

山东科技大学 免费考研网/2016-03-16

一、 徐国纲,1979年1月生,博士,副教授,材料物理与化学专业。
二、 学习、工作简历:
(3)微生物模板制备纳米SnO2多孔材料及其对煤矿瓦斯的气敏性研究,矿山灾害预防控制国家重点实验室开发课题,负责人: 徐国纲, 5万,2014.09-2016.09。
(4)孔内自生莫来石棒晶强化钛酸铝多孔支撑体的机理研究,国家自然科学基金,25万,负责人: 徐国纲,主要参与人员:阮国智,张智慧,张强等, 2013.01-2015.12,在研;
(6)钛酸铝质多孔材料的制备,企业技术开发项目,5万,负责人:徐国纲, 主要参与人员:阮国智,张智慧,2011.04-2014.03,在研。
(1) Preparation and characterization of alumina porous ceramic based on α-Al2O3 platelet synthesized by flux method,人工晶体学报,2014,In Press. (EI)
(2) G.G. Xu*, H.L. Zhao, H.Z. Cui*, et al., Fabrication and characterisation of Al2TiO5-mullite porous composite ceramics reinforced by alumina platelets, Materials Research and Innovations. 2014 In press. (SCI)
(3) Guogang Xu*, Yinghua Ma, Hongzhi Cui, Guozhi Ruan, Zhihui Zhang, Huiling Zhao, Preparation of porous mullite–corundum ceramics with controlled pore size using bioactive yeast as pore-forming agent, Materials Letters, 116(2014)349-352. (SCI) IF=2.224
(4) Guogang Xu*, Yinghua Ma, Guozhi Ruan, Hongzhi Cui, Zhihui Zhang, Bin Bai, Preparation of porous Al2TiO5 ceramics reinforced by in situ formation of mullite whiskers, Materials and Design, 47 (2013) 57-60 (SCI) IF=2. 913
(5) Guogang Xu, Hongzhi Cui, Jing Li, and Jiyang Wang, Investigation of Single Crystal Growth of GaPO4 by the Flux Method, Crystallography Reports, 2013(58) 195-197. (SCI) IF=0.469.
(6) G. G. Xu, H. Z. Cui, G. Z. Ruan, B. Bai, Z. H. Zhang and F. Li. Synthesis of highly dispersed a-Al2O3 platelets in KCl–K2SO4–Na2SO4 composite flux. Materials Research and Innovations. 2013(17)224-227. (SCI) IF=0.409.
(7) Guogang Xu, Jing Li, Yongjie Guo, Shujuan Han, Jiyang Wang, Crystal growth and defects in Ga3PO7 crystals, Cryst. Res. Technol. 2010, 45:600-602. (SCI) IF=0.946.
(8) Guogang Xu, Jing Li, Shujuan Han, Yongjie Guo, and Jiyang Wang, Growth of BPO4 Single Crystals from Li2Mo3O10 Flux,Crystallography Reports, 2010, 55(7): 1242-1244. (SCI) IF=0.469.
(9) Guogang Xu, Jing Li, Jiyang Wang, Hongyang Zhao, Yonggui Yu, Optical properties of Ga3PO7 single crystals, J. Cryst. Growth. 311(2009)3163-3166 (SCI) IF:1.95
(10) Guogang Xu, Jing Li, Jiyang Wang, Hongyang Zhao, Xiufeng Cheng, and Wenlan Gao, Growth and thermal properties of Ga3PO7 bulk single crystals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 101906 (2008). (SCI) IF:3.596
(11) Guogang Xu, Jing Li, Jiyang Wang, Hongyang Zhao, and Hong Liu, Flux Growth and Characterizations of Ga3PO7 Single Crystals, Cryst. Growth Des. 8(10) (2008):3577-3580. (SCI) IF:4.046
(12) Guogang Xu, Jing Li, Jiyang Wang, Hongyang Zhao, Jiandong Fan, Flux growth of KGaP2O7 single crystals, Mater. Lett. 62 (2008) 3352–3354. (SCI) IF:1.65
(13) 徐国纲,张旭东,何文,李红,孟霞.溶胶–凝胶法制备纳米Y2O3粉体[J],材料科学与工艺,2008,16(2):163-165. EI
(14) 徐国纲, 张旭东, 何文, 李红, 贾兴涛, 任晓辉, 沉淀法制备纳米Eu:Y2O3荧光粉, 稀有金属材料与工程, 2007, 36(suppl.1):55-57. (SCI) IF=0.437.
(15) Guogang Xu, Xudong Zhang, Wen He, et al. Preparation of highly dispersed YAG nano-sized powder by co-precipitation method Mater. Lett. 2006(60) 962-965. (SCI) IF:1.18
(16) Guogang Xu, Xudong Zhang, Wen He, et al. The study of surfactant application on synthesis of YAG nano-sized powders. Powder Technol.163,(2006) 202-205,(SCI) IF=1.286.
(17) Cui HONGZHI, Xu GUOGANG, Ge CHUANLIANG, Jiang LIN and Zheng WENLONG, Synthesis of porous Al2TiO5 ceramic by reaction sintering method, J. Ceram. Soc. Jap.2012,120(10)413-416. (SCI) IF=0.7
(18) Jing Li, Guogang Xu, Shujuan Han, Jiandong Fan, Jiyang Wang, Growth and optical properties of self-frequency-doubling laser crystal Yb:LuAl3(BO3)4. J. Cryst. Growth, 311(2009)4251-4254. (SCI) IF:1.95
(19) 张旭东,徐国纲,王继扬,刘宏. 固相反应合成Nd:YAG及其性能表征[J],稀有金属材料与工程,34(2005) 59-61 (SCI) IF=0.437.
(3)崔洪芝, 徐国纲, 吴杰, 曹丽丽. 孔内带有晶须或棒晶的多孔材料及其制备方法,发明专利,ZL**7.0, 2013.
(4)王继扬,徐国纲,李静,张怀金,刘宏,磷酸三镓晶体的助熔剂生长法, 专利号:ZL **1.9,授权时间2009年。
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邮 箱 xgg_79@163.com