

山东科技大学 免费考研网/2016-03-16

2012.7-至今 山东科技大学材料科学与工程学院;高分子材料工程系讲师
2009.9 - 2012.6 南开大学化学学院研究生;理学博士
2006.9 - 2009.6 南开大学化学学院研究生;理学硕士
2002.9 - 2006.6 聊城大学化学化工学院本科;理学学士
(1)“有序介孔金属有机膦酸盐杂合材料的合成及性能研究”, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(**),袁忠勇,马天翼,林秀珍,刘蕾等,2011.1-2013.12,经费37万,在研。
(1). L. Liu, Q.-F. Deng, X.-X. Hou, Z.-Y. Yuan*, “User-friendly synthesis of nitrogen-containing polymer and microporous carbon spheres for efficient CO2 capture” Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22 (31), 15540?15548, 2012. (SCI收录, IF:5.968)
(2). L. Liu, Q.-F. Deng, B. Agula, X. Zhao, T.-Z. Ren, Z.-Y. Yuan*, “Ordered mesoporous carbon catalyst for dehydrogenation of propane to propylene”, Chemical Communications, 47(11), 8334?8336, 2011. (SCI收录, IF:6.169)
(3). L. Liu, Q.-F. Deng, T.-Y. Ma, X.-Z. Lin, X.-X. Hou, Y.-P. Liu, Z.-Y. Yuan*, “Ordered mesoporous carbons: citric acid-catalyzed synthesis, nitrogen doping and CO2 capture”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21(40), 16001?16009, 2011. (SCI收录, IF:5.968)
(4). L. Liu, F.-Y. Wang, G.-S. Shao, Z.-Y. Yuan*, “A low-temperature autoclaving route to synthesize monolithic carbon materials with an ordered mesostructure”, Carbon, 48(7), 2089?2099, 2010. (SCI收录, IF:5.378)
(5). L. Liu, F.-Y. Wang, G.-S. Shao, T.-Y. Ma, Z.-Y. Yuan*, “Synthesis of ultra-large mesoporous carbons from triblock copolymers and phloroglucinol/formaldehyde polymer”, Carbon, 48(9), 2660?2664, 2010. (SCI收录, IF:5.378)
(6). L. Liu, Q.-F. Deng, Y.P. Liu, T.-Z. Ren, Z.-Y. Yuan*, “HNO3-activated mesoporous carbon catalyst for direct dehydrogenation of propane to propylene”, Catalysis Communications, 16(1), 81?85, 2011. (SCI收录, IF:2.986)
(7). L. Liu, Q.-F. Deng, B. Agula, T.-Z. Ren, Y.-P. Liu, B. Zhaorigetu, Z.-Y. Yuan*, “Synthesis of ordered mesoporous carbon materials and their catalytic performance in dehydrogenation of propane to propylene”, Catalysis Today, 186 (1), 35?41, 2012. (SCI收录, IF:3.407)
(8). T.-Z. Ren, L. Liu, (共同第一作者)Y.-Y Zhang, Z.-Y. Yuan, Hierarchical mesoporous carbon materials: preparation by direct tri-constituent co-assembly and the electrochemical performance. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 927-935, 4 (17), 2013, (SCI收录, IF:2.131)
(9). T.-Z. Ren, L. Liu,(共同第一作者)Y.-Y Zhang, Z.-Y. Yuan, , Nitric acid oxidation of ordered mesoporous carbons for use in electrochemical supercapacitors. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, (SCI收录, IF:2.131)
(10). T.-Y. Ma, L. Liu, Z.-Y. Yuan, “Direct synthesis of ordered mesoporous carbon”, Chemical Society Reviews, 42 (9), 3977-4003, 2013. (SCI收录, IF:28.76)
(11). T.-Y. Ma, L. Liu, Q.-F. Deng, X.-Z. Lin, Z.-Y. Yuan*, “Increasing the H+ exchange capacity of porous titanium phosphonate materials by protecting defective P-OH groups”, Chemical Communications, 47(21), 6015?6017, 2011. (SCI收录, IF:6.169)
(12). G.-S. Shao, L. Liu, T.-Y. Ma, Z.-Y. Yuan, “Exotemplating synthesis of nitrogen-doped carbon materials with hierarchically porous structure and their application for lysozyme adsorption”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 174(1), 452?460, 2011. (SCI收录, IF:3.461)
(13). G.-S. Shao, L. Liu, T.-Y. Ma, F.-Y. Wang, T.-Z. Ren, Z.-Y. Yuan*, “Synthesis and characterization of carbon-modified titania photocatalysts with a hierarchical meso-/macroporous structure”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 160(1), 370?377, 2010. (SCI收录, IF:3.461)
(14). Q.-F. Deng, L. Liu, X.-Z. Lin, G.-H. Du, Y.-P. Liu, Z.-Y. Yuan*, “Synthesis and CO2 capture properties of mesoporous carbon nitride materials.” Chemical Engineering Journal, 203, 63?70, 2012. (SCI收录, IF:3.461)
(15). Tian-Yi Ma, Hui Li, Qing-Fang Deng, Lei Liu, Tie-Zhen Ren, Zhong-Yong Yuan, “Ordered mesoporous metal?organic frameworks consisting of metal disulfonates”. Chemistry of Materials, 24 (2012) 2253?2255.(SCI收录, IF:7.286)
(16). 刘蕾,马天翼,袁忠勇*, “分级介孔-大孔材料及其实际应用”,石油化工,第40期,第3卷, 237?246页, 2011.
(17). 刘蕾,袁忠勇*,“介孔碳材料的研究进展”,中国科技论文在线学报,第6期,第3卷,161?175页, 2011.
(1) 袁忠勇,刘 蕾,“大块状有序介孔碳材料及其制备方法”,中国专利。申请号:**66.4 公开号:CN**A 专利号:ZL. **6.4,授权时间:2011年4月13日
(2) 袁忠勇,刘 蕾,“一种丙烷脱氢制丙烯催化剂及其制备方法”,中国专利。申请号:**1.9 公开号:CN**A
