
Hard Cutting vs. Grinding and Hybrid Manufacturing: Process Capability and Sustainability_山东理工大学

山东理工大学 辅仁网/2017-08-01


报告题目一:Hard Cutting vs. Grinding and Hybrid Manufacturing: Process Capability and Sustainability



报告题目二:Smart Manufacturing for Energyand Resource Efficient Production of the Future



科 技 处




Dr. Yuebin Guo is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and funding Director of Consortium for Surface Integrity and Functionality at The University of Alabama, U.S.A. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in advanced manufacturing from Purdue University and UC-Berkeley, respectively. His research has been focusing on the systematic development, understanding, and control of sustainable manufacturing processes, surface integrity, and functionality for various engineering applications, which has produced a significant impact on manufacturing science and engineering. His work has been funded by NSF, DOE, DOT, and numerous industrial companies. Dr. Guo is an author of 280+ peer-refereed technical publications. He has received the prestigious SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, SAE Teetor Award, NSF CAREER Award, Tau Beta Pi Outstanding Faculty Award, Humboldt Research Award, and Chinese Changjiang Guest Endowed Chair Professor. He is an elected Fellow of ASME, SME, AvH, ISNM, and a member of CIRP.


Machining industry faces the increasing pressure of producing high-performance products at low cost, high flexibility, high productivity, and low environmental impact. This seminar will focus on hard cutting vs. grinding as a finishing process in making precision mechanical components such as gears, bearings, shafts, dies, molds, etc. at high efficiency, flexibility, and low cost, while lessening theen vironmental impact. The first part of the seminar will highlight the fundamental relationships of process-surface integrity-functionality (e.g., fatigue) which underpins processselection of the two competitive processes. However, product performance is one thing, while process sustainability is quite another. The second part of seminar will focus on process sustainability of hard cutting inthe context of energy consumption and environmental impact from the viewpoint of life cycle. The third part will explore the process capability of hybrid additive-subtractive process chains for rapid manufacturing. In addition, an outlook on the criterion of process selection guideline for alternative manufacturing options will be discussed based on the combined metrics of product performance and environmental impact.


The increasing pressure of economy, environment, and society drives a paradigm change to sustainable manufacturing. The emerging smart manufacturing technologies such as cyber-physical control (CPS) and big data analytics provide potential enabling tools to facilitate sustainable manufacturing. However, the realization of smart manufacturing imposes great challenges due to the complex real-time sensing, communication, and control. This seminar will present the implementation of smart manufacturing principles through three case studies to address the great challenge. The first case shows the development of a CPS-enabled smart test bed for data-enabled energy efficient machining. The second case is to develop a smart test bed for energy efficient steel manufacturing. And the third one is to demonstrate a data-enabled cloud 3D printing for networked manufacturing, resource pooling, ubiquitous access, multi-tenancy and virtualization, big data, Internet-of-Things, everything-as-a-service, and scalability.


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