

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-25

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电子邮箱: jszhang@upc.edu.cn
通讯地址: 青岛经济技术开发区长江西路66号
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2012.12- 中国石油大学(华东)理学院,副教授
2008.07-2012.12 中国石油大学(华东)理学院,讲师

2014.09-2015.08 巴西国家科学计算实验室(LNCC ),访问****
2010.01-2010.02 澳大利亚西澳大学(UWA),访问****

2003.09-2008.06 山东大学数学院,博士学位
1999.09-2003.07 山东大学数学院,学士学位

2016.08.25-2016.08.29 新疆科学计算与应用学术研讨会,乌鲁木齐,30分钟邀请报告;
2016.07.16-2016.07.19 全国第十七次“积分方程、边值问题及其应用”学术会议,南宁;
2014.12.03 巴西科学计算国家实验室,计算数学与应用研讨班,1小时学术报告;
2014.07.24-2014.07.25 最优控制问题与反问题的理论算法及应用研讨会,北京;



2017.01-2019.12 油藏数值模拟中渗流驱动问题的质量守恒数值算法研究,中央高校基础研究专项基金,主持,位次:1/6;
2016.01-2018.12,地下水污染控制问题的稳定化数值方法研究,自主创新科研计划项目, 参与,位次:3/6;
2015.09-2017.09, 多尺度孔隙煤层气运移模拟中的混合有限元方法研究, 自主创新科研计划项目, 参与,位次:3/5;
2014.06-2017.06 海水入侵问题的若干新型数值算法研究,山东省自然科学基金项目青年科学基金,主持,位次:1/7;
2015.01-2017.12 海水入侵问题的并行子空间校正算法研,国家自然科学基金项目青年科学基金,主持,位次:1/6;
2013.01-2015.12 能源数值模拟问题中最优控制问题的最小二乘混合元方法研究,山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金项目,参与,位次:4/7;
2013.01-2015.12 受时变对流扩散方程约束的最优控制问题的SUPG方法研究,国家自然科学基金项目青年科学基金,参与,位次:3/6;
2013.01-2015.12 太阳能聚光集热与多蒸发器环路热管传输方法,国家自然科学基金项目青年科学基金,参与,位次:2/7;
2012.01-2012.12 多孔介质流的一类新型区域分解并行算法,数学天元青年基金,主持,位次1/2;
2011.10-2013.09 多孔介质流的一类新型并行算法研究,中央高校基础研究专项基金,主持,位次:1/4;
2012.01-2014.12 油水资源渗流驱动问题新型算法研究,国家自然科学基金项目青年科学基金,参与,位次:2/7;
2011.01-2013.12 油藏数值模拟中的新型算法研究,山东省自然科学基金联合专项,参与,位次:2/7;
2011.01-2012.12 水平井酸化中的变质量流动规律研究,中央高校基础研究专项基金,参与,位次:3/6。

2014.05 中国石油大学(华东)2013-2014年度“优秀青年工作者”;
2013.11 中国石油大学(华东)2012-2013年度“优秀班主任”;
2013.09 中国石油大学(华东) “优秀教师”;
2013.08 油藏数值模拟中多孔介质流的若干新型算法研究,青岛经济技术开发区科学技术奖,三等奖,位次:2/3;
2013.06 线性系统高效算法及其在机器学习中的应用,山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖,二等奖,位次:4/5;
2013.04 美国数学建模竞赛二等奖(2013 Mathematical Contest in Modeling-HonorableMention,Problem B);
2012.12 油藏数值模拟中多孔介质流的若干新型算法研究,山东高等学校优秀科研成果奖,三等奖,位次:1/3;
2012.12 中国石油大学(华东)理学院青年教师讲课比赛一等奖;
2011.12 中国石油大学(华东)“大学生课外科技活动” 优秀指导教师;
2011.12 “全国大学生数学建模竞赛”山东省一等奖。

Yuezhi Zhang, Jiansong Zhang*, The splitting mixed element method for parabolic equation and its application in chemotaxis model, Applied Mathematics and Computation,2017, accepted.
Jiansong Zhang*, Danping Yang, Hui Guo, Yan Qu, Parallel algorithm combined with mixed element procedure for compressible miscible displacement problem, Nunerical Algorithms, 2017, online.
Jiansong Zhang*, Danping Yang, Parallel splitting positive definite mixed element method for parabolic problem, International Journal of Computational Methods, 2017, online.
Jiansong Zhang*, Jiang Zhu, Rongpei Zhangc, Danping Yang, Abimael F.D. Loula, A combined discontinuous Galerkin finite elementmethod for miscible displacement problem, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 309 (2017) 44–55.
Jiansong Zhang*, Jiang Zhu, Danping Yang, A combined discontinuous Galerkin method for saltwater intrusion problem with splitting mixed procedure, Adv. Appl. Math.Mech., 9:3(2017) 651-666..
Jiansong Zhang*, Jiang Zhu, Danping Yang, Hui Guo, A characteristic splitting mixed finite element method for three-dimensional saltwater intrusion problem,J. Nonlinear Sci Appl., 9:11 (2016) 5806-5820.
张建松*,张月芝, 朱江,羊丹平, 对流占优扩散方程的分裂特征混合有限元方法,高校应用数学学, 31:3(2016) 338-350.
Jiansong Zhang*, Hui Guo, Hongfei Fu and Yanzhen Chang, Parallel algorithm for convection–diffusion system based on least?squares procedure, SpringerPlus, (2016) 5:1690.
Haifeng Niu, Jiansong Zhang, Liuwei Zhang, Yanwei Tian, Numerical analysis of the ellipticoptimal control problem with Lp-norm state constraints, International Conference on Intelligent Control and Computer Application (ICCA) 2016, pp.213-216.
Jiansong Zhang*, Jiang Zhu, Rongpei Zhang,Characteristic splitting mixed finite element analysis of Keller–Segel chemotaxis models, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 278 (2016) 33–44.
Hongfei Fu, Hongxing Rui, Hui Guo, Jiansong Zhang, Jian Hou, A splitting least-squares mixed finite element method for elliptic optimal control problems, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 13:4(2016) 610-626.
Hongfei Fu, Hongxing Rui, Jiansong Zhangand Hui Guo, A priori errorestimate of splitting positive definite mixed einite element method for parabolic optimal control problems, Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 9:2(2016) 215-238.
Jiansong Zhang*, Hongfei Fu, Hui Guo, A new parallel subspace correction method for advection-diffusion equation, J. Appl. Math. Comput.,50(2016) 299–314.
Jiansong Zhang*, Danping Yang, A New Domain Decomposition Parallel Algorithm for Convection-Diffusion Problem, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 19:4 (2014) 589-605.
Hui Guo, Jiansong Zhang,Two splitting positive definite mixed elementmethods for pseudo-parabolic equations, Mathematica Applicata, 26 (2013) 155-164.
Hui Guo, Hongfei Fu and Jiansong Zhang,Superconvergence of the split least-squares methodfor second-order hyperbolic equations,Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 30:1 (2014) 222–238.
Jiansong Zhang*, Danping Yang, Shuqian Shen and Jiang Zhu, A new MMOCAA-MFE method for compressible miscible displacement in porous media, AppliedNumericalMathematics, 80(2014) 65-80.
Jiang Zhu, Jiansong Zhang, X.Yu, A. Loula and L. Bevilacqua, Mixed variational formulation and numericalanalysis of thermally coupled nonlinear Darcy flows,SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 51:5(2013) 2746–2772.
Hui Guo, Hongfei Fu and Jiansong Zhang, A splitting positive definite mixed finite element method for elliptic optimal control problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219:24 (2013) 11178–11190.
Jiansong Zhang, Jiang Zhu, X. Yu, A. Loula and L. Bevilacqua, Mixed finite element analysis of thermally coupled quasi-Newtonian flows, International journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling B, 4:1(2013) 35-49.
张建松*,朱江,郭会,付红斐,对流扩散反应方程的特征分裂最小二乘方法,高等学校计算数学, 34:4(2012)289-299.
渐令,张建松,宋允全,赵敏, 应用有限差分法模拟高炉炉缸侵蚀,计算机工程与应用,48:9 (2012) 27-29.
Shuqian Shen, Tingzhu Huang, Jiansong Zhang, Augmentation block triangular preconditioners for regularized saddle point problems, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis andApplications, 33 (2012) 721–741.
Hui Guo, Jiansong Zhang, Hongfei Fu,Two splitting positive definite mixed finiteelement methods for parabolic integro-differential equations,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218:22 (2012) 11255-11268.
Jiansong Zhang*, Hui Guo, A split least-squares characteristicmixed element method for nonlinear nonstationary convection-diffusion problem, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 89:7 (2012) 932-943.
Jiansong Zhang*, Danping Yang, Parallel least-squares finite element method for time-dependent convection-diffusion problem, Computing, 91:3 (2011) 217-240.
Jiansong Zhang*, Danping Yang, Hongfei Fu, Hui Guo,Parallel characteristic finite element method for time-dependent convection-diffusion problem,Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 18:4(2011) 695-705.
Jiansong Zhang*, Danping Yang, Parallel characteristic finite difference methodfor convection–diffusion equations, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations,27:4(2011) 854-866.
Jiansong Zhang*, Danping Yang, Jiang Zhu, Two new least-squares mixed finite element procedures for convection-dominated Sobolev equations,Applied Mathematics, a Journal of Chinese Universities, 26 :4 (2011) 401-411.
张建松*,牛海峰,多孔介质中可压缩混溶驱动问题的新型流线扩散混合元方法,山东大学学报(理学版)46:12 (2011) 6-12.
Jiansong Zhang,Jiang Zhu, Danping Yang, Xijun Yu, Finite element analysis of semiconductor device equations with heat effect, International Journalof Numerical Analysis and Modeling B, 1:2(2010) 199-218.
Jiansong Zhang*, Danping Yang, A splitting positive definite mixed element method for second order hyperbolic equations,Numerical Methods for PartialDifferential Equations, 25:3 (2009) 622-636.
张建松*,Sobolev方程的最小二乘混合元方法,工程数学学报,26:4 (2009) 749-752.
G.Li,Jiansong Zhang*, Jiang Zhu, Danping Yang, On vector Helmholtz equation with a coupling boundary condition,NumericalMathematics a Journalof Chinese Universities,16:4(2007)358-369.
张建松*,羊丹平,混合边界条件下电热问题的数值分析,山东大学学报(理学版),42:8(2007) 1-8.


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