个 人 简 介
姓 名
性 别
(1) 2018年1月—至今,山东科技大学测绘科学与工程学院,教授。
(2) 2013年01月—2017年12月,山东科技大学测绘科学与工程学院,副教授。
(3) 2010年10月—2012年12月,山东科技大学测绘科学与工程学院,讲师。
(4) 2007年9月—2010年7月,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,地图学与地理信息系统专业,博士
(5) 2004年9月—2007年7月,山东科技大学,大地测量学与测量工程专业,硕士
(6) 2000年9月—2004年7月,山东科技大学,测绘工程专业,学士
(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,DEM构建的多面函数抗差插值算法研究,2014/01-2017/12,75万元,主持。
(2) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,**,DEM构建的高精度曲面建模序贯平差算法研究,2012/01-2014/12,23万元,主持。
(3) 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,ZR2019MD007,顾及地形断裂的高质量数字地形建模方法研究,2019/07-2022/06, 19万元,主持。
(4) 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金,BS2012HZ010,近海海底DEM 构建的高精度曲面建模抗差算法研究,2012/07-2014/12,5万元,主持。
(5) 青岛市基础研究计划项目,13-1-4-239-jch,近海海底DEM构建的抗差插值算法研究,2013/01—2015/09,5万元,主持。
(6) 山东科技大学****支持计划基金,2014JQJH101,数字地形模拟,2014/09-2017/08,30万元,主持。
(7) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划),2006AA12Z219,高精度数字地面模型快速生成系统,2006/12-2009/12,100万元,参加。
(1) Chen, C., Li, Y.* A fast global interpolation method for digital terrain model generation from large LiDAR-derived data. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11 (11):1324
(2) Chen C F*, Li Y Y, Zhao N, Guo B, Mou N X. Least squares compactly supported radial basis function for digital terrain model interpolation from airborne Lidar point clouds. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(4): 587.
(3) Chen C F*, Li Y Y, Zhao N, Yan C Q. Robust interpolation of DEMs from Lidar-derived elevation data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2018, 56(2): 1059 - 1068.
(4) Chen, C.F.*, Li, Y.Y., Yan, C.Q., Guo, J.Y., Liu, G.L., 2017. Least absolute deviation-based robust support vector regression. Knowledge-Based Systems, 131, 183-194.
(5) Chen, C.F*, Yan, C., Zhao, N., Guo, B., Liu, G., 2017. A robust algorithm of support vector regression with a trimmed Huber loss function in the primal. Soft Computing, 21(18), 5235-5243.
(6) Chen, C.F*, Wang, Y., Li, Y., Yue, T., Wang, X., 2017. Robust and parameter-free algorithm for constructing pit-free canopy height models. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(7), 219.
(7) Chen, C.F*., Wang, X., Yan, C.Q., Guo, B., Liu, G.L., 2016. A total error-based multiquadric method for surface modeling of digital elevation models. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 53(5), 578-595.
(8) Chen, C.F.*, Liu, F.Y., Li, Y.Y., Yan, C.Q., Liu, G.L., 2016. A robust interpolation method for constructing digital elevation models from remote sensing data. Geomorphology, 268, 275-287.
(9) Chen, C.F.*, Li, Y.Y., Yan, C.Q., Dai, H.L., Liu, G.L., Guo, J.Y., 2016. An improved multi-resolution hierarchical classification method based on robust segmentation for filtering ALS point clouds. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(4), 950-968.
(10) Chen, C.F.*, Li, Y., Yan, C., Dai, H., Liu, G., 2015. A thin plate spline-based feature-preserving method for reducing elevation points derived from lidar. Remote Sensing, 7 (9), 11344-11371.
(11) Chen, C.F.*, Zhao, N., Yue, T., Guo, J.Y., 2015. A generalization of inverse distance weighting method via kernel regression and its application to surface modeling. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8(9): 6623-6633.
(12) Chen, C.F.*, Yan, C.Q., Li, Y.Y., 2015. A robust weighted least squares support vector regression based on least trimmed squares. Neurocomputing, 168, 941-946.
(13) Chen, C.F.*, Yan, C.Q., Cao, X.W., Guo, J.Y., Dai, H.L. 2015 A greedy-based multiquadric method for LiDAR-derived ground data reduction. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 102, 110-121.
(14) Chen, C.F.*, Li, Y.Y., Yan, C.Q., Dai, H.L., Liu, G.L., 2015. A robust algorithm of multiquadric method based on an improved Huber loss function for interpolating remote-sensing-derived elevation data sets. Remote Sensing, 7, 3347-3371.
(15) Chen, C.F.*, Li, Y.Y., Dai, H.L., Cao, X.W., 2014. Noisy data smoothing in DEM construction using least squares support vector machines. Transactions in GIS, 18(6): 896-910.
(16) Chen C. F.*, Li, Y.Y., Cao, X.W., Dai, H.L., 2014. Smooth surface modeling of DEMs based on a regularized least squares method of thin plate spline. Mathematical Geosciences, 46 (8), 909-929.
(17) Chen, C. F.* and Li, Y. Y., 2013. An orthogonal least-square based method for DEM generalization. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 27(1): 154-167
(18) Chen, C.F.*, Li, Y.Y., 2013 A robust multiquadric interpolation for DEM construction. Mathematical Geosciences, 45 (3), 297-319.
(19) Chen, C. F.*, Li, Y. Y., Yue, T. X., 2013. Surface modeling of DEMs based on a sequential adjustment method. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 23 (7), 1272-1291.
(20) Chen, C.F.*, Yue, T.X, Dai H L, Tian M Y,2013. The smoothness of HASM. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 27 (8), 1651-1667.
(21) Chen, C.F.*, Li,Y.Y., Li, W., Li M. F., Dai H L, 2013. A multiresolution hierarchical classification algorithm for filtering airborne LiDAR data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 82, 1-9.
(22) Chen, C.F.*, Fan, Z.M., Yue, T.X., Dai, H.L., 2012. A robust estimator for the accuracy assessment of remote-sensing-derived DEMs. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33 (8), 2482-2497.
(23) Chen, C.F.*, Yue, T.X., Li, Y.Y., 2012. A high speed method of SMTS. Computers & Geosciences, 41, 64-71.
(24) Chen, C.F.*, Li, Y.Y., 2012. A robust method of thin plate spline and its application to DEM construction. Computers & Geosciences, 48: 9-16.
(25) Chen, C.F.* and Li, Y.Y., 2012. An adaptive method of non-stationary variogram modeling for DEM error surface simulation. Transactions in GIS, 16(6): 885-899.
(26) Chen, C.F.*, Li, Y.Y., Dai, H.L., 2011. An application of Coons patch to generate grid-based digital elevation models. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, 13 (1), 830-837.
(27) Chen, C.F.*, Yue, T.X., 2010. A method of DEM construction and related error analysis. Computers & Geosciences, 36 (6), 717-725.
(29) Yan, C.Q., Liu, J., Zhao, G., Chen, C.F.*, Yue, T., 2016. A high accuracy surface modeling method based on GPU accelerated multi-grid method. Transactions in GIS, 20(6), 991-1003.
(30) Guo, B.*, Chen, Z.S., Guo, J.Y.*, Liu, F., Chen, C.F.*, Liu, K.L., 2016. Analysis of the Nonlinear Trends and Non-Stationary Oscillations of Regional Precipitation in Xinjiang, Northwestern China, Using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13 (3), 345-365.
(31) Guo, B., Li, W.H., Guo, J.Y., Chen, C.F.*, 2015. Risk Assessment of Regional Irrigation Water Demand and Supply in an Arid Inland River Basin of Northwestern China. Sustainability, 7 (9), 12958-12973.
(32) Yan, C.Q., Zhao, G., Yue, T.X., Chen, C.F.*, Liu, J.M., Li, H., Su, N., 2015. Speeding-up the High Accuracy Surface Modelling Method with GPU. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(8), 6511-6523.
(33) Yan, C., Yue, T., Liu, J., Zhao, C., Li, H., Chen, C.F.*, 2015. A comparison of methods for solving high accuracy surface modeling in DEM construction. Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology, 9(4), 377-388.
(34) Yue, T.X., Zhao, N., Fan, Z.M., Li, J., Chen, C.F., Lu, Y.M., Wang, C.L., Gao, J., Xu, B., Jiao, Y.M. & Wilson, J.P., 2019. Methods for simulating climate scenarios with improved spatiotemporal specificity and less uncertainty. Global and Planetary Change, 181, 102973.
(35) Li, Y., Chen, C., Fang, R., Yi, L. 2019, Accuracy enhancement of high-rate GNSS positions using a complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition-based multiscale multiway PCA. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 169:67-78
(36) Zhao, N., Yue, T., Chen, C., Zhao, M., Fan, Z., 2018. An improved statistical downscaling scheme of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission precipitation in the Heihe River basin, China. International Journal of Climatology, 38(8), 3309-3322.
(37) Zhao, N., Yue, T., Chen, C., Zhao, M., Du, Z., 2018. An improved HASM method for dealing with large spatial data sets. Science China Earth Sciences (8), 1-10.
(38) Zhao, N., Lu, N., Chen, C., Li, H., Yue, T., Zhang, L., Liu, Y., 2017. Mapping temperature using a Bayesian statistical method and a high accuracy surface modelling method in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region, China. Meteorological Applications, 24(4), 571-579.
(39) Kong, Q., Guo, J., Sun, Y., Zhao, C., Chen, C., 2017. Centimeter-level precise orbit determination for the HY-2A satellite using DORIS and SLR tracking data. Acta Geophysica, 65(1), 1-12.
(40) Guo, J., Dong, Z., Tan, Z., Liu, X., Chen, C., Hwang, C., 2016. A crossover adjustment for improving sea surface height mapping from in-situ high rate ship-borne GNSS data using PPP technique. Continental Shelf Research, 125, 54-60.
(41) Zhao, N., Chen, C.F., Zhou, X., Yue, T.X., 2015. A comparison of two downscaling methods for precipitation in China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(8): 6563-6569.
(42) Yue, T.X., Zhang, L.L., Zhao, N., Zhao, M.W., Chen, C.F., Du, Z.-P., Song, D.-J., Fan, Z.-M., Shi, W.-J., Wang, S.-H., Yan, C.-Q., Li, Q.-Q., Sun, X.-F., Yang, H., Wilson, J., Xu, B., 2015. A review of recent developments in HASM. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(8),6541-6549.
(43) Zhao, N., Yue, T.X., Zhao, M.W., Du, Z.P., Fan, Z.M., Chen, C.F., 2014. Sensitivity studies of a high accuracy surface modeling method. SCIENCE CHINA: Earth Sciences, 57 (10), 2386–2396.
(44) Yue, T.X., Chen, C.F., Li, B.L., 2010. An adaptive method of high accuracy surface modeling and its application to simulating elevation surfaces. Transactions in GIS, 14 (5), 615-630.
(45) Yue, T.X., Zhao, N., Ramsey, R.D., Wang, C.L., Fan, Z.M., Chen, C.F., Lu, Y.-M., Li, B.-L., 2013. Climate change trend in China, with improved accuracy. Climatic Change, 1-15.
(46) Yue, T.X., Chen, C.F., Li, B., 2012. A high-accuracy method for filling voids and its verification. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33 (9), 2815-2830.
(47) Yue, T.X., Fan, Z.M., Chen, C.F., Sun, X.F., Li, B.L., 2011. Surface modelling of global terrestrial ecosystems under three climate change scenarios. Ecological Modelling, 222, 2342-2361.
(48) Shi, W.J., Liu, J.Y., Du, Z.P., Song, Y.J., Chen, C.F., Yue, T.X., 2009. Surface modelling of soil pH. Geoderma, 150 (1-2), 113-119.
(49) 陈传法*, 闫长青, 刘凤英, 赵娜, 刘国林, 2018. 一种综合考虑采样点水平和高程误差的DEM建模算法. 武汉大学学报信息科学版, 43(5), 739-744.
(50) 王欣, 陈传法*, 2016. LiDAR森林冠层高度模型凹坑去除方法. 测绘科学, 41(12), 157-161.
(51) 陈传法*, 刘凤英, 闫长青, 戴洪磊, 郭金运, 刘国林, 2016. DEM 建模的多面函数 Huber 抗差算法. 武汉大学学报信息科学版, 41(6), 803-809.
(52) 陈传法*, 李伟, 李明飞, 戴洪磊, 2013. DEM构建的多面函数加权抗差算法. 地球信息科学学报, 15(6), 840-845.
(53) 陈传法*, 蔡乾广, 2013. DEM快速构建的最小二乘配置算法. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 38(1), 86-89.
(54) 陈传法*, 2012. 数字高程模型构建的Coons曲面片法. 大地测量与地球动力学, 32 (4), 87-90.
(55) 陈传法*,程垒,岳天祥. 2011. 基于M估计的DEM精度评价.科技导报. 29(7):50-54
(56) 陈传法*. 2011. DEM平均误差置信区间估计. 中国矿业大学学报(自然科学版) . 40(4): 647-652.
(57) 陈传法*,卢秀山, 2011. 利用改进非参数估计法的DEM误差置信区间估计. 武汉大学学报?信息科学版. 36(11): 1340-1343.
(58) 陈传法*,杜正平, 岳天祥. 2010. 基于高精度曲面建模方法的SRTM空缺插值填补研究.大地测量与地球动力学, 30(1):126-129.
(59) 陈传法*, 岳天祥, 杜正平, 卢毅敏. 2010. 基于高精度曲面模型的DEM构建及误差分析. 遥感学报, 14(1): 85-89.
(60) 陈传法*,岳天祥. 2010. 基于条件模拟的DEM误差曲面实现研究.武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 35(2):197-200.
(61) 陈传法*,岳天祥,张照杰.2010. 高精度曲面模型的解算.武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 35(3):365-368.
(62) 陈传法*,岳天祥.2010. 基于预处理共轭梯度法的高精度曲面模型解算. 中国矿业大学学报(自然科学版), 39(2):290-294.
(63) 陈传法*,岳天祥. 2010. 高精度曲面模型解算改进Gauss-Seidel法. 遥感学报, 14(4): 742-745.
(64) 陈传法*,岳天祥. 2010. 基于快速傅里叶变换的ASTER和SRTM有效融合研究.国土资源遥感, (4): 19-22.
(65) 陈传法*,岳天祥,卢毅敏.2009. 高精度曲面建模应用中边界误差解决方案. 遥感学报,13(3):458-462.
(66) 陈传法*,岳天祥. 2009. 基于HASM的DEM建模与应用试验.地球信息科学学报,11(2):319-324.
(67) 陈传法*,岳天祥. 2009. 基于条件随机模拟的DEM误差分析-以董志塬水土流失等级划分为例. 地球信息科学学报,10(5):572-576.
(68) 陈传法*,岳天祥,张照杰,杜正平. 2008. 基于高精度曲面模型的高程异常曲面模拟, 大地测量与地球动力学,28(5),82-86.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-05
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