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主要从事肿瘤及干细胞的应用和研究工作,参编《胃癌》(人民卫生出版社)及《免疫病学》(科学出版社)。完成《系统性自身免疫性疾病-基础与临床》第二版的出版工作。近5年来,作为第一申请人或作为合作申请人获得300余万元研究基金。自2004年起至今已发表学术论文近70篇,其中英文论文50余篇,被SCI收录论文32篇,EI/ISTP收录论文20余篇。在国内较早进行了胃癌基因表达谱的研究,在白塞病分子水平的研究达到国内领先水平,相关文章被多次引用,在白塞病分子诊断及治疗方面做出积极贡献。应用RNA干涉技术在国内率先进行了沉默AFP基因的研究,并先后获得发明专利10项,其中8项首研,并获发明专利奖1项。完成山东省第一例自体和第一例异体外周血造血干细胞采集,率先开展外周血造血干细胞低温冷冻保存和复苏试验,开展了骨髓基质干细胞向成骨和软骨转化的研究,承担了干细胞研究 “973”项目子课题2项。
2006年受邀赴美国贝勒免疫研究院(Baylor Institute for Immunology Research)参观学习,与国外学者交流合作,申请到国际合作项目三项。派送实验室人员到美国、法国相关实验室学习,为实验室带来新的技术与理念。在培养新人方面,大胆利用所长,积极为科室工作人员及研究生创造成长及锻炼的机会,支持外出参加学术会议及培训,促进人材成长。作为博士研究生导师,已经指导21名研究生毕业,目前正在进行课题研究的研究生5名。
附 专利及主要著作:
一、 发明专利
1. 胃癌靶向DEC1基因的SiRNAs表达载体的构建、筛选及其用途(专利号:ZL**6.5;授权公告日:2012.7.18)
2. 胃癌靶向FUT3基因的miRNAs表达载体的构建、筛选及其用途(专利号:ZL**9.7;授权公告日:2010.6.2)
3. 胃癌靶向AFP基因的siRNAs表达载体的构建、筛选及其用途(专利号:ZL 2**.8;授权公告日:2009.10.14)
4. 一种检测血液中非那西丁与醋氨酚浓度比值的试剂盒及其应用(专利号:ZL **2.X;授权公告日:2008.11.26)
5. 一种血小板糖蛋白HPA-1和HPA-2基因型检测芯片及其用途(专利号:ZL **9.5;授权公告日:2008.2.27)
6. 生物芯片自动反应仪(专利号:ZL **9.0;授权公告日:2007.6.20)
7. 一种细胞因子基因型检测芯片及其用途(专利号:ZL**9.0;授权公告日:2007.2.14)
8. 流式细胞仪专用溶血素及其制备方法与应用(专利号:ZL**1.3;授权公告日:2006.11.29)
9. 靶向肝癌AFP基因的siRNAs表达载体及其构建方法与用途(专利号:ZL**4.4;授权公告日:2006.4.5)
10. HLA-B51基因亚型检测芯片及其应用(申请号:**9.2;公开日:2005.1.12)
二、 代表性论文(SCI)
1. Yan-Fei Jia ,Dong-Jie Xiao,Xiao-Li Ma,Yan-Yan Song,Rui Hu,Yi Kong ,Yan Zheng,Shu-Yi Han,Ruan-Li Hong,Yun-Shan Wang* .Differentiated embryonic chondrocyte-expressed gene 1 is associated with hypoxia-inducible factor 1α and Ki67 in human gastric cancer. Diagn Pathol. 2013 Feb 27;8(1):37.通讯作者
2. Jia Y, Liu D, Xiao D, Ma X, Han S, Zheng Y, Sun S, Zhang M, Gao H, Cui X, Wang Y*.Expression of AFP and STAT3 Is Involved in Arsenic Trioxide-Induced Apoptosis and Inhibition of Proliferation in AFP-Producing Gastric Cancer Cells. PLoS One.2013;8(1):e54774. Epub 2013 Jan 30. 通讯作者
3. Ma X, Zhang X, Jia Y, Zu S, Han S, Xiao D, Sun H, Wang Y*. Dexamethasone induces osteogenesis via regulation of Hedgehog signaling molecules in rat mesenchymal stem cells. Int Orthop. 2013,37:1399–1404.通讯作者
4. Chengwei X, Xiaoli M, Yuan Z, Li P, Shengjiang W, Chao Y, Yunshan W*.Plasma thrombictivatable fibrinolysis inhibitor levels and its Thr325Ile polymorphism in breast cancer. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2013 [Epub ahead of print]. 通讯作者
5. Xu C W, Wu X B, Ma X L, Wang Y S, Zhang B C, Zhao J J, Wang Z J, Chen J. Genetic variation in thrombictivatable fibrinolysis inhibitor is associated with the risk of diabetic nephropathy [J]. Journal of endocrinological investigation, 2012, 35(7): 620-624.
6. Zheng Y, Shi X, Wang M, Jia Y, Li B, Zhang Y, Liu Q, Wang Y*.The increased expression of DEC1 gene is related to HIF-1a protein in gastric cancer cell lines. Mol Biol Rep. 2012 Apr;39(4):4229-36. 通讯作者
7. Zhang Y, Lu N, Xue Y, Zhang M, Li Y, Si Y, Bian X, Jia Y, Wang Y*.Expression of immunoglobulin-like transcript (ILT)2 and ILT3 in human gastric cancer and its clinical significance. Mol Med Rep. 2012 Apr;5(4):910-6. 通讯作者
8. Zhao X, Yang W, Shi C, Ma W, Liu J, Wang Y*, Jiang G*. The G1 phase arrest and apoptosis by intrinsic pathway induced by valproic acid inhibit proliferation of BGC-823 gastric carcinoma cells [J]. Tumour biology : the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine, 2011, 32(2): 335-346.通讯作者
9. Shi X H, Zheng Y, Sun Q, Cui J, Liu Q H, Qu F, Wang Y S*. DEC1 nuclear expression: a marker of differentiation grade in hepatocellular carcinoma . World journal of gastroenterology : WJG, 2011, 17(15): 2037-2043.通讯作者
10. Xiaohong Shi, Yan Zheng, Wanshan Ma, Yunshan Wang*. Possible involvement of DEC1 on the adverse effects of quinolone antibiotics. Toxicology,2010; 271(1-2):1-4. 通讯作者
11. Zhang MX, Zhao X, Wang ZG, Zhao WM, Wang YS*. Constitutive activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 regulates expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in human meningioma differentiation. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2010, 136(7):981-8. 通讯作者
12. L.P. Sun, X.L. Ma, H.X. Liu, Y.S. Wang* and X.F. Li*. No association of polymorphisms in the suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS)-3 with rheumatoid arthritis in the Chinese Han population. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2010, 9 (3): 1518-1524. 通讯作者
13. Y ZHANG, Y LIU, N LU, NN SHAN, GX ZHENG, SM ZHAO, X ZOU, YJ GAO, YJ LI1 AND YS WANG*. Expression of the Genes Encoding Human Leucocyte Antigens-A, -B, -DP, -DQ and -G in Gastric Cancer Patients. The Journal of International Medical Research, 2010; 38(3):949-56. 通讯作者
14. Zheng Y, Jia Y, Wang Y*, Wang M, Li B, Shi X, Ma X, Xiao D, Sun Y. The hypoxia-regulated transcription factor DEC1 (Stra13,SHARP-2) and its expression in gastric cancer. Omics : a journal of integrative biology, 2009;13(4):301-306. 通讯作者
15. Sun Y, Liu J, Gao P, Wang Y, Liu C. Expression of Ig-like transcript 4 inhibitory receptor in human non-small cell lung cancer. Chest. 2008, 134(4):783-788.
16. Wang P, Liu Z, Wu C, Zhu B, Wang Y, Xu H. Evaluation of CD86/CD28 and CD40/CD154 pathways in regulating monocyte-derived CD80 expression during their interaction with allogeneic endothelium. Transplant Proc. 2008 40(8):2729-2733.
17. Zhu L, Fang Y, Liu Z, Wang P, Wang Y, Xu H. Rabbit anti-human leukocyte polyclonal antibody inhibits xenogeneic cell-mediated immune responses. Transplant Proc. 2008; 40(8):2760-2763.
18. GAO Na, LI Zhi-hong, DING Bu-tong, CHEN Yun, WANG Yun-shan, QIAO Ying, GUO Nong-jian. Expression of ETV6 rearrangement in a subject with acute myeloid leukemia-M4Eo. Chinese Medical Journal. 2008; 121(17) :1744-1746.
19. Fang Y, Liu Z, Zhu L, Wang P, Wang Y, Xu H. CD4+ T-cell and monocyte interdependence during discordant xenoimmune responses. Transplant Proc. 2008; 40(8):2764-8.
20. Yong Zhang, Yinhua Wang, Yunshan Wang, Caisan Cui, Ping Huang, Xianliang Li, Shuang Liu, Corinne Lendon, Nongjian Guo. Platelet glycoprotein polymorphisms: Risk, in vivo expression and severity of atherothrombotic stroke in Chinese. Clinica Chimica Acta, 2007, 378:99–104
21. Yuping Sun, Yunshan Wang, Jianqiang Zhao, Ming Gu, Ricardo Giscombe, Ann Kari Lefvert, Xiongbiao Wang. B7-H3 and B7-H4 expression in non-small-cell lung cancer. Lung cancer, 2006, 53:143-151
22. Haiji Sun, Yunshan Wang, Xiaoli Ma, Fengyan Pei, Hongsheng Sun, Yuanchao Zhang, Bing Yu. A method of oligochip for SNP genotyping in the promoter region of the IL-1_ gene and its clinical application. Oligonucleotides. 2007, 17(3):336-342. 并列第一,通讯作者。
23. Guosheng Jiang, Kehong Bi, Tianhua Tang, Junwei Wang, Yukun Zhang, Wei Zhang, Haiquan Ren, Houqiao Bai and Yunshan Wang. Down-regulation of TRRAP-dependent hTERT and TRRAP-independent CAD activation by Myc/Max contributes to the differentiation of HL60 cells after exposure to DMSO. International Immunopharmacology, 2006, 6(7):1204-1213.
24. Xiao-Li Ma, Hai-Ji Sun, Yun-Shan Wang, Shu-Hong Huang, Jing-Wu Xie, Hong-Wei Zhang. Study of Sonic hedgehog signaling pathway related molecules in gastric carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol. 2006, 12(25): 3965-3969.
25. Hongwei Qin, Anla Hu, Dongjie Xiao, Xiaoli Ma, Yunshan Wang*. Culture of endothelial progenitor cells from human peripheral blood and real-time identification by flow cytometry. Cell Research, 2006; 16:S47-S48. 通讯作者
26. An-La Hu, Xiao-Li Ma, Yan-fei Jia, Fang Zhou, Yun-Shan Wang*. Inhibition Effects of RNAi on alpha-fetoprotein Expression in human FU97 gastric carcinoma cell line. Cell Research; 2006; 16:S96.通讯作者
27. Fang Zhou, Xiaoli Ma, Yanfei Jia, Dongjie Xiao, Yunshan Wang*. Apoptosis of human gastric cancer cell line AGS induced by arsenic trioxide, cell research, 2006, 16(s):96-97. 通讯作者
28. Yanfei Jia, Xiaoli Ma, Fang Zhou, Dongjie Xiao, Yunshan Wang*. Apoptosis of gastric cancer cell FU-97 induced by arsenic trioxide in vitro. Cell Research. 2006, 16(s):96-97. 通讯作者
29. Tang-Hong Jia , Yun-Shan Wang* , Xiao-Li Ma , Hong Shen , Yong-Xin Hua , Yi-Lin Cao. Induction of Chondrocytes Differentiation from Rat Bone Marrow Stromal Cells and Gene Expression of Immune Proteins. Cell Research, 2006;16:S64. 通讯作者
30. Yunshan Wang, Xiaoli Ma, Shanhui Sun,Bing Yu. Development of an oligochip for genotyping human leukocyte antigens-B51and its clinical application. Genetic Testing. 2005; 9(4):292-296.
31. Yun-Shan WANG, Xiao-Li Ma, Tong-Gang Qi, Xiang-Dong Liu, Yue-Sheng Meng, Guang-Ju Guan. Downregulation of alpha-fetoprotein siRNA inhibits proliferation of SMMC-7721 cells. World J Gastroenterol. 2005; 11(38):6053-6055.
32. Yunshan Wang, Shanhui Sun, Hong Shen, Lihua Jiang, Maoxiu Zhang, Dongjie Xiao, Yang Liu, Xiaoli Ma,Yong Zhang, Nongjian Guo,Tanghong Jia. Cross-reaction of SARS-CoV Antigen with Autoantibody in Autoimmune Diseases. Cell Mol Immunol. 2004; 1(4):304-307.
2. Mi-R124基因修饰间充质干细胞治疗缺血缺氧脑病的研究 国家自然科学基金;2012
3. 多种标志物联合定量检测的微流控芯片及其在急性心梗诊断中的应用研究;国家自然科学基金;2011
4. α5nAchR/HIF1a/VEGF在肺癌发生中作用机制的研究; 山东省科学技术厅;2012
5. 转录调节因子DEC1 在胃癌细胞凋亡过程中的作用及其机制的研究;山东省科学技术厅;2011
6. 胃癌中HIF-a/DEC1/STAT3表达调控机制的研究;国家自然科学基金;2011
7. 《系统性红斑狼疮的临床诊断、综合治疗的研究》的子课题《SLE相关自身抗体临床检测质量控制体系的建设及临床研究》 ;国家“十一.五”科技支撑计划子课题;2008
8. 荧光原位杂交技术检测乳腺癌HER-2/ neu基因扩增的临床应用研究;国家卫生部;2008
9. 荧光原位杂交技术检测多发性骨髓瘤分子细胞遗传学变异的临床应用研究;国家卫生部;2008
10. 荧光原位杂交技术检测膀胱癌分子细胞遗传学变异的临床应用研究;国家卫生部;2008
11. HIF-1α/DEC1/STAT在胃癌发生发展中的作用及其治疗靶点的研究;济南市委组织部“泉城学者”建设工程领导小组办公室;2009
12. 呼吸道病毒性传染病病原谱流行规律及变异研究;科技部“十一五”重大专项子课题;2009
13. Hedgehog信号转导途径在软骨细胞组织工程中作用及机理研究;山东省医药卫生科技发展计划;2008
14. 尼古丁乙酰胆碱受体α5亚单位对肺癌细胞粘附、迁移的影响及机制研究;济南市科技局;2009
15. 转录调节因子DEC1在胃癌中的表达及其机制的研究;济南市科技局;2008
16. 胃癌细胞中转录因子DEC1对HIF1a调控机制的研究; 济南市科技局;2009
17. 慢病毒miRNA阻断胃癌细胞DEC1表达对细胞增殖的影响;济南市科技局;2009
1. HDAC抑制因子免疫调控机制及其抗肿瘤作用的研究;山东省 科学技术奖;2011;三等;
2. 白细胞介素-1B和RN基因多态性与老年胃癌易感性的临床应用研究;山东省保健科技协会科学技术奖;2010;三等;
3. 激活素对新生大鼠缺氧缺血性脑损伤的保护作用及其机制的研究;山东省科学技术奖;2007;三等;
4. 胃癌靶向AFP基因的siRNAs表达载体及构建方法与用途;济南市发明专利奖;2007;三等奖;
5. 缺氧调节的转录因子DEC1 (stral3, SHARP -2)及在胃癌中的表达;济南科学技术优秀学术成果奖;2011;一等奖;
6. 尼古丁乙酰胆碱受体α5亚单位对肺癌细胞粘附、迁移的影响及机制研究;济南市科技进步奖;2012;三等奖
1. 胃癌靶向DEC1基因的SiRNAs表达载体的构建、筛选及其用途(专利号:ZL**6.5;授权公告日:2012.7.18)
2. 胃癌靶向FUT3基因的miRNAs表达载体的构建、筛选及其用途(专利号:ZL**9.7;授权公告日:2010.6.2)
3. 胃癌靶向AFP基因的siRNAs表达载体的构建、筛选及其用途(专利号:ZL 2**.8;授权公告日:2009.10.14)
4. 一种检测血液中非那西丁与醋氨酚浓度比值的试剂盒及其应用(专利号:ZL **2.X;授权公告日:2008.11.26)
5. 一种血小板糖蛋白HPA-1和HPA-2基因型检测芯片及其用途(专利号:ZL **9.5;授权公告日:2008.2.27)
6. 生物芯片自动反应仪(专利号:ZL **9.0;授权公告日:2007.6.20)
7. 一种细胞因子基因型检测芯片及其用途(专利号:ZL**9.0;授权公告日:2007.2.14)
8. 流式细胞仪专用溶血素及其制备方法与应用(专利号:ZL**1.3;授权公告日:2006.11.29)
9. 靶向肝癌AFP基因的siRNAs表达载体及其构建方法与用途(专利号:ZL**4.4;授权公告日:2006.4.5)
10. HLA-B51基因亚型检测芯片及其应用(申请号:**9.2;公开日:2005.1.12)
1. Yan-Fei Jia ,Dong-Jie Xiao,Xiao-Li Ma,Yan-Yan Song,Rui Hu,Yi Kong ,Yan Zheng,Shu-Yi Han,Ruan-Li Hong,Yun-Shan Wang* .Differentiated embryonic chondrocyte-expressed gene 1 is associated with hypoxia-inducible factor 1α and Ki67 in human gastric cancer. Diagn Pathol. 2013 Feb 27;8(1):37.通讯作者
2. Jia Y, Liu D, Xiao D, Ma X, Han S, Zheng Y, Sun S, Zhang M, Gao H, Cui X, Wang Y*.Expression of AFP and STAT3 Is Involved in Arsenic Trioxide-Induced Apoptosis and Inhibition of Proliferation in AFP-Producing Gastric Cancer Cells. PLoS One.2013;8(1):e54774. Epub 2013 Jan 30. 通讯作者
3. Ma X, Zhang X, Jia Y, Zu S, Han S, Xiao D, Sun H, Wang Y*. Dexamethasone induces osteogenesis via regulation of Hedgehog signaling molecules in rat mesenchymal stem cells. Int Orthop. 2013,37:1399–1404.通讯作者
4. Chengwei X, Xiaoli M, Yuan Z, Li P, Shengjiang W, Chao Y, Yunshan W*.Plasma thrombictivatable fibrinolysis inhibitor levels and its Thr325Ile polymorphism in breast cancer. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2013 [Epub ahead of print]. 通讯作者
5. Xu C W, Wu X B, Ma X L, Wang Y S, Zhang B C, Zhao J J, Wang Z J, Chen J. Genetic variation in thrombictivatable fibrinolysis inhibitor is associated with the risk of diabetic nephropathy [J]. Journal of endocrinological investigation, 2012, 35(7): 620-624.
6. Zheng Y, Shi X, Wang M, Jia Y, Li B, Zhang Y, Liu Q, Wang Y*.The increased expression of DEC1 gene is related to HIF-1a protein in gastric cancer cell lines. Mol Biol Rep. 2012 Apr;39(4):4229-36. 通讯作者
7. Zhang Y, Lu N, Xue Y, Zhang M, Li Y, Si Y, Bian X, Jia Y, Wang Y*.Expression of immunoglobulin-like transcript (ILT)2 and ILT3 in human gastric cancer and its clinical significance. Mol Med Rep. 2012 Apr;5(4):910-6. 通讯作者
8. Zhao X, Yang W, Shi C, Ma W, Liu J, Wang Y*, Jiang G*. The G1 phase arrest and apoptosis by intrinsic pathway induced by valproic acid inhibit proliferation of BGC-823 gastric carcinoma cells [J]. Tumour biology : the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine, 2011, 32(2): 335-346.通讯作者
9. Shi X H, Zheng Y, Sun Q, Cui J, Liu Q H, Qu F, Wang Y S*. DEC1 nuclear expression: a marker of differentiation grade in hepatocellular carcinoma . World journal of gastroenterology : WJG, 2011, 17(15): 2037-2043.通讯作者
10. Xiaohong Shi, Yan Zheng, Wanshan Ma, Yunshan Wang*. Possible involvement of DEC1 on the adverse effects of quinolone antibiotics. Toxicology,2010; 271(1-2):1-4. 通讯作者
11. Zhang MX, Zhao X, Wang ZG, Zhao WM, Wang YS*. Constitutive activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 regulates expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in human meningioma differentiation. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2010, 136(7):981-8. 通讯作者
12. L.P. Sun, X.L. Ma, H.X. Liu, Y.S. Wang* and X.F. Li*. No association of polymorphisms in the suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS)-3 with rheumatoid arthritis in the Chinese Han population. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2010, 9 (3): 1518-1524. 通讯作者
13. Y ZHANG, Y LIU, N LU, NN SHAN, GX ZHENG, SM ZHAO, X ZOU, YJ GAO, YJ LI1 AND YS WANG*. Expression of the Genes Encoding Human Leucocyte Antigens-A, -B, -DP, -DQ and -G in Gastric Cancer Patients. The Journal of International Medical Research, 2010; 38(3):949-56. 通讯作者
14. Zheng Y, Jia Y, Wang Y*, Wang M, Li B, Shi X, Ma X, Xiao D, Sun Y. The hypoxia-regulated transcription factor DEC1 (Stra13,SHARP-2) and its expression in gastric cancer. Omics : a journal of integrative biology, 2009;13(4):301-306. 通讯作者
15. Sun Y, Liu J, Gao P, Wang Y, Liu C. Expression of Ig-like transcript 4 inhibitory receptor in human non-small cell lung cancer. Chest. 2008, 134(4):783-788.
16. Wang P, Liu Z, Wu C, Zhu B, Wang Y, Xu H. Evaluation of CD86/CD28 and CD40/CD154 pathways in regulating monocyte-derived CD80 expression during their interaction with allogeneic endothelium. Transplant Proc. 2008 40(8):2729-2733.
17. Zhu L, Fang Y, Liu Z, Wang P, Wang Y, Xu H. Rabbit anti-human leukocyte polyclonal antibody inhibits xenogeneic cell-mediated immune responses. Transplant Proc. 2008; 40(8):2760-2763.
18. GAO Na, LI Zhi-hong, DING Bu-tong, CHEN Yun, WANG Yun-shan, QIAO Ying, GUO Nong-jian. Expression of ETV6 rearrangement in a subject with acute myeloid leukemia-M4Eo. Chinese Medical Journal. 2008; 121(17) :1744-1746.
19. Fang Y, Liu Z, Zhu L, Wang P, Wang Y, Xu H. CD4+ T-cell and monocyte interdependence during discordant xenoimmune responses. Transplant Proc. 2008; 40(8):2764-8.
20. Yong Zhang, Yinhua Wang, Yunshan Wang, Caisan Cui, Ping Huang, Xianliang Li, Shuang Liu, Corinne Lendon, Nongjian Guo. Platelet glycoprotein polymorphisms: Risk, in vivo expression and severity of atherothrombotic stroke in Chinese. Clinica Chimica Acta, 2007, 378:99–104
21. Yuping Sun, Yunshan Wang, Jianqiang Zhao, Ming Gu, Ricardo Giscombe, Ann Kari Lefvert, Xiongbiao Wang. B7-H3 and B7-H4 expression in non-small-cell lung cancer. Lung cancer, 2006, 53:143-151
22. Haiji Sun, Yunshan Wang, Xiaoli Ma, Fengyan Pei, Hongsheng Sun, Yuanchao Zhang, Bing Yu. A method of oligochip for SNP genotyping in the promoter region of the IL-1_ gene and its clinical application. Oligonucleotides. 2007, 17(3):336-342. 并列第一,通讯作者。
23. Guosheng Jiang, Kehong Bi, Tianhua Tang, Junwei Wang, Yukun Zhang, Wei Zhang, Haiquan Ren, Houqiao Bai and Yunshan Wang. Down-regulation of TRRAP-dependent hTERT and TRRAP-independent CAD activation by Myc/Max contributes to the differentiation of HL60 cells after exposure to DMSO. International Immunopharmacology, 2006, 6(7):1204-1213.
24. Xiao-Li Ma, Hai-Ji Sun, Yun-Shan Wang, Shu-Hong Huang, Jing-Wu Xie, Hong-Wei Zhang. Study of Sonic hedgehog signaling pathway related molecules in gastric carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol. 2006, 12(25): 3965-3969.
25. Hongwei Qin, Anla Hu, Dongjie Xiao, Xiaoli Ma, Yunshan Wang*. Culture of endothelial progenitor cells from human peripheral blood and real-time identification by flow cytometry. Cell Research, 2006; 16:S47-S48. 通讯作者
26. An-La Hu, Xiao-Li Ma, Yan-fei Jia, Fang Zhou, Yun-Shan Wang*. Inhibition Effects of RNAi on alpha-fetoprotein Expression in human FU97 gastric carcinoma cell line. Cell Research; 2006; 16:S96.通讯作者
27. Fang Zhou, Xiaoli Ma, Yanfei Jia, Dongjie Xiao, Yunshan Wang*. Apoptosis of human gastric cancer cell line AGS induced by arsenic trioxide, cell research, 2006, 16(s):96-97. 通讯作者
28. Yanfei Jia, Xiaoli Ma, Fang Zhou, Dongjie Xiao, Yunshan Wang*. Apoptosis of gastric cancer cell FU-97 induced by arsenic trioxide in vitro. Cell Research. 2006, 16(s):96-97. 通讯作者
29. Tang-Hong Jia , Yun-Shan Wang* , Xiao-Li Ma , Hong Shen , Yong-Xin Hua , Yi-Lin Cao. Induction of Chondrocytes Differentiation from Rat Bone Marrow Stromal Cells and Gene Expression of Immune Proteins. Cell Research, 2006;16:S64. 通讯作者
30. Yunshan Wang, Xiaoli Ma, Shanhui Sun,Bing Yu. Development of an oligochip for genotyping human leukocyte antigens-B51and its clinical application. Genetic Testing. 2005; 9(4):292-296.
31. Yun-Shan WANG, Xiao-Li Ma, Tong-Gang Qi, Xiang-Dong Liu, Yue-Sheng Meng, Guang-Ju Guan. Downregulation of alpha-fetoprotein siRNA inhibits proliferation of SMMC-7721 cells. World J Gastroenterol. 2005; 11(38):6053-6055.
Yunshan Wang, Shanhui Sun, Hong Shen, Lihua Jiang, Maoxiu Zhang, Dongjie Xiao, Yang Liu, Xiaoli Ma,Yong Zhang, Nongjian Guo,Tanghong Jia. Cross-reaction of SARS-CoV Antigen with Autoantibody in Autoimmune Diseases. Cell Mol Immunol. 2004; 1(4):304-307.
济南大学 免费考研网/2016-03-15
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120502|情报学专业硕士研究生指导教师ClickNum:360姓名孙春玲性别女民族汉族出生年月196304学历|学位研究生|博士专业技术职务研究员行政职务山东省医学科学院副院长联系电话**移动电话**邮箱chunlingsun9966@163m通讯地址 | 邮编济南市经十路18877号 | 25 ...济南大学师资导师 济南大学 免费考研网 2016-03-15济南大学研究生导师简介-李卫光
120502|情报学专业硕士研究生指导教师ClickNum:360姓名李卫光性别男民族汉族出生年月197006学历|学位研究生|硕士专业技术职务主任医师行政职务山东省立医院东院感染管理办公室主任联系电话**移动电话**邮箱emlwg@sinam通讯地址 | 邮编济南市经十东路9677号 | 2500 ...济南大学师资导师 济南大学 免费考研网 2016-03-15济南大学研究生导师简介-刘岩
120502|情报学专业硕士研究生指导教师ClickNum:360姓名刘岩性别男民族汉族出生年月196211学历|学位研究生|博士专业技术职务研究员行政职务信息所所长助理、医学情报研究中心主任联系电话**移动电话**邮箱jnliuyan@163m通讯地址 | 邮编济南市经十路18877号 | 250 ...济南大学师资导师 济南大学 免费考研网 2016-03-15济南大学研究生导师简介-刘亚民
120502|情报学专业硕士研究生指导教师ClickNum:360姓名刘亚民性别男民族汉族出生年月196406学历|学位研究生|学士专业技术职务研究员行政职务山东省医学科学院教育处处长联系电话**移动电话**邮箱yaminl@126m通讯地址 | 邮编济南市经十路18877号 | 250062招生方 ...济南大学师资导师 济南大学 免费考研网 2016-03-15济南大学研究生导师简介-胡西厚
120502|情报学专业硕士研究生指导教师ClickNum:360姓名胡西厚性别男民族汉族出生年月196610学历|学位研究生|硕士专业技术职务教授行政职务滨州医学院卫生管理学院院长联系电话**移动电话**邮箱sdhu66@163m通讯地址 | 邮编山东省烟台市莱山区观海路346号 | 264003 ...济南大学师资导师 济南大学 免费考研网 2016-03-15济南大学研究生导师简介-曹高芳
120502|情报学专业硕士研究生指导教师ClickNum:360姓名曹高芳性别男民族汉族出生年月196510学历|学位研究生|博士专业技术职务教授行政职务滨州医学院卫生管理学院副院长联系电话**移动电话**邮箱caogaofang2003@163m通讯地址 | 邮编山东省烟台市莱山区观海路346号 ...济南大学师资导师 济南大学 免费考研网 2016-03-15济南大学研究生导师简介-孙树印
105117|急诊医学专业硕士研究生指导教师ClickNum:360姓名孙树印性别男民族汉族出生年月196312学历|学位本科|学士专业技术职务主任医师行政职务济宁市第一人民医院副院长联系电话**移动电话**邮箱ssy7668@163m通讯地址 | 邮编济宁市健康路6号 济宁市第一人民医院 | 27 ...济南大学师资导师 济南大学 免费考研网 2016-03-15济南大学研究生导师简介-王凯国
105116|麻醉学专业硕士研究生指导教师ClickNum:360姓名王凯国性别男民族汉族出生年月196209学历|学位研究生|硕士专业技术职务副主任医师行政职务山东省肿瘤防治研究院科副主任联系电话**移动电话**邮箱wangkg666@163m通讯地址 | 邮编山东省济南市济兖路440号山东省肿瘤 ...济南大学师资导师 济南大学 免费考研网 2016-03-15济南大学研究生导师简介-于志勇
105113|肿瘤学专业硕士研究生指导教师ClickNum:360姓名于志勇性别男民族汉族出生年月196506学历|学位研究生|博士专业技术职务研究员行政职务联系电话**移动电话**邮箱drzhiyongyu@aliyunm通讯地址 | 邮编山东省济南市济兖路440号山东省肿瘤防治研究院 | 250 ...济南大学师资导师 济南大学 免费考研网 2016-03-15