophobicity, were analyzed by using atomic force microscopy, a surface area analyzer, a mercury porosimeter, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and a contact angle meter. The surface morphology of the polystyrene foams in the Beibu Bay mangrove wetland exhibited more pits and holes than those in the Yellow River Estuary salt marsh wetland. The polystyrene foams exposed aboveground in the Beibu Bay mangrove wetland showed embrittlement and exfoliation after 18 months, while those exposed underground did not show such features. The specific surface areas of the polystyrene foams and the polyethylene films in the Yellow River Estuary salt marsh wetland were higher than those in the Beibu Bay mangrove wetland. The pore distributions on the surfaces of the two microplastic types mainly comprised macropores and mesopores. However, the porosity of the polyethylene film in the Yellow River Estuary salt marsh wetland was slightly higher than in the Beibu Bay mangrove wetland. The porosities in both regions were higher than in the original control samples. In terms of carbonyl index, rates of change in the Yellow River Estuary salt marsh wetland were higher than those in the Beibu Bay mangrove wetland. The surface hydrophobicity of the polyethylene film in the two regions declined with increasing exposure time. The changes in surface morphology of the polystyrene foams were more rapid than those in the polyethylene films, but the degree of change in specific surface area of the polyethylene films was greater than in the case of the polystyrene foams. It can be concluded that the surface properties and changes in morphology of microplastics in the coastal soil environment are related to multiple factors including the types and conditions of the wetlands, types of microplastics, exposure mode and exposure time. However, the specific mechanisms of these surface changes require further study. In summary, this study provides a scientific basis for research on the chemical processes of the micro-interfaces on the microplastic surfaces and environmental behavior and risk assessment of microplastics in the Chinese coastal zone.
资助机构国家自然科学基金; 中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目; 国家重点研发计划
GB/T 7714周倩,涂晨,张晨捷,等. 滨海湿地环境中微塑料表面性质及形貌变化[J]. 科学通报,2021,66(13):1580-1591.
MLA周倩,et al."滨海湿地环境中微塑料表面性质及形貌变化".科学通报 66.13(2021):1580-1591.
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