

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-25







?概况:陈海华,2011年获日本北见工业大学工学博士学位,2011-14年于中科院计算所从事博士后工作,2014年至今于中国石油大学(华东)任教,主要从事宽带无线通信与信号处理方面的研究。在国际国内重要学术期刊包括IEEE JSAC上发表SCI/EI论文60余篇,第一作者30余篇。以第一负责人承担国家科技重大专项子课题1项,主持国家自然科学基金,山东省自然科学基金,青岛市科技计划各1项,中央高校自主创新计划2项。申请国家发明专利9项,已授权2项。在国内无线通信标准化会议上提出提案6项。指导学生获得省级以上科技竞赛奖项7项。获IEEE国际会议ISCIT 2016最佳论文奖。2019年获聘国家智能农机装备技术创新战略联盟专家委员会委员,获“第八届中国创新创业大赛(山东赛区)暨2019年山东省中小微企业创新竞技行动计划”电子信息领域团队组第一名。

2001.09-2005.07 武汉科技大学(电子信息工程)
2020.01至今 中国石油大学(华东)海洋与空间信息学院 副教授(通信工程系)
2019.07-2019.12 中国石油大学(华东)海洋与空间信息学院 讲师(通信工程系)
2014.07-2019.06 中国石油大学(华东)计算机与通信工程学院讲师(通信工程系)
20011.07-2014.06 中科院计算所博士后
1. 国家科技重大专项子课题,TD-LTE-CR无线接入控制与无线资源管理增强关键技术研究,编号2012ZX**-004,96.65万元,2012.1—2014.12, 子课题负责人。
2. 国家自然科学基金(青年),**,“波达方位估计中基于SML精确解空间特征及膜计算的低复杂度算法研究”,2017/01—2019/12,第一主持人。
3. 山东省自然科学基金(联合专项),ZR2016FL02, “针对随机最大似然的低复杂度波达方位估计算法研究”,2016/12—2018/11,第一主持人。
4. 青岛市科技计划,15-9-1-80-jch ,“面向5G通信的高精度抗干扰DOA算法研究”,2015/09—2017/08,第一主持人。
5. 自主创新,“面向LTE-A多流BF的WSF高精度抗干扰DOA算法研究”,2015-01-01--2016-12-31,第一主持人。
6. 人才引进,“集中式RAN+分布天线系统中新型混合子空间DOA算法研究”,2015-01-01--2016-12-31,第一主持人。
7. 中国电子科技集团公司第四十一研究所合作项目,“单通道多阵子天线校准方法研究”,第一主持人
1. Load balance for centralized heterogeneous networks with limited fronthaul capacity获IEEE国际会议ISCIT 2016最佳论文奖
2. 微视频与虚拟仿真深度融合的硬件类实验教学平台研制,厅局级
3. 全频段多模式系统级无线通信实验装置研制与应用,厅局级
4. 2019“第八届中国创新创业大赛(山东赛区)暨2019年山东省中小微企业创新竞技行动计划”电子信息领域团队组第一名
SCI/EI 期刊论文
1. Haihua Chen, Haoran Li,etc., “General Improvements of Heuristic Algorithms for Low Complexity DOA Estimation”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation,2019.12. (SCI索引)
2. Haihua Chen, Jialiang Hu, Hui Tian, Shibao Li, Jianhang Liu, and Masakiyo Suzuki,“A Low Complexity GA-WSF Algorithm for Narrow-band DOA Estimation”,International Journal of Antennas and Propagation,1687-5869,2018.11 .(SCI索引)
3. Haihua Chen, Shibao Li, Jianhang Liu, Fen Liu and Masakiyo Suzuki, “A Novel Modification of PSO Algorithm for SML Estimation of DOA,” Sensors 2016, 16(12), 2188; doi:10.3390/s**. WOS:206.(SCI索引)
4. Haihua Chen,Shibao Li,Jianhang Liu,Yiqing Zhou,and Masakiyo Suzuki, “Efficient AM Algorithms for Stochastic ML Estimation of DOA,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Volume2016(2016), Article ID**, 10 pages. WOS:001(SCI索引)
5. Haihua Chen, Zhengang Pan, Lin Tian, Jinglin Shi, Guanghua Yang and Masakiyo Suzuki, “A Novel AWSF Algorithm for DOA Estimation in Virtual MIMO Systems,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Volume: 31, Issue: 10, pp. 1994-2003, Oct. 2013. (SCI索引,影响因子3.2)
6. H. Chen, M. Suzuki, “Exact Formulation for Stochastic ML Estimation of DOA,” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E93-A, no. 11, pp. 2141-2152, Nov. 2010. (SCI索引)
7. Gong, F., Chen, H., Li, S., Liu, J., Gu, Z., & Suzuki, M., “A Low Computational Complexity SML Estimation Algorithm of DOA for Wireless Sensor Networks.” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015,Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 352012. (通信作者,SCI索引)
8. Liu, Jianhang; Zhang, Wenbin; Wang, Qi; Li, Shibao; Chen, Haihua; Cui, Xuerong; Sun, Yi A cooperative downloading method for VANET using distributed fountain code //Sensors (Switzerland), vol 16, n 10, October 12, 2016. (SCI索引)
9. 刘建航;毕经平;葛雨明;李世宝;陈海华;李忠诚等,“一种基于协助下载方法的车联网选车策略”// 计算机学报, 2016 39(5):919-930. (EI索引)
10. Jianhang Liu; Haibin Zhai; Zhixuan Jia; Shibao Li; Haihua Chen; Xuerong Cui A balanced cooperative downloading method for VANET //2016 16th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT) September 2016 Qingdao China Pages: 435 – 438. (EI索引)
1. Haihua Chen; Shibao Li; Jianhang Liu; Chen Gong; Fen Liu; Masakiyo Suzuki, “A JPSO algorithm for SML estimation of DOA”, 2016 16th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), Pages: 457 – 460, 2016.
2. Hongyan Du; Yiqing Zhou; Haihua Chen; Lin Tian; Jinglin Shi, “ Load balance for centralized heterogeneous networks with limited fronthaul capacity”, 2016 16th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), Pages: 17 – 21, 2016. (Best Paper)
3. Yang Liu; Hang Liu; Haihua Chen, “ Performance analyses of successive interference cancellation in vehicular network”, 2016 16th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), Pages: 431 – 434, 2016.
4. Shibao Li; Wenli Ma; Jianhang Liu; Haihua Chen, “A Kalman gain modify algorithm based on BP neural network”, 2016 16th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), Pages: 453 – 456, 2016.
5. Jianhang Liu; Haibin Zhai; Zhixuan Jia; Shibao Li; Haihua Chen; Xuerong Cui, “A balanced cooperative downloading method for VANET”, 2016 16th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), Pages: 435 – 438, 2016.
6. Haihua Chen, Shibao Li, Jianhang Liu and Masakiyo Suzuki, “PSO Algorithm for Exact Stochastic ML Estimation of DOA for Incoherent Signals”, in Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2015), T-1C.4, Oct. Nara, Japan.
7. Haihua Chen ; Yiqing Zhou ; Lin Tian ; Jinglin Shi ; Jinlong Hu ; Suzuki, Masakiyo, “A novel modification of WSF for DOA estimation,” Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2013 IEEE, 10.1109/WCNC.2013.**, pp. 2868-2873.
8. Ling Liu, Haihua Chen, Yiqing Zhou, Hang Liu, Lin Tian, Jinglin Shi, “Optimization of delay performance in multicast CPC scheduling,” Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2013 IEEE, 10.1109/WCNC.2013.**, pp. 1345 – 1350.
9. Hang Liu, Yiqing Zhou, Lin Tian, Haihua Chen, Xue Han, Jinglin Shi, “ Investigation on energy efficiency of OFDM-based two-stage cooperative multicast with CP combining”, Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2013 IEEE, 10.1109/WCNC.2013.**, pp. 1575 – 1580.
10. Hongliang Duan; Dengshan Huang; Liyang Zhou; Haihua Chen; Jinglin Shi,“IA decorrelation algorithm based on virtual array extension”, Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM), 2012 ICST, 10.1109/ChinaCom.2012.**, pp. 348-351.
11. H. Chen, and M. Suzuki, “Efficient algorithms for optimal and suboptimal unconditional ML estimation of DOA” in Proceedings of 2009 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems (ISPACS 2009), pp. 469-472 (Jan. 2009 Kanazawa).
12. H. Chen, and M. Suzuki, “Efficient Algorithms for DOA Estimation of Incoherent Signals Based on Unconditional ML Criterion,” in Proceedings of International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology 2008 (IWMST 2008), F032, pp. 399-408 (Nov. 2008, Harbin).
13. M. Suzuki and H. Chen “Exact Unconditional ML Estimation of DOA” in Proceedings of 2008 International Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems in Bangkok (SISB 2008), pp. 41-46 (Dec. 2008 Bangkok).
14. H. Chen and M. Suzuki, “An Algorithm for Finding the Best Solution of Stochastic ML Estimation of DOA,” in Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2007) F3C-5, pp.1060-1065 (Oct. 2007 Sydney).
15. H. Chen and M. Suzuki, On Non-Uniqueness of Stochastic ML Estimation of DOA and Its Best Solution, in Proceedings of 2007 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2007), pp.169-172 (Nov-Dec. 2007 Xiamen).
16. H. Chen and M. Suzuki, “Non-Uniqueness of Unconditional ML Estimation of DOA and Its Best Solution,” in Proceedings of 2007 International Conference on Telecommunications, Industry and Regulatory Development (ICTIR'07), pp. 6-11 (Aug. 2007, Bangkok).
17. H. Chen and M. Suzuki, “Properties of Criterion for Unconditional ML Estimation of DOA,” in Proceedings of 2007 International Workshop on Smart Info-Media Systems in Bangkok (SISB 2007), pp. 1-6 (Nov. 2007, Bangkok).
18. H. Chen and M. Suzuki, “Convergence of AM Algorithm for ML Estimator of DOA Based on Stochastic Signal Model,” in Proc. the 20th Signal Processing Symposium, A8-1 (Nov, 2006, Kyoto).
19. H. Chen and M. Suzuki, “Properties of Criteria for ML Estimation of DOA Based on Stochastic Signal Model,” in Proc. The 29th Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (SITA 2006), 11.3, pp.165-168 (Nov. 2006, Hakodate).
20. H. Chen, T. Teng, M. Zhang and M. Suzuki, “An Efficient Algorithm for Detection and Localization of Multiple Sources via the Stochastic Model,” in Proceedings of International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology 2006 (IWMST 2006), pp. 298-304 (May 2006, Wuhan).
21. M. Suzuki, M. Zhang, H. Chen and T. Teng, “A Design Method of Criteria for Detecting the Number of Signals,” in Proceedings of International Symposium on Communications And Information Technologies 2006 (ISCIT 2006), F1A-1 (Oct. 2006, Bangkok).
22. M. Suzuki, M. Zhang, H. Chen and T. Teng, “A Design of Information Theoretic Criteria for Detecting the Number of Incoherent Signals,” in Proceedings of 2006 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS 2006), FAM2-4-2, pp. 991-994 (Dec. 2006, Yonago, Japan).
23. T. Teng, H. Chen, M. Zhang and M. Suzuki, “Gradient Method for ML and WSF Bearing Estimator Using a Uniform Linear Array,” in Proceedings of International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology 2006 (IWMST 2006), pp.403-409 (May 2006, Wuhan).
24. M. Zhang, H. Chen, T. Teng and M. Suzuki, “A Design of Information Theoretic Criteria for Detecting the Number of Incoherent Signals,” in Proceedings of International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology 2006 (IWMST 2006), pp. 358-365 (May 2006, Wuhan).
25. Local Conferences in Japan (indexed by JSTPlus):
26. H. Chen, Y. Maeda, and M. Suzuki, “Performance Study on Exact Stochastic ML Estimation of DOA 2010 Joint Convention Record, The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan, 11, Kitami Institute of Technology (Oct. 2010 Kitami).
27. H. Chen and M. Suzuki, “Local Search method in Conventional Criterion of UML Estimation of DOA 2009 Joint Convention Record, The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan, 13, Kitami Institute of Technology (Oct. 2009 Kitami).
28. H. Chen, M. Suzuki, ``Ambiguity in Exact Unconditional ML Criterion for DOA Estimation,'' IEICE Technical Report, vol. IEICE-108, no. IEICE-EA-68, IEICE-SIP-70, IEICE-EA2008-6, IEICE-SIP2008-15, pp. 1-6, (2008-5, Kannsai).
29. H. Chen, M. Suzuki, ``Avoidance of Numerical Unstability in Exact Unconditional ML Estimation of DOA,'' IEICE Technical Report, vol. IEICE-108, no. IEICE-CAS-105, IEICE-VLD-107, IEICE-SIP-109, IEICE-CAS2008-29, IEICE-VLD2008-42, IEICE-SIP2008-63, pp. 61-66, (2008-6, Sapporo).
30. H. Chen, M. Suzuki, ``Irreducible Form of AM Criterion for Unconditional ML Estimation of DOA,'' IEICE Technical Report, vol. IEICE-108, no. IEICE-SIS-85, IEICE-SIS2008-7, pp. 35-40, (2008-6, Asahigawa).
31. H. Chen and M. Suzuki, “Exact Unconditional ML Criterion for DOA Estimation 2008 Joint Convention Record, The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan, 46, Hokkaido University (Oct. 2008 Sapporo).
32. H. Chen and M. Suzuki, “Non-Uniqueness of SML Estimation of DOA and an algorithm for Its Best Solution, 2007 Joint Convention Record, The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan, 12, Hokkaido University (Oct. 2007 Sapporo).
33. H. Chen and M. Suzuki, “Uniqueness of ML Estimation of DOA Based on Stochastic Signal Model,” IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 107, No. CAS-1, VLD-1, SIP-1, pp.91-96 (June 2007, Sapporo).
34. H. Chen and M. Suzuki, “Global and Local Solutions to Stochastic ML Estimation of DOA, IEICE Tech. Report, Vol. 107, No. SIP-235, SIS-237, SP-239, pp. 17-22 (Sep. 2007 Nagoya).
35. H. Chen, T. Teng, M. Zhang and M. Suzuki, “An Efficient Iterative Technique for ML Estimation of DOA Based on Stochastic Signal Model,” 2006 Joint Convention Record, The Hokkaido Chapters of the Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers, Japan, 182 (Oct. 2006, Muroran).
36. H. Chen, T. Teng, M. Zhang and M. Suzuki, “An Efficient Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Signal Number Detection Based on the Stochastic Signal Model,” IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 106, No. 112, CAS2006-18, pp. 61-65 (June 2006, Kitami).
37. T. Teng, H. Chen, M. Zhang and M. Suzuki, “An Exact Newton Method for DOA Estimation Using a Uniform Linear Array,” IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 106, No. 112, CAS2006-19, pp. 67-72 (June 2006, Kitami).
38. M. Suzuki, T. Teng, M. Zhang and H. Chen, “A Criterion for Bearing Estimation Using a Sensor Array,” IEICE Technical Meeting, Vol.105, No.427, SIS2005-54, pp. 7-10 (Nov. 2005, Hitachi).
提案一:陈海华,周一青,石晶林,“Selection of Timing Advance Reference Point in Uplink CoMP System”,MT-A推进组3GPP项目组第31次会议议程,文稿编号:IMT-A_3GPP_11406,2011年11月02-03,沈阳。
提案三:陈海华,彭琛,周一青,石晶林“Compressed CSI Feedback Mechanism for CoMP”,IMT-A推进组3GPP项目组第32次会议议程,文稿编号:IMT-A_3GPP_12057,2012年3月15-16,西安。
提案四:彭琛,陈海华,周一青,石晶林“CQI Feedback and Interference Measurement for CoMP”,IMT-A推进组3GPP项目组第32次会议议程,文稿编号:IMT-A_3GPP_12058,2012年3月15-16,西安。
提案五:周一青、刘航、田霖、陈海华、石晶林,“一种低功耗的两阶段协作多播机制”,CCSA WG6 第三十一次会议, 2012年8月,北京。
提案六:周一青,刘玲,陈海华,田霖,石晶林,“基于认知系统的组播CPC传播方式的改进方法”,CCSA WG6 第三十一次会议, 2012年8月,北京。
1. CoMP上行链路中关于时间提前调整参考节点选取的方法, 授权专利号: ZL4.5,周一青,陈海华,石晶林,史岗。
2. 两阶段协作多播方法及系统,授权专利号: ZL5.6,周一青,刘航,田霖,陈海华,石晶林。
3. 波达方位估计架构方法,申请专利号:3.9,陈海华,李世宝,刘建航。
4. 反馈式波达方位估计架构方法,申请专利号:7.9,陈海华,李世宝,刘建航。
5. 用于协作多点通信中的信道状态信息的反馈方法及系统,申请专利号: 4.X,周一青,陈海华,彭琛,石晶林。
6. 协作多点通信中的协作集选取的方法及系统,申请专利号: 9.X,周一青,彭琛,陈海华,石晶林。
7. 用于认知系统的组播认知导频信道消息传播方法及装置,申请专利号: 5.9,周一青,刘玲,陈海华,田霖,石晶林。
8. 一种频率资源分配方法,申请专利号: 1.0,周一青,刘航,田霖,陈海华,石晶林。
9. 基于伪随机子信道选择策略的下行干扰消除方法及系统,申请专利号:2.4,周一青,黄伊,王伟,刘航,田霖,陈海华,石晶林。

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