其他题名Vertical distribution and influencing factors of heavy metals in oilfield soil in the Yellow River Delta
李沅蔚; 邹艳梅; 王传远


关键词土壤粒度重金属石油污染垂直分布TocSoil Particle SizeHeavy MetalsTocPetroleum PollutionVertical Distribution
研究领域Environmental Sciences & Ecology
产权排序(1) 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所
; (2) 中国科学院大学
英文摘要In the Yellow River Delta region,long-term exploitation of oil and gas in Shengli Oilfield has caused the deterioration of soil environmental quality in the oil production areas. Soil samples were collected from the oil-contaminated area of Shengli Oilfield. The distribution of 10 heavy metal elements (Pb,V,Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn and Cd), soil particle size and total organic carbon (TOC) specific gravity under the influence of petroleum pollution were studied.The results showed that the soil particles d0.5 of 19 soil profiles ranged from 18 to 44 mum,most of which belonged to fine sand. The vertical distribution of heavy metals in the soil profiles of the oilfield contaminated area was significantly different from that of the non-polluted area. Affected by petroleum hydrocarbons and their degradation products,the eight major heavy metal (Pb,V,Mn, Fe,Co,Cu,Zn and Cd) in the 010 cm or 1020 cm layers of the oilfield has the highest. The maximum values are 32.51,88.04,336.9,2.530*10~4,9.76,23.46,87.15 and 0.38 mg·kg~(-1), respectively. The control group was influenced by the process of soil formation,and there were two different changes of heavy metals in the deep layers of soil (3050 cm). In addition,through cluster and correlation analysis,in the oilfield,the eight major heavy metals (Pb,V,Mn,Fe,Co, Cu,Zn and Cd) were mainly impacted by the leakage of petroleum in the shallow layers,but the deep layers were mainly affected by the soil background value. The correlation between heavy metal contents and TOC (removed the surface layer) is high. Cr and Ni were affected by the soil formation process. The eight heavy metals in the non-oil area were affected by the atmospheric deposition and soil formation. There is a general negative correlation between heavy metal content and clay,silt particles,but there is no obvious correlation between the content of heavy metals and TOC. Overall, the results show that the content,movement and distribution of heavy metals in the oilfield soil are influenced by oil pollution and oilfield development. This study will provide a scientific and theoretical basis for the prevention and control of heavy metals-petroleum hydrocarbon composite pollution in the Yellow River Delta wetland.
中文摘要在黄河三角洲地区,由于胜利油田油气长期开采造成了采油区土壤环境质量的不断恶化.通过对胜利油田石油污染区土壤进行采样和分析,重点研究石油污染影响下10种重金属元素(Pb、V、Cr、Mn、Fe、Co、 Ni、Cu、Zn和Cd)的含量、土壤粒径和总有机碳比重(TOC)分布规律.结果表明, 19个土壤剖面的土壤颗粒d0.5的范围为1844 mum,大部分属于细砂粒;但油田污染区土壤剖面重金属的垂直分布相较于对照组非污染区,二者存在明显差异:受石油烃及其降解产物的影响,油田区8种主要重金属(Pb、V、Mn、Fe、Co、Cu、Zn和Cd)在010 cm或1020 cm层重金属含量最高,最大值分别为32.51、88.04、336.9、2.530*10~4、9.76、23.46、87.15、 0.38 mg·kg~(-1);对照组受成土过程的影响,重金属在土壤深层(3050 cm)出现两种不同的变化规律.通过聚类和相关性分析,油田区8种主要重金属(Pb、V、Mn、Fe、Co、Cu、Zn和Cd)浅层受泄漏石油影响为主,深层受土壤本底值影响为主,含量与土壤TOC(除去表层)的相关性较高; Cr、Ni则是受成土过程的影响.而非油区中8种重金属受大气沉降和成土过程的共同影响,含量与黏、粉粒之间普遍存在负相关关系,与TOC没有明显的相关性.分析结果表明,油区土壤中重金属的含量、迁移及其分布都受到了石油污染和油田开发的影响.该研究将对黄河三角洲湿地重金属-石油烃复合污染物污染的预防和治理提供一定的科学理论依据.
关键词[WOS]土壤粒度; 重金属; 石油污染; 垂直分布; Toc; Soil Particle Size; Heavy Metals; Toc; Petroleum Pollution; Vertical Distribution
研究领域[WOS]Environmental Sciences & Ecology
GB/T 7714李沅蔚,邹艳梅,王传远. 黄河三角洲油田区土壤重金属的垂直分布规律及其影响因素[J]. 环境化学,2019,38(11):2583-2593.
MLA李沅蔚,et al."黄河三角洲油田区土壤重金属的垂直分布规律及其影响因素".环境化学 38.11(2019):2583-2593.