

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-24

职称: 副教授
学历: 博士研究生
办公室: 工科D205
E-mail: hliudi@upc.edu.cn
电话: **
1998年09月-2002年06月湖南大学土木工程学院 工学学士
2002年09月-2005年06月湖南大学土木工程学院 工学硕士
2005年09月-2011年02月湖南大学土木工程学院 工学博士
2014年01月-至今中国石油大学华东 副教授
2014年02月-2016年02月香港理工大学 香江****
2012年06月-2013年12月中国石油大学华东 讲师
1.Di Liu*, Yang Cai, Fu-Yun Zhao. Optimal design of thermoelectric cooling system integrated heat pipes for electric devices. Energy 128 (2017) 403-413.
2.Di Liu*, Fu-Yun Zhao, Hong-Xing Yang, Jian Chen, Changwen Ye. Probability adjoint identification of airborne pollutant sources depending on one sensor in a ventilated enclosure with conjugate heat and species transports. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 102 (2016) 919-933.
3.Yang Cai, Di Liu*, Fu-Yun Zhao, Jian-Feng Tang. Performance analysis and assessment of thermoelectric micro cooler for electronic devices. Energy Conversion and Management 124 (2016) 203-211.
4.Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Hong-Xing Yang, Guang-Fa Tang. Theoretical and experimental investigations of thermoelectric heating system with multiple ventilation channels. Applied Energy 159 (2015) 458-468. SCI IF5.681
5.Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Hong-Xing Yang, Guang-Fa Tang. Thermoelectric mini cooler coupled with micro thermosiphon for CPU cooling system. Energy 83
(2015) 29-36. SCI IF4.59
6.Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Han-Qing Wang, Ernst Rank. History source identification of airborne pollutant dispersions in a slot ventilated building enclosure.International journal of Thermal Sciences 64 (2013) 81-92. (SCI IF 2.142)(IDS number: 069WC)
7. Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Han-Qing Wang, Ernst Rank. Turbulent transport of airborne pollutants in a residential room with a novel air conditioning unit. International Journal of Refrigeration 35 (2012) 1455-1472. (SCI IF 1.817)(IDS Number: 982EO)
8.Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Han-Qing Wang, Ernst Rank, Guang-Xiao Kou. Inverse determination of building heating profiles from the knowledge of measurements within the turbulent slot-vented enclosure. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 4597–4612. (SCI IF 2.407)(IDS Number: 971MF)
9.Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Han-Qing Wang. History recovery and source identification of multiple gaseous contaminants releasing with thermal effects in an indoor environment. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 422-435. (SCI IF 2.407) (IDS Number: 853ME)
10.Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Han-Qing Wang. Passive heat and moisture removal from a natural vented enclosure with a massive wall. Energy 36 (2011) 2867-2882. (SCI IF 3.487) (IDS Number: 774UF)
11.Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang. Active low-grade energy recovery potential for building energy conservation. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (2010) 2736-2747. (SCI IF 6.018) (IDS Number: 662ZT)
12.Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang. Non-unique convection in a three-dimensional slot-vented cavity with opposed jets. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (2010) 1044-1056. (SCI IF 2.407) (IDS Number: 553JB)
13.Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang. Modeling and performance investigation of a closed-type thermoelectric clothes dryer. Drying Technology 26 (2008) 1208-1216. (SCI IF 2.084) (IDS Number: 347ML)
14.Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang. Numerical analysis of two contaminants removal from a three-dimensional cavity. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 378-382. (SCI IF 2.407) (IDS Number: 255WL)
15.Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang. Thermosolutal convection in a saturated
porous enclosure with concentrated energy and solute sources. Energy
Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 16-31. (SCI IF 2.216) (IDS Number:
16.Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang. Conjugate heat transfer in an enclosure with a centered conducting body imposed sinusoidal temperature profiles on one side. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A 53 (2) (2008) 204-223. (SCI IF 2.492) (IDS Number: 229DB)
17.Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang. Frosting of heat pump with heat recovery facility. Renewable Energy 32 (2007) 1228-1242. (SCI IF 2.978) (IDS Number: 146GN)
18.Di Liu, Guang-Fa Tang, Fu-Yun Zhao, Han-Qing Wang. Modeling and experimental investigation of looped separate heat pipe as waste heat recovery facility. Applied Thermal Engineering 26 (2006) 2433-2441. (SCI IF 2.064) (IDS Number: 076UV)
19.Fu-Yun Zhao, Di Liu, Han-Qing Wang, Guang-Xiao Kou, Guang-Fa Tang. Free heat and mass transfer in a porous enclosure with side vents. Drying Technology 29 (2011) 91-104. (IDS Number: 714RI)
20.Li Tang, Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang. Combined heat and moisture convective transport in a partial enclosure with multiple free ports. Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2010) 977-990. (IDS Number: 578DZ)

Di Liu*, Fu-Yun Zhao. Numerical Simulation in One Room with an Energy Conservation Air Conditioner. Chapter 4 of Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications in Green Design, International Energy and Environment Foundation, 2014.
1. 刘娣, 杨兆铭, 时玉树, 王瑜. 非连续翅片分离式热管新风机及其制备方法. 中国, 发明专利, ZL 2014 1 **.1, 2016.01.13
2. 刘娣, 时玉树, 王瑜, 蔡阳. 分离型热管洗浴废水余热回收系统及其方法. 中国, 发明专利, 申请号3.0
2015年 中国高校矿业石油与安全工程领域优秀青年科技人才奖
2014年 香江****奖
2013年 湖南省优秀博士论文
2009年 湖南省自然科学一等奖

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