本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-25
个人简介:博士生导师,黄岛区‘智能大数据处理创新人才团队’负责人,中国石油大学‘石油大数据处理’团队负责人,崂山区智慧城市建设专家,普适计算专委。2007年到2010年在丹麦aarhus大学计算机系任Research Associate Professor/Senior Researcher。从2008年8月开始是欧盟第六框架项目Hydra物联网中间件的aarhus大学技术负责人。2006到 2007年,访问加拿大Carleton University大学系统与计算机工程系。 2001-2003在新加坡国立大学做博士后研究。
欢迎有志在大数据处理、物联网、云计算方面深造的同学报考研究生,尤其是想出国深造的,获得与IEEE Fellow等顶级科学家合作的机会。与哥本哈根大学大学、澳大利亚皇家科学院、佛罗里达大学等世界著名院所建立了良好的合作关系,与复旦大学等众多国内名校有长期合作关系。我们提供一流的软硬件设备,和开拓进取的氛围。
大数据智能处理,物联网与云计算中间件,自治服务与自治计算, 软件工程中的人工智能,形式化方法
IEEE计算智能协会(IEEE Computational Intelligence Society)新技术委员会(Emerging Technologies Technical Committee)智能空间分会(Task Force on Smart World)成员。
担任IEEE 大数据与云计算2018( CBDCom 2018)的执行主席,IEEE 大数据与云计算2016(CBDCom 2016)的程序委员会主席,CBDCom 2015的执行主席,IEEE Cloud Computing Special Issue on Internet of Things and Social Cloud的leading guest editor, 多个会议和workshop的PC。
发表第一作者科研专著2章,国际期刊30余篇。包括一区TOP期刊(IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,影响因子6.764), 二区高水平期刊Knowledge Based Systems(影响因子4.529),IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology(影响因子4.066,进入ESI高被引)、IEEE Transactions on Services Computing(影响因子3.520)等,软件工程领域顶级期刊IEEE Software(影响因子2.190),以及Science China Information Science等。发表英文国际会议论文70余篇。到2019年1月,按照Google Scholar的统计,总引用数量约1000,H-index为16,i10-index为29。
2007-2010 欧盟第六框架计划Hydra物联网中间件
2011-2014 普适云中间件混合智能研究(自主创新项目)
2012-2015 普适云环境的研究(科研启动项目)
2013-2015 自治普世云中间件的应用(开发区重点科技计划项目)
2014-2016 快慢结合的普适云环境下的可靠任务迁移(山东省自然基金面上项目)
2015-2016 XXX研究 (军口863项目)
2015-2016 XXX研究 (预研项目)
2016-2017 智能冰箱云平台 (横向)
2016-2017 油田视频监控系统 (横向)
2016-2017 油气开采大数据挖掘平台 (横向)
2016-2017云平台下油田应用迁移与行为分析技术研究 (横向)
2015-2017 大数据环境下的油气开采创新方法研究与应用示范 (科技部创新工作方法专项)
2015-2017 石油大数据处理创新人才团队 (团队建设项目)
1. 2015-2016现代软件工程,研究生教学全英文教改
2.2015-2016 基于TIRP的卓越工程师软件体系结构教学,研究性教改
1. 2016-2017 云计算与大数据驱动的物联网技术 外国专家本科授课
Book chapters (Peer reviewed)
1. Weishan Zhang, Stan Jarzabek, Hongyu Zhang, Neil Loughran and Awais Rashid. Software evolution with XVCL. Chapter VI in the book ”Software Evolution with UML and XML”, pp152-189, ISBN: 1-59140-462-2;December 2004. Idea Group Inc. (IGI)
2. Weishan Zhang and Klaus Marius Hansen. Using Context Awareness for Self-management in Pervasive ServiceMiddleware. a chapter for book “Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments: Trends and Perspectives”.IGI, Nov. 2011. pp 248-271
International Journals
41.Yi Han, Nuo-Nuo Xue, Bi-Yao Wang, Qi Zhang, Chun-Lei Liu, Weishan Zhang: Improved Dual-Protected Ring Signature for Security and Privacy of Vehicular Communications in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks. IEEE Access 6: 20209-20220 (2018)
40.Weishan Zhang, Wuwu Guo, Xin Liu, Yan Liu, Jiehan Zhou, Bo Li, Qinghua Lu, Su Yang:LSTM-Based Analysis of Industrial IoT Equipment. IEEE Access 6: 23551-23560 (2018)
39.Yi Han, Ruini Zhao, Bi-Yao Wang, Nuo-Nuo Xue, Chuna Wu, Weishan Zhang: The Establishment and Analysis of the Risk Event Assessment System in Urban Traffic Environment. IEEE Access 6: 51843-51852 (2018)
38.Weishan Zhang, Yuanjie Zhang, Jia Zhai, Dehai Zhao, Liang Xu, Jiehan Zhou, Zhongwei Li, Su Yang: Multi-source data fusion using deep learning for smart refrigerators. Computers in Industry 95: 15-21 (2018)
37.Zhongwei Li, Qinghua Lu, Liming Zhu, Xiwei Xu, Yue Liu, Weishan Zhang: An Empirical Study of Cloud API Issues. IEEE Cloud Computing 5(2): 58-72 (2018)
36.Weishan Zhang, Gaowa Wulan, Jia Zhai, Liang Xu, Dehai Zhao, Xin Liu, Su Yang, Jiehan Zhou: An intelligent power distribution service architecture using cloud computing and deep learning techniques. J. Network and Computer Applications 103: 239-248 (2018)
35.Leiquan Wang, Xiaoliang Chu, Weishan Zhang, Yiwei Wei, Weichen Sun, Chunlei Wu: Social Image Captioning: Exploring Visual Attention and User Attention. Sensors 18(2): 646 (2018)
34.Su Yang, Minjie Wang, Wenshan Wang, Yi Sun,Jun Gao, Weishan Zhang, Jiulong Zhang: Predicting Commercial Activeness overUrban Big Data. IMWUT 1(3): 119:1-119:20 (2017)
33.Lianzhang Zhu, Leiming Chen, Dehai Zhao,Jiehan Zhou, Weishan Zhang: Emotion Recognition from Chinese Speech for SmartAffective Services Using a Combination of SVM and DBN. Sensors 17(7): 1694(2017)
32.Qinghua Lu, Zheng Li, Weishan Zhang,Laurence T. Yang: Autonomic deployment decision making for big data analyticsapplications in the cloud. Soft Comput. 21(16): 4501-4512 (2017)
31.Weishan Zhang, Pengcheng Duan, Laurence T.Yang, Feng Xia, Zhongwei Li, Qinghua Lu, Wenjuan Gong, Su Yang: Resourcerequests prediction in the cloud computing environment with a deep beliefnetwork. Softw., Pract. Exper. 47(3): 473-488 (2017)
30.Weishan Zhang, Dehai Zhao, Zhi Chai,Laurence T. Yang, Xin Liu, Faming Gong, Su Yang: Deep learning and SVM-basedemotion recognition from Chinese speech for smart affective services. Softw.,Pract. Exper. 47(8): 1127-1138 (2017)
29.Zhaolong Ning, Li Liu, Feng Xia, BehrouzJedari, Ivan Lee, Weishan Zhang: CAIS: A Copy Adjustable Incentive Scheme inCommunity-Based Socially Aware Networking. IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology66(4): 3406-3419 (2017) (ESI高被引)
27. Weishan Zhang, Shouchao Tan, Feng Xia, Xiufeng Chen, Zhongwei Li, Qinghua Lu, Su Yang:A survey on decision making for task migration in mobile cloud environments. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 20(3): 295-309 (2016)26. Weishan Zhang, Pengcheng Duan, Xiaodan Xie, Feng Xia, Qinghua Lu, Xin Liu, Jiehan Zhou: QoS4IVSaaS: a QoS management framework for intelligent video surveillance as a service. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 20(5): 795-808 (2016)25. Weishan Zhang, Pengcheng Duan, Xiufeng Chen, Qinghua Lu: Healthcare4VideoStorm: Making Smart Decisions Based on Storm Metrics. Sensors 16(4): 588 (2016)24. Weishan Zhang, Liang Xu, Zhongwei Li, Qinghua Lu, Yan Liu: A Deep-Intelligence Framework for Online Video Processing. IEEE Software 33(2): 44-51 (2016)23. Weishan Zhang, Pengcheng Duan, Wenjuan Gong, Qinghua Lu, Su Yang: A Load-Aware Pluggable Cloud Framework for Real-Time Video Processing. IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics 12(6): 2166-2176 (2016)22. Xinfeng Zhang, Su Yang, Yuan Yan Tang, Weishan Zhang: A thermodynamics-inspired feature for anomaly detection on crowd motions in surveillance videos. Multimedia Tools Appl. 75(14): 8799-8826 (2016)21. Su Yang, Jiulong Zhang, Weishan Zhang:Phase-sensitive periodical correlation of local beam descriptors for image registration. Neurocomputing 173: 1694-1705 (2016)20. Qinghua Lu, Shanshan Li, Weishan Zhang, Lei Zhang:A genetic algorithm-based job scheduling model for big data analytics. EURASIP J. Wireless Comm. and Networking 2016: 152 (2016)19. Xin Liu, Yao Wang, Dehai Zhao, Weishan Zhang, Leyi Shi: Patching by automatically tending to hub nodes based on social trust. Computer Standards & Interfaces 44: 94-101 (2016)18. Qinghua Lu, Liming Zhu, Xiwei Xu, Vladimir Tosic, Dipesh Chauhan, Weishan Zhang, Daniel Sun: A Unified Business-Driven Cloud Management Framework. IEEE Trans. Services Computing 9(6): 872-882 (2016)
17. Lianzhang Zhu, Shouchao Tan, Weishan Zhang , Yong Wang, Xiwei Xu. Validation of Pervasive Cloud Task Migration with Colored Petri Net. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2016, 21(1)
16. Weishan Zhang, Qun Jin, Didier El Baz. Enabling the Social Internet of Things and Social Cloud. IEEE Cloud Computing. 2015, 2(6): 6-9
15. Qinghua Lu, Zheng Li, Maria Kihl, Liming Zhu, Weishan Zhang: CF4BDA: A Conceptual Framework for Big Data Analytics Applications in the Cloud. IEEE Access 3: 1944-1952 (2015)
14. Weishan Zhang, Pengcheng Duan, Zhongwei Li, Qinghua Lu, Wenjuan Gong, Su Yang:A Deep Awareness Framework for Pervasive Video Cloud. IEEE Access 3: 2227-2237 (2015)
13. Weishan Zhang, Liang Xu, Pengcheng Duan, Wenjuan Gong, Qinghua Lu, Su Yang. A Video Cloud Platform Combing Online and O.ine Cloud Computing Technologies. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. October 2015, Volume 19, Issue 7, pp 1099-1110
11. Weishan Zhang, Shouchao Tan, Qinghua Lu, Xin Liu, Wenjuan Gong. A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for Task Migration in Pervasive Clouds. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2015
10. Wenjuan Gong, Weishan Zhang, Jordi Gonzàlez, Yan Ren and Zhen Li. Enhanced Asymmetric Bilinear Model for Face Recognition. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2015
9. Qinghua Lu, Xiwei Xu, Len Bass, Liming Zhu, Weishan Zhang, A Tail-Tolerant Cloud API Wrapper, IEEE Software, January/February, 2015
8. Peiying Zhang, Zhanshan Zhang, Weishan Zhang, Chunlei Wu. Semantic Similarity Computation Based on Multi-feature Combination using HowNet. JSW 9(9): 2461-2466 (2014)
7. Weishan Zhang and Klaus Marius Hansen and Mad Ingstrup. A Hybrid Approach to Self-management in a Pervasive Service Middleware. Knowledge-Based Systems. 67: 143-161 (2014) IF=3.106
6. Qinghua Lu, Xiwei Xu, Weishan Zhang, Liming Zhu, Shanshan Li, Business-Driven Process Fragment Selections in RESTful Business Processes. International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology, Volume 8, Number 1, 2015. pp.173-188
5. Qinghua Lu, Shanshan Li, Weishan Zhang, A Survey on Adaptation Decision-Making of Business Processes and the Affected Web Service Compositions. Computer Modeling and New Technologies, 2014, 18(12C) 1302-1308
4.Weishan Zhang, Licheng Chen, Xin Liu, Qinghua Lu, Peiyiing Zhang, Su Yang. An OSGi based adaptive and flexible pervasive cloud infrastructure. Science China Information Science, 2014, 57:032107(11),DOI: 10.1007/s11432-014-5070-3
3. Weishan Zhang and Klaus Marius Hansen and Thomas Kunz. Enhancing intelligence and dependability of a product line enabled pervasive middleware. Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal. Elsevier. Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2010, Pages 198-217. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pmcj.2009.07.002 IF=1.6
2. Weishan Zhang. Synergy between Software Product Line and Intelligent Pervasive Middleware-a PLIPerM Approach. International Journal of Hybrid In- formation Technology, Vol.1 No.1. SERSC. (invited paper) January 2008, pp 17-33.
1. Weishan Zhang. Architecture Based Configuration Management. High Technology Letters. Volume 12, n SUPPL., May, 2006, p 110-116. (invited paper)
Conference and workshop papers
Xin Liu, Xiaomiao Zhang, Yiwen Wang, Jiehan Zhou, Sumi Helal, Zhidong Xu, Weishan Zhang, Shuai Cao: PARMTRD: Parallel Association Rules Based Multiple-Topic Relationships Detection. ICWS 2018: 422-436
Weishan Zhang, Bing Xue, Jiehan Zhou, Xin Liu, Hao Lv: A Scalable and Efficient Multi-Label CNN-Based License Plate Recognition on Spark. SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI 2018: 1738-1744
Xin Liu, Xiaomiao Zhang, Weishan Zhang, Wei Wei, Yongjun Zhao, Yongke Xi, Shuai Cao: Data Mining from Haier Air-Conditioner Equipment Running Data for Fault Prediction. SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI 2018: 1829-1836
Zhiyuan He, Su Yang, Weishan Zhang, Jiulong Zhang: Perceiving Commerial Activeness Over Satellite Images. WWW (Companion Volume) 2018: 387-394
Wenshan Wang, Su Yang, Zhiyuan He, Minjie Wang, Jiulong Zhang, Weishan Zhang: Urban Perception of Commercial Activeness from Satellite Images and Streetscapes. WWW (Companion Volume) 2018: 647-654
Weishan Zhang, Hao Lv, Liang Xu, Yan Liu, Xin Liu, Qinghua Lu, Zhongwei Li, Jiehan Zhou: An Online-Offline Combined Big Data Mining Platform. DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech 2017: 1220-1225
Su Yang, Anqin Zhang, Jiulong Zhang, Weishan Zhang: A new chaotic feature for EEG classification based seizure diagnosis. ICASSP 2017: 4651-4655
Anqin Zhang, Su Yang, Xinfeng Zhang, Jiulong Zhang, Weishan Zhang: Abnormal Gait Detection in Surveillance Videos with FFT-Based Analysis on Walking Rhythm. ICIG (1) 2017: 108-117
Jiehan Zhou, Jukka Riekki, M?tti S. H?m?l?inen, Pasi Mattila, Xinguo Yu, Xiwei Liu, Weishan Zhang: China-Finland EduCloud Platform Towards Innovative Education. PSIVT Workshops 2017: 172-185
Weishan Zhang, Hao Lv, Liang Xu, Xin Liu, Jiehan Zhou: Data Mining as a Cloud Service for Learning Artificial Intelligence. PSIVT Workshops 2017: 214-221
Xin Liu, Feng Wang, Zhongwei Li, Weishan Zhang, Shuai Cao, Sumi Helal, Jiehan Zhou: Topic detection based on similar networks. SMC 2017: 188-193
Weishan Zhang, Dehai Zhao, Xiufeng Chen, Yuanjie Zhang: Deep Learning Based Emotion Recognition from Chinese Speech. ICOST 2016: 49-58
Weishan Zhang, Yuanjie Zhang, Liang Xu, Faming Gong: Hbase Based Surveillance Video Processing, Storage and Retrieval. IIKI 2016: 64-67
Weishan Zhang, Bo Li, Dehai Zhao, Faming Gong, Qinghua Lu: Workload Prediction for Cloud Cluster Using a Recurrent Neural Network. IIKI 2016: 104-109
Weishan Zhang, Zhichao Wang, Liang Xu, Dehai Zhao, Faming Gong, Qinghua Lu: An Empirical Study on Big Video Data Processing: Architectural Styles, Issues, and Challenges. IIKI 2016: 110-115
Weishan Zhang, Gaowa Wulan, Faming Gong, Chunfeng Zhang, Changzhi Lv: An Intelligent Power Distribution Service Architecture. IIKI 2016: 544-546
Jiehan Zhou, Jukka Riekki, Weishan Zhang, Tie Qiu: iHRV: Cloud-Based Mobile Heart Rate Variability Monitoring System. iThings/GreenCom/CPSCom/SmartData 2016: 328-333
Weishan Zhang, Dehai Zhao, Liang Xu, Zhongwei Li, Wenjuan Gong, Jiehan Zhou: Distributed embedded deep learning based real-time video processing. SMC 2016: 1945-1950
Xinfeng Zhang, Su Yang, Yuan Yan Tang, Weishan Zhang: Crowd Motion Monitoring with Thermodynamics-Inspired Feature. AAAI 2015: 4300-4302
Yang Yang, Hui Xu, Yanan Liu, Zhongwei Li, Weishan Zhang, Xin Liu: Feature Analysis of Important Nodes in Microblog. CSCloud 2015: 231-236
Weishan Zhang, Pengcheng Duan, Qinghua Lu: Towards a Load-Aware Scheduling Framework for Realtime Video Cloud. IIKI 2015: 1-6
Qinghua Lu, Shanshan Li, Weishan Zhang: Genetic Algorithm Based Job Scheduling for Big Data Analytics. IIKI 2015: 33-38
Weishan Zhang, Pengcheng Duan, Licheng Chen: An In-Depth Context-Awareness Framework for Pervasive Video Cloud. UIC/ATC/ScalCom 2015: 543-549
Weishan Zhang, Dehai Zhao, Wenjuan Gong, Zhongwei Li, Qinghua Lu, Su Yang: Food Image Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks. UIC/ATC/ScalCom 2015: 690-693
Weishan Zhang, Licheng Chen, Wenjuan Gong, Zhongwei Li, Qinghua Lu, Su Yang:An Integrated Approach for Vehicle Detection and Type Recognition. UIC/ATC/ScalCom 2015: 798-801
Shanshan Li, Qinghua Lu, Weishan Zhang, Liming Zhu: A MapReduce Cluster Deployment Optimization Framework with Geo-distributed Data. UIC/ATC/ScalCom 2015: 943-949
Weishan Zhang, Ning Wang, Qinghua Lu, Su Yang: Experiences on a Video Management Cloud Based on Hadoop. UIC/ATC/ScalCom 2015: 950-955
Lianzhang Zhu, Yong Wang, Weishan Zhang, Shaochao Tan: CPN Based Validation on Pervasive Cloud Task Migration. UIC/ATC/ScalCom 2015: 986-990
Guoping Zhang, Luxi Zhao, Weishan Zhang, Kuiyi Yang, Shouchao Tan: Formalizing Mobile Cloud Service Migration with Event-B. UIC/ATC/ScalCom 2015: 991-996
Weishan Zhang, Pengcheng Duan: Towards a Deep Belief Network-Based Cloud Resource Demanding Prediction. UIC/ATC/ScalCom 2015: 1043-1048
Weishan Zhang, Xin Meng, Zhongwei Li, Qinghua Lu, Shaochao Tan: Emotion Recognition in Speech Using Multi-classification SVM. UIC/ATC/ScalCom 2015: 1181-1186
Wenjuan Gong, Zhichao Wang, Weishan Zhang: Creating Personal 3D Avatar from a Single Depth Sensor. UIC/ATC/ScalCom 2015: 1193-1198
48. Weishan Zhang, Xun Wang. A Lightweight User State Monitoring System on Android Smartphones.The 3rd International Workshop on Self-Managing Pervasive Service Systems (SeMaPS 2014), Paris
47. Weishan Zhang, Shouchao Tan. Towards a Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for Task Migrations. 2014 International Conference on Identification, Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things (IIKI 2014)
46. Weishan Zhang, Shouchao Tan, Klaus Marius Hansen. A Short Survey on Decision Making for Task Migrations in Mobile Cloud Environments. 2014 International Conference on Identification, Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things (IIKI 2014)
45. Weishan Zhang, Liang Xu, Pengcheng Duan, Qinghua Lu. A Video Cloud Platform Combing Online and Offline Cloud Computing Technologies. 2014 International Conference on Identification, Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things (IIKI 2014), 17-18 October 2014, Beijing, China.
44. Weishan Zhang, Pengcheng Duan, Qinghua Lu. A Realtime Framework For Video Object Detection With Storm. The 2014 International Symposium on UbiCom Frontiers - Innovative Research, Systems and Technologies (UFirst 2014).
43. Weishan Zhang, Wenshan Wang, Pengcheng Duan, Qinghua Lu. Online Multiperson Tracking and Counting with Cloud Computing. 2014 International Conference on Identification, Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things (IIKI 2014).
42. Weishan Zhang and Licheng Chen. Flexible Component Migration in a Pervasive Cloud Infrastructure. The 2nd International Workshop on Self-Managing Pervasive Service Systems (SeMaPS 2013), Berlin, Dec. 2, 2013. ICSOC Workshops 2013, Springer LNCS 8377, pp. 505-514
41. Zhanshan Zhang, Xin Meng and Weishan Zhang. Improving the Recognition with the Language Semantic Similarity. The 2nd International Workshop on Self-Managing Pervasive Service Systems (SeMaPS 2013), Berlin, Dec. 2, 2013. ICSOC Workshops 2013, , Springer LNCS 8377, pp. 515-526
40. Klaus Marius Hansen and Weishan Zhang. Towards Structure-Based Quality Awareness in Software Ecosystem Use. The 2nd International Workshop on Self-Managing Pervasive Service Systems (SeMaPS 2013), Berlin, Dec. 2, 2013. ICSOC Workshops 2013, Springer LNCS 8377, pp. 527-535
39. Weishan Zhang, Licheng Chen, Qinghua Lu, Yuan Rao, Jiehan Zhou. Towards an OSGi based Pervasive Cloud Infrastructure. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings2013). Beijing, China. August 20-23, 2013. pp. 418-425
38. Weishan Zhang, Xin Meng, Qinghua Lu, Yuan Rao, Jiehan Zhou. A Hybrid Emotion Recognition on Android Smart Phones. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom 2013). Beijing, China. August 20-23, 2013. pp.1313-1318
37. Wenshan Wang, Pengcheng Duan, Weishan Zhang, Faming Gong, Peiying Zhang, Yuan Rao. Towards a Pervasive Cloud Computing based Food Image Recognition. IoT/CPS Demo and Exhibition of the World Cybermatics Congress 2013 (iThings, CPSCom and GreenCom). Beijing, China. August 20-23, 2013. pp. 2243-2244
36. Pengcheng Duan, Wenshan Wang, Weishan Zhang, Faming Gong, Peiying Zhang, Yuan Rao. Food Image Recognition Using Pervasive Cloud Computing. The 2nd International workshop on Engineering Pervasive Service Systems, colocated with 2013 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings2013). Beijing, China. August 20-23, 2013. pp 1631-1637
35. Peying Zhang, Zhanshan Zhang, Weishan Zhang. An approach of semantic similarity by combining HowNet and Cilin. The 2nd International workshop on Engineering Pervasive Service Systems, colocated with 2013 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings2013). Beijing, China. August 20-23, 2013. pp 1638-1643
34. Weishan Zhang, Klaus Marius Hansen, Paolo Bellavista: The 1st International Workshop on Self-Managing Pervasive Service Systems (SeMaPS 2012). ICSOC Workshops 2013: 253-254
33. Weishan Zhang, Klaus Marius Hansen and Paolo Bellavista. A Research Roadmap for Context-Awareness-based Self-Managed Systems. International Workshop on Self-Managing Pervasive Service Systems (SeMaPS 2012), in conjunction with ICSOC 2012, Shanghai, China. ICSOC Workshops 2013: 275-283
32. Weishan Zhang and Xun Wang. Towards a Comprehensive and Lightweight User State Monitoring System on Android Smartphones. International Workshop on Engineering Pervasive Service Systems (EPS 2012), in conjunction with IoT 2012, Wuxi, China.
31. Li Yong, Rao Yuan, Duan Youxiang and Zhang Weishan. A 3D Model based Action Recorder using Computer Vision. International Workshop on Self-Managing Pervasive Service Systems (SeMaPS 2012), in conjunction with ICSOC 2012, Shanghai, China.
30. Weishan Zhang, Yuhao Wang, Licheng Chen, Yan Liu and Yuan Rao. A Hybrid Indoor Positioning Approach for Supermarkets.International Workshop on Self-Managing Pervasive Service Systems (SeMaPS 2012), in conjunction with ICSOC 2012, Shanghai, China.
29. Yuan Rao,Shumin Lu,Jun Dai,Yongkang Lv,Weishan Zhang,Towards an Architecture of Knowledge as a Service. International Workshop on Engineering Pervasive Service Systems (EPS 2012), in conjunction with IoT 2012, Wuxi, China.
28. Weishan Zhang, Klaus Marius Hansen, Joao Fernandes, Julian Schutte and Francisco Milagro. QoS-aware Self-adaptation of Communication Protocols in a Pervasive Service Middleware. 2010 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom 2010). 18-20 December 2010 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. pp. 17-26 (Acceptance rate 17%)
27. Weishan Zhang, Julian Schutte, Mads Ingstrup and Klaus Marius Hansen. A Genetic Algorithms-Based Approach for Optimized Self-protection in a Pervasive Service Middleware. 7th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing, Joint ICSOC\&ServiceWave 2009 Conference. November 24-27 2009, Stockholm, Sweden. LNCS 5900, pp. 404--419. Springer, Heidelberg (Acceptance rate 16%)
26. Mads Ingstrup and Weishan Zhang and Klaus Marius Hansen and Joao Fernandes. Architecting Self-Management in the Hydra Middleware. 1st International Workshop on Distributed Computing in Ambient Environments (DiComAe), Co-located with the 32nd Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Paderborn, September 15th, 2009. pp. 1-12
25. Francisco Milagro, Pablo Antolin, Joao Fernandes, Weishan Zhang, Klaus Marius Hansen, Peeter Kool. Deploying Pervasive Web Services over a P2P Overlay. 1st International Workshop on Smart Homes Infrastructures and Interactions, in 18th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises. IEEE Computer Society, June 30 2009. Groningen, The Netherlands. pp. 240-245.
24. Weishan Zhang and Klaus Marius Hansen. An Evaluation of the NSGA-II and MOCell Genetic Algorithms for Self-management Planning in a Pervasive Service Middleware. 14th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2009), Potsdam, Germany. IEEE Computer Society, June 2-4 2009. pp 192-201. (acceptance rate 31%)
23. Weishan Zhang and Klaus Marius Hansen and Joao Fernandes. Towards Open World Software Architectures with Semantic Architecture Styles, Components and Connectors. 14th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2009), Potsdam, Germany. IEEE Computer Society, June 2-4 2009. pp 40-49. (acceptance rate 31%)
22. Klaus Marius Hansen and Weishan Zhang and Joao Fernandes. Flexible Generation of Pervasive Web Services Using OSGi Declarative Services and OWL Ontologies. Proc. of 15th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), Beijing, China. IEEE Computer Society, Dec 3-5, 2008. pp. 135-142 (acceptance rate 29%)
21. Klaus Marius Hansen and Weishan Zhang and Joao Fernandes and Mads Ingstrup. Semantic Web ontology for Ambient Intelligence: Runtime Monitoring of Semantic Component Constraints. The Internet of Things and Services, 1st International Research Workshop Proposed by the Hydra Consortium. Sophia Antipolis, French. Sept 18-19, 2008
20. Weishan Zhang and Klaus Marius Hansen. Semantic Web based Self-management for a Pervasive Service Middleware. Second IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems. Venice, Italy. IEEE Computer Society, October 20-24, 2008. pp. 245-254 (Acceptance rate 27%)
19. Klaus Marius Hansen and Weishan Zhang and Mads Ingstrup. Towards Self-Managed Executable Petri Nets. Second IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems. Venice, Italy. IEEE Computer Society, October 20-24, 2008. pp. 287-296 (Acceptance rate 27%)
18. Weishan Zhang and Klaus Marius Hansen. An OWL/SWRL based Diagnosis Approach in a Web Service-based Middleware for Embedded and Networked Systems. Proceedings of The 20th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2008). Jul 1, 2008 - Jul 3, 2008, Redwood City, San Francisco Bay, USA pp. 893-898 (Acceptance rate 48%)
17. Klaus Marius Hansen and Weishan Zhang and Goncalo Soares. Ontology Enabled Generation of Embedded Web Service. Proceedings of The 20th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2008). Jul 1, 2008 - Jul 3, 2008, Redwood City, San Francisco Bay, USA. Pp345-350 (Acceptance rate 48%)
16. Weishan Zhang and Klaus Marius Hansen. Towards Self-managed Pervasive Middleware using OWL/SWRL ontologies. Fifth International Workshop on Modeling and Reasoning in Context (MRC 2008), Held together with HCP 08, Delft, The Netherlands, 9-12 June 2008. Pp1-12 (Acceptance rate 65%)
15. Weishan Zhang and Klaus Marius Hansen. Synergy between Software Product Line and Intelligent Mobile Middleware. Proceedings of The 2007 International Conference on Intelligent Pervasive Computing (IPC-07) (The 2007 International Workshop on Intelligent Pervasive Middleware (IPM 2007), in conjugation with IPC2007). IEEE Computer Society, October 11th - 13th, 2007, Jeju Island, Korea. Pp.515-520
14. Weishan Zhang, Dong Han, Thomas Kunz and Klaus Marius Hansen. Mobile Game Development: Object-Orientation or Not. Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2007). Beijing, China. IEEE Computer Society, July 24-27, 2007. Pp. 601-608 (Acceptance rate 18%)
13. Weishan Zhang, Thomas Kunz and Klaus Marius Hansen. Product Line Enabled Intelligent Mobile Middleware. Proceedings of The Twelfth IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2007). Auckland, New Zealand. IEEE Computer Society, July 11 - 14, 2007. Pp. 148-157 (Acceptance rate 28%)
12. Weishan Zhang, Dong Han and Thomas Kunz. Object-Orientation is Evil for Mobile Games: Experience from Industrial Mobile RPGs. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS 2007). Daegu, S. Korea, May 14-16. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4523, pp. 1-12 (Acceptance rate 20%)
11. Weishan Zhang and Thomas Kunz. Enhancing the Intelligence of Mobile Middleware Environment. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Context Management for Self-Managing Systems (Devices, Applications, and Networks) (CASEMANS), held in conjunction with the 5th International Conference in Pervasive Computing. Toronto, May 13 2007, pp 46-61 (Acceptance rate 34%)
10. Weishan Zhang and Thomas Kunz. Product line based ontology development for Semantic Web service. The Second IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE2006), Shanghai, China. IEEE Computer Society, Oct. 2006, pp. 183-186
9. Weishan Zhang and Thomas Kunz. Product line based ontology reuse in context-aware e-business environment. 2006 IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2006), Shanghai, China. IEEE Computer Society, Oct. 2006, pp. 138-145 (Acceptance rate 17%)
8. Weishan Zhang and Thomas Kunz. A Product Line Enhanced Unified Process. Software Process Workshop and Software Process Simulation Modeling Workshop 2006 (SPW/ProSim 2006, co-located with ICSE 2006), May 2006, Shanghai, China, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3966, pp.142-149 (Acceptance rate 15%)
7. Weishan Zhang. Architecturally Reconfigurable Development of Mobile Games. Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS-2005), Xi'an, China, IEEE Computer Society, December, 2005, pp 66-72 (Acceptance rate 58%)
6. Weishan Zhang, Stan Jarzabek. Reuse without Compromising Performance: Industrial Experience from RPG Software Product Line for Mobile Devices. Proc. of 9th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC2005), Rennes, France, September 2005, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3714, pp. 57-69 (Acceptance rate 35%)
5. Weishan Zhang, Jinxiu Li. Industrial Experience with the Architecture based Reengineering. Proc. Of The 11th Joint International Computer Conference (JICC2005), Chongqing, China. Nov 2005. World Scientific Publishing, pp. 732-737
4. Weishan Zhang. Architecture Based Configuration Management. Proc. Of 8th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists (ICYCS'05), Beijing, China, Sept 2005, World Publishing Incorporation, pp. 174-179
3. Neil Loughran, Awais Rashid, Weishan Zhang and Stan Jarzabek. Supporting Product Line Evolution with Framed Aspects. Third AOSD Workshop on Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software (ACP4IS04), Lancaster, UK. March 2004 PP. 15-19
2. Weishan Zhang, Stan Jarzabek, Neil Loughran and Awais Rashid. Reengineering a PC-based System into the Mobile Device Product Line. Proceedings of Sixth International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE'03). Helsinki, Finland. IEEE Computer Society, Sept. 2003, PP. 149-161
1. Stan Jarzabek, Paul Basset, Hongyu Zhang and Weishan Zhang. XVCL: XML-based Variant Configuration Language. Proceeding of 24th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2003), Portland. May 2003 pp. 810-81161
Invitedpanel listpositionpaper
1. Weishan Zhang. An Overview of Product Line Enabled Intelligent Mobile Middleware. Proceedings of 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2007). Beijing, China. IEEE Computer Society, July 24-27, 2007 pp. 15
Peer reviewed tool demonstration (not in proceedings)
1. Klaus Marius Hansen and Weishan Zhang and Goncalo Soares. Limbo: an Ontology based Web Service Compiler for Networked Embedded Devices. Tool demonstration at 10th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR 2008). Beijing, China. May 25-29, 2008
2016 中国计算机学会CCF大数据与计算智能大赛万国云商特别奖
2015 自然科学三等奖 视频大数据智能处理技术 黄岛区科技局 1/5
2016 良师益友——研究生心目中的好导师
2015 中国石油大学优秀教师
2015年 SWC 2015 特殊贡献奖
2014 自然科学二等奖 云端大型应用系统可靠性研究 黄岛区科技局 3/4
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姓名:郑秋梅性别:女民族:汉办公电话:职务:职称:教授、硕士、硕士生导师电子邮箱:zhengqm@upc.edu.cn个人简介:郑秋梅,女,教授,硕士生导师。全国高等学校计算机教育研究会理事,青岛经济技术开发区高级专家,石油大学教学名师,山东省精品课程《计算机组成原理》负责人。主要从事图形与图像处理 ...中国石油大学华东师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-11-25中国石油大学华东计算机科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孙运雷
姓名:孙运雷性别:男民族:汉办公电话:职务:系主任职称:副教授电子邮箱:sunyunlei@upc.edu.cn个人简介:孙运雷,博士,副教授,硕导,CCF会员,CAAI会员,2014年毕业于北京邮电大学。近年来一直从事智能化设计、机器学习等领域的研究规则,主持中央高校基本科研业务专项课题1项,企事 ...中国石油大学华东师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-11-25中国石油大学华东计算机科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-朱连章
姓名:朱连章性别:男民族:汉办公电话:职务:职称:教授,博士,硕士生导师电子邮箱:个人简介:朱连章,教授,博士,硕士生导师。1965年12月生。1986年毕业于华东石油学院应用数学专业,获理学学士学位。1988年毕业于中国科学院沈阳计算技术研究所,获工学硕士学位。2003年获石油大学矿产与普查专业博 ...中国石油大学华东师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-11-25中国石油大学华东计算机科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘素芹
姓名:刘素芹性别:女民族:汉办公电话:职务:教学副主任职称:副教授电子邮箱:liusq@upc.edu.cn个人简介:刘素芹,女,1968年11月生,山东东明人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,主要从事计算机网络、高性能计算及应用方面的教学和科研工作。主讲本科生《计算机网络》、《TCP/IP协议分析》、《 ...中国石油大学华东师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-11-25中国石油大学华东计算机科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-肖军弼
姓名:肖军弼性别:男民族:汉办公电话:职务:系书记兼实验副主任职称:副教授电子邮箱:junbixiao@163.com;xiaojb@upc.edu.cn个人简介:肖军弼,男,汉族,山东莱州人,硕士,副教授,硕士生导师。1991年7月毕业于中国石油大学计算机及应用专业,分配到中石油华东设计院计算机中 ...中国石油大学华东师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-11-25中国石油大学华东计算机科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈国军
姓名:陈国军性别:男民族:汉办公电话:**职务:职称:副教授电子邮箱:chengj@upc.edu.cn个人简介:博士,副教授,中国计算机学会虚拟现实与可视化技术专业委员会委员。博士毕业于北京航空航天大学计算机学院,2011年北京航空航天大学虚拟现实与可视化技术国家重点实验室博士后流动站出站。主要从 ...中国石油大学华东师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-11-25中国石油大学华东计算机科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-宋弢
姓名:宋弢性别:男民族:汉办公电话:职务:院长助理职称:副教授,博士生导师电子邮箱:tsong@upc.edu.cn个人简介:出生于1983年6月,副教授,博士生导师,山东省泰山****青年专家。中国电子学会电路与系统分会生物计算与生物信息处理专委会副秘书长,国际膜计算学会IMCS秘书长,国际期刊C ...中国石油大学华东师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-11-25中国石油大学华东计算机科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李村合
姓名:李村合性别:男民族:汉办公电话:职务:职称:教授电子邮箱:licunhe@qq.com个人简介:李村合,男,汉族,1966年2月出生,山东省诸城市人,教授,硕士生导师。1983年9月至1987年7月在北方交通大学电子计算机专业读本科,获学士学位;1987年9月至1990年4月在北方交通大学计算 ...中国石油大学华东师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-11-25中国石油大学华东计算机科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-龚安
姓名:龚安性别:男民族:汉办公电话:**职务:职称:副教授电子邮箱:@qq.com个人简介:龚安,男,副教授,硕士生导师,1971年3月生,四川巴中人,学院能源大数据与软件技术科研创新团队负责人,团队有专属的科研实验室。主讲《数据库原理》等数据相关课程,目前指导在读学历硕士研究生10人,毕业学历研究 ...中国石油大学华东师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-11-25中国石油大学华东计算机科学与技术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-石乐义
姓名:石乐义性别:男民族:汉办公电话:职务:职称:教授,博士生导师电子邮箱:shileyi@upc.edu.cn个人简介:石乐义(1975-),山东临朐人,博士,教授,博士生导师,中国石油大学(华东)教学名师,“青年教师人才工程”入选者。主要学术兼职:山东省计算机学会网络空间安全专委会副主任,中国计 ...中国石油大学华东师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-11-25