

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-25

姓名:宫文娟 职称:讲师


个人简介:2004获得山东大学学士学位并被评为山东省优秀毕业生,2007年获得山东大学硕士学士,2009年获得巴塞罗那自治大学硕士学位,2013年获得巴塞罗那自治大学计算机视觉中心博士学位并被评为优秀博士毕业生(Cum Laude),2014年在牛津布鲁克斯大学进行了博士后研究工作。

5.参与参加欧盟的“模式识别和计算机视觉中的多模型交互”(Consolider Ingenio 2010)项目
1. Wenjuan Gong, Fabio Cuzzolin: A Belief-Theoretical Approach to Example-Based Pose Estimation. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy
Systems 26(2): 598-611 (2018).
2. Weishan Zhang, Pengcheng Duan, Laurence T. Yang, Feng Xia, Zhongwei Li, Qinghua Lu, Wenjuan Gong, Su Yang:
Resource requests prediction in the cloud computing environment with a deep belief network. Softw., Pract. Exper. 47(3):
473-488 (2017).
3. Wenjuan Gong, Xuena Zhang, Jordi Gonzàlez, Andrews Sobral, Thierry Bouwmans, Changhe Tu, El-hadi Zahzah: Human
PoseEstimation from Monocular Images: A Comprehensive Survey. Sensors 16(12): 1966 (2016).
4. Weishan Zhang, Pengcheng Duan, Wenjuan Gong, Qinghua Lu, Su Yang: A Load-Aware Pluggable Cloud Framework for
Real-Time Video Processing. IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics 12(6): 2166-2176 (2016).
5. Weishan Zhang, Pengcheng Duan, Zhongwei Li, Qinghua Lu, Wenjuan Gong, Su Yang: A Deep Awareness Framework for
Pervasive Video Cloud. IEEE Access 3: 2227-2237 (2015).
6. Wenjuan Gong, Weishan Zhang, Jordi Gonzàlez, Yan Ren, Zhen Li: Enhanced Asymmetric Bilinear Model for Face
Recognition. IJDSN 11: 218514:1-218514:6 (2015).
7. Weishan Zhang, Shouchao Tan, Qinghua Lu, Xin Liu, Wenjuan Gong: A Genetic-Algorithm-Based Approach for Task
Migration in Pervasive Clouds. IJDSN 11: 463230:1-463230:9 (2015).
8. Weishan Zhang, Liang Xu, Pengcheng Duan, Wenjuan Gong, Qinghua Lu, Su Yang: A video cloud platform combing online
and offline cloud computing technologies. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 19(7): 1099-1110 (2015).
9. Wenjuan Gong, Jordi Gonzàlez, Francesc Xavier Roca: Human action recognition based on estimated weak poses. EURASIP
J. Adv. Sig. Proc. 2012.
1. Weishan Zhang, Dehai Zhao, Liang Xu, Zhongwei Li, Wenjuan Gong, Jiehan Zhou: Distributed embedded deep learning
basedreal-time video processing. SMC 2016: 1945-1950.
2. Weishan Zhang, Dehai Zhao,Wenjuan Gong, Zhongwei Li, Qinghua Lu, Su Yang: Food Image Recognition with
Convolutional Neural Networks. UIC/ATC/ScalCom 2015: 690-693
3. Weishan Zhang, Licheng Chen, Wenjuan Gong, Zhongwei Li, Qinghua Lu, Su Yang: An Integrated Approach for Vehicle
Detection and Type Recognition. UIC/ATC/ScalCom 2015: 798-801.
4. Wenjuan Gong, Zhichao Wang, Weishan Zhang: Creating Personal 3D Avatar from a Single Depth Sensor.
UIC/ATC/ScalCom 2015: 1193-1198.
5. Weishan Zhang, Liang Xu, Pengcheng Duan, Wenjuan Gong, Xin Liu, Qinghua Lu: Towards a High Speed Video Cloud
Based on Batch Processing Integrated with Fast Processing. IIKI 2014: 28-33.
6. W. Gong, P. Fihl, J. Gonzalez, T. B. Moueslund, W. Zhang, Z. Li, and Y. Ren. Robustness of Input Features from Noisy
Silhouettes in Human Pose Estimation, In IIKI 2014.
7. Wenjuan Gong, Michael Sapienza, and Fabio Cuzzolin: Fisher Tensor Decomposition for Unconstrained Gait Recognition.
ECML-PKDD 2013, TML Workshop.
8. Fabio Cuzzolin and Wenjuan Gong: Belief Modeling Regression for pose estimation. 16th International Conference on
Information Fusion, 2013.
9. Wenjuan Gong, Jordi Gonzàlez, Jo?o Manuel R. S. Tavares, F. Xavier Roca: A New Image Dataset on Human Interactions.
AMDO 2012.
10. Adela Barbulescu, Wenjuan Gong, Jordi Gonzàlez, Thomas B. Moeslund, F. Xavier Roca: 3D human pose estimation using
2D body part detectors. ICPR 2012.
11. N. Shapovalova, W. Gong, M. Pedersoli, F. X. Roca, J. Gonzàlez: On Importance of Interactions and Context in Human
Action Recognition. IbPRIA 2011.
12. Jürgen Brauer, Wenjuan Gong, Jordi Gonzàlez, Michael Arens: On the effect of temporal information on monocular 3d
human pose estimation. ICCV Workshops 2011.
13. Wenjuan Gong, Jürgen Brauer, Michael Arens, Jordi Gonzàlez: Modeling vs. learning approaches for monocular 3D human
pose estimation. ICCV Workshops 2011.
14. Wenjuan Gong, Andrew D. Bagdanov, F. Xavier Roca, Jordi Gonzàlez: Automatic Key Pose Selection for 3D Human Action
Recognition. AMDO 2010.
15. Wenjuan Gong, Changhe Tu: Continuous Collision Detection between Two 2DCurved-Edge Polygons under Rational Motions. GMP 2008.

2017年9月 中科院先进技术研究院
2012年8月-2012年12月 中科院自动化研究所
2012年4月-2012年6月 丹麦奥尔堡大学
2011年3月-2011年6月 德国Fraunhofer-IOSB研究所

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