李志远Zhiyuan Li
+86-185****3626, zyli@sdut.edu.cn
? 出生年月:1986 年01 月
? 籍贯:山东临沂
? 学历:研究生
? 学 位:博士
东京大学 日本东京
数理科学研究科 博士学位 2013.04 – 2016.03
– 博士论文:Mathematical Analysis for Anomalous Di?usion with Generalized Fractional Time
东京大学 日本东京
数理科学研究科 硕士学位 2011.10 – 2013.03
– 硕士论文:Initial-boundary value problems for non-symmetric linear di?usion equation with
multiple time-fractional derivatives and applications to some inverse problems
中国科学技术大学 安徽合肥
数学科学学院 博士课程 2010.09 – 2011.08
中国科学技术大学 安徽合肥
数学科学学院 硕士课程 2008.09 – 2010.08
安徽大学 安徽合肥
数学与计算科学学院 学士学位 2004.09 – 2008.08
– 学士论文:线性方程组的几何迭代解法及医学断层成像的数学模型
与之对应的数学模型–分数阶反应扩散方程,进行了研究。研究工具主要涉及到了 Carleman 估计,
Dirichlet-to-Neumann 映射理论,调和分析等数学工具,并发表若干 SCI 论文。
特任研究员 东京大学
经费提供:JSPS 基盤研究 (S) 15H05740 2016.04.01 – 2017.09.30
– 合作者:山本昌宏教授
– 研究内容:异常扩散中的反演与预测。
学术访问 艾克斯–马赛大学
经费提供:JSPS 基盤研究 (S) 15H05740 2015.11.22 – 2015.12.05
– 合作者:Eric Soccorsi 教授, Yavar Kian 教授
– 研究内容:分布型分数阶扩散方程的反问题。
学术访问 柏林工业大学
经费提供:MEXT 数物先端 (FMSP) 2014.05.01 – 2014.06.30
– 合作者:Yuri Luchko 教授
– 研究内容:分布型分数阶扩散方程解的渐近行为。
? Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up 16H06712, JSPS
– 研究课题: Inversion and prediction problems in anomalous di?usion
– 研究期间: 2016.08.26 – 2018.03.31
– 经费总额: 2,600,000 日元 (直接经费:2,000,000 日元、间接经费:600,000 日元)
– 经费网址: https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-16H06712/
1. Li Z, Kian Y, Soccorsi E. Initial-boundary value problem for distributed order time-fractional
di?usion equations, arXiv:1709.06823.
2. Li Z, Huang X, Yamamoto M. Carleman estimates for the time-fractional advection-di?usion
equations and applications. arXiv:1704.06011.
3. Jiang D, Li Z, Liu Y, Yamamoto M. Weak unique continuation and a related inverse source
problem for time fractional di?usion equations. Inverse Problems. 2017; 33(5): 055013.
4. Li Z, Luchko Y, Yamamoto M. Analyticity of solutions to a distributed order time-fractional
di?usion equation and its application to an inverse problem. Computers & Mathematics with
Applications. 2017; 73(6): 1041–1052.
5. Cheng X, Li Z, Yamamoto M. Asymptotic behavior of solutions to space-time fractional
di?usion equations. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2017; 40(4): 1019–1031.
6. Li Z, Imanuvilov OY, Yamamoto M. Uniqueness in inverse boundary value problems for
fractional di?usion equations. Inverse Problems. 2016; 32(1): 015004.
7. Li Z, Liu Y, Yamamoto M. Initial-boundary value problems for multi-term time-fractional
di?usion equations with positive constant coefcients. Applied Mathematics and Computation.
2015; 257: 381–397.
8. Li Z, Yamamoto M. Uniqueness for inverse problems of determining orders of multi-term
time-fractional derivatives of di?usion equation. Applicable Analysis. 2015; 94(3): 570–579.
9. Li Z, Luchko Y, Yamamoto M. Asymptotic estimates of solutions to initial-boundary-value
problems for distributed order time-fractional di?usion equations. Fractional Calculus and Applied
Analysis. 2014; 17(4): 1114–1136.
10. Li Z, Yamamoto M. Initial-boundary value problems for linear di?usion equation with multiple
time-fractional derivatives. arXiv: 1306.2778.
1. An inverse problem for a frst order quasi-linear hyperbolic equation, International Conference on
Applied Statistics and Financial Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong,
China, December 18 2010.
2. Non-symmetric linear di?usion equation with multiple time-fractional derivatives and its inverse
problems, International Conference on Inverse Problems and Related Topics 2012, Southeast
University, Nanjing, China, October 24 2012.
3. Initial-boundary value problems for non-symmetric linear di?usion equation with multiple
fractional time-derivatives and applications to some inverse problems, Miniworkshop on Inverse
Problems and Related Topics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, March 27 2013.
4. Initial-boundary value problems for the linear di?usion equation with multiple time-fractional
derivatives and applications to some inverse problems, The 6th Pacifc RIM Conference on
Mathematics 2013, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, July 1–5 2013.
5. Initial-boundary value problems for di?usion equation with multiple time-fractional derivatives and
some inverse problems, International Workshop on Inverse Problems and Regularization Theory,
Fudan University, Shanghai, China, September 28 2013.
6. Initial-boundary value problems for multi-time-fractional di?usion equation and its inverse
problems, Conference on Di?usion in Heterogeneous Media and Related Topics, The University of
Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, March 7 2014.
7. Initial-boundary value problems for multi-time-fractional di?usion equations and some inverse
problems, Recent Progress in Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Inverse Problems, CIRM,
Luminy, Marseille, France, May 22, 2014.
8. Asymptotic estimates of solutions to initial-boundary-value problems for time-fractional di?usion
equations of distributed orders, 2014 A3 Foresight Program Conference on Modeling and
Computation of Applied Inverse Problems, ICC, Jeju, Korea, November 22 2014.
9. Uniqueness for inverse problems of determining orders of multi-term time-fractional derivatives of
di?usion equations, 2014 A3 Seoul-Tokyo Conference on Applied Partial Di?erential Equations,
KIAS, Seoul, Korea, December 14 2014.
10. Determination of source term in a distributed order time-fractional di?usion equation, The 7th
International Conference on Inverse Problems and Related Topics, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan, December 17 2014.
11. Mathematical Analysis for fractional di?usion equations, PDE seminar, Aix Marseille University,
Marseille, France, November 25 2015.
12. A survey on weak unique continuation for multi-term time-fractional di?usion equations, Central
China Normal University, Wuhan, China, February 23 2016.
13. An inverse problem for distributed order time-fractional di?usion equation, International
Conference on Inverse Problems and Related Topics 2016, Iwha Womans University, Seoul, Korea,
July 28 2016.
14. Forward and inverse problems for the time-fractional di?usion equations, Shandong University of
Technology, Zibo, China, October 26 2016.
15. Carleman estimates for the time-fractional di?usion equations and applications, Inverse problems
for partial di?erential equations and related areas, Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, January 26 2017.
16. A survey on inverse problems for time-fractional di?usion equations, Hohai University, Nanjing,
China, March 20 2017.
17. Mathematical analysis for di?usion equations with generalized fractional time derivatives,
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, April 5 2017.
18. An inverse problem for distributed order time-fractional di?usion equations, Applied Inverse
Problems 2017, Hangzhou, China, June 01 2017.
东京大学 特任研究员
数理科学研究科 2016.04 – 2017.09
山东理工大学 副教授
数学与计算科学学院 2017.09 – 至今
东京大学数理科学研究科科长赏 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2016
东京大学数理科学研究科科长赏 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2013
国家建设高水平大学公派研究生 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2011
安徽省高等学校品学兼优毕业生 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2008
? 程序语言
– 熟练: LATEX, Python
– 一般: MATLAB, Scilab, C 语言
? 常用软件
– Linux, 微软 Excel, 微软 Word
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-28
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