姓名 | 于鲁刚 | 性 别 | 男 | 身份证号 | **4(护照号) | |||||||
技术 职务 | 教授 | 行政职务 | Deputy Director | 研究方向 | Glyco-oncology | |||||||
最高 学历 | 研究生 | 最高学位 | 博士 | 本科毕业学校 | 山东大学 | |||||||
获最高学历时间、学校、专业 | 英国, 利物浦大学, 1993-1996, Cancer Biology | |||||||||||
获最高学位时间、学校、专业 | 英国, 利物浦大学, Dec 1996, Cancer Biology | |||||||||||
海外经历(单位、起止时间、事由) | 英国, University of Liverpool, Nov 1991- present | |||||||||||
学术头衔或人才称号 | Professor (tenured) | 主要学术兼职 | Editorial Board member of several journals | |||||||||
拟申请导师类别 | 硕导 | 拟申请指导专 业 | 细胞生物学 | |||||||||
工作单位 | 英国利物浦大学 | 工作单位地址 | Institute of Translational Medicine, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3GE, United Kingdom | |||||||||
移动电话 | **455 | 办公电话 | +44 (0)151 ** | 常用邮箱 | lgyu@liv.ac.uk | |||||||
个人简介(学习经历、研究方向、科研水平、学术成果等相关情况,800 字左右。) Employment Record 2014-present Professor, Gastroenterology Unit, Department of Cell & Mol Physiology, University of Liverpool 2008-present Deputy Director, Centre for Glycobiology, University of Liverpool 2011- 2014 Reader, Department of Gastroenterology, University of Liverpool 2006 - 2011 Senior Lecturer, Department of Gastroenterology, University of Liverpool 2000 - 2006 Lecturer, School of Clinical Sciences, University of Liverpool 1993 - 1999 Research Associate, Department of Medicine, University of Liverpool 1991 - 1992 European Commission Research Fellow, Department of Medicine, University of Liverpool 1986 - 1991 Research Associate, Institute of Pharmacology & Toxicology, AMMS, Beijing, China 1982 - 1983 Assistant Research Associate, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, Shanghai, China Editorial Board member of: Frontiers in Oncology; Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment; Translational Gastrointestinal Cancer; Scientific Reports; PLOS One; Oncology Letters; Glycobiology Insights. Member of: British Association for Cancer Research; Member, European Association for Cancer Research; British Biochemical Society; British Medical Research Society; American Glycobiology Society | ||||||||||||
近五年(2012 年 12 月-2017 年 11 月)作为负责人(首位)承担的厅局级及以上科研项目名称、来源及编 号、起止时间、个人位次、经费数。限填 3 项。 | ||||||||||||
项目名称及编号 | 项目来源 | 起止 时间 | 位次 | 本人实际可支配经费 数(British pound) | 审核人 | |||||||
Functional characterization of the endothelial cell surface molecules responsible for galectin-3-induced secretion of metastasis-promoting cytokines. (CR977) | North West Cancer Research Fund, UK | 2014- 17 | 1 | £150,000 | ||||||||
Investigation of galectin-3 interaction with TT-compounds for development of novel anti-metastasis agents.(MR/L014327) | Medical Research Council, UK | 2014- 18 | 1 | £110,000 | ||||||||
Identification of novel therapeutic leads form modified heparin derivatives for blocking galectin-3-mediated cancer metastasis. | Medical Research Council, UK | 2013- 15 | 1 | £494,000 | ||||||||
(G**) | ||||||||||
目前实际可支配经费总数 | £200,000 | 元 | ||||||||
近五年(2012 年 12 月-2017 年 11 月)获厅局级及以上科技进步奖、教学成果奖等奖励名称及编号、个人 位次、获奖时间、级别等。限填 3 项。 | ||||||||||
成果名称及编号 | 奖励名称 及等级 | 位次 | 获奖时间 | 奖励 级别 | 审核人 | |||||
近五年(2012 年 12 月-2017 年 11 月)以第一作者或通讯作者在核心期刊或国外重要刊物发表学术论文、 主编出版学术专著的名称、出版单位、时间、个人位次、收录情况等。限填 5 项。 | ||||||||||
论文、专著名称 | 发表的杂志或出 版社名称 | 时间 | 位次 | 收录情况(限填 SCI、 EI、ISTP 收录) | 审核人 | |||||
Interaction of cell surface MUC1 with galectin-3 promotes EGFR activation by increasing EGFR dimerization in human epithelial cells. | Cell Death & Differentiation 2017, 24:1937-1947. | 2017 | Corresp onding author | SCI | ||||||
Chemically modified, non-anticoagulant heparin derivatives are potent galectin-3 binding inhibitors and inhibit circulating galectin-3-promoted metastasis. | Oncotarget 2015, 6:23671-23687 | 2015 | Corresp onding author | SCI | ||||||
Circulating galectins -2, -4 and -8 in cancer patients make important contributions to the increased circulation of several cytokines and chemokines that promote angiogenesis and metastasis. | British Journal of Cancer 2014, 110:741-52. . | 2014 | Corresp onding author | SCI | ||||||
MUC1 extracellular domain contributes to resistance of epithelial cancer cells to anoikis. | Cell Death & Disease 2014, 5, e1438. | 2014 | Corresp onding author | SCI | ||||||
Increased circulation of galectin-3 in cancer induces secretion of metastasis-promoting cytokines from blood vascular endothelium. | Clinical Cancer Research 2013, 19:1693-704. | 2013 | Corresp onding author | SCI | ||||||
所在科室、教研室、研究室意见 | 负责人签字: 年 月 日 | |||||||||
所在单位(医院、培养基地、二级院系等)意见 | 负责人签字: 年 月 日 | (公章) | ||||||||
院(系)意见 | 负责人签字: 年 月 日 | (公章) | ||||||||
校学位评定委员会办公室审核意见 | 负责人签字: 年 月 日 | (公章) | ||||||||
备注:1、本表 A4 纸正反面打印,不另加附页,一式三份。