本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-22
近年来,在理论研究方面,围绕无线传感网、CPS、物联网等系统中的关键技术问题展开研究,如基于深度学习方法的故障诊断、能耗及计算约束下的安全计算、多媒体数据中的认证问题、能量采集环境下的任务调度等问题。并将这些理论研究与具体的应用场景如故障诊断、智慧城市、金融认证等相结合展开研究。近五年以第一作者发表论文20余篇,研究成果以第一作者发表在 IEEE Transactions on Computer (TC)、ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications(TOMM)、IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC)、Information Science(IF)、IEEE Systems Journal、IEEE Sensors Journal等国际顶级或主流学术杂志。 近五年,发表学术论文目前总引用量300余次(Google Scholar),单篇最高引用100余次(16年正式发表),并被列为ESI高被引论文(top 1%)。
Prof. Yibin Li, Male, Professor of Shandong University. He is CCF (China Computer Federation) member, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) member, the Committee on the architecture of the Computer Society (CCF) member.
His research has covered several different areas of computing, such as deep learning based fault diagnosis, secure computing under energy constraints, secure computing for multimedia data, task scheduling under energy harvesting environment. These research has been adopted in many real world scenarios such as machinery fault diagnosis, smart city, financial computing. During past five years, Prof. Li has published more than 20 papers in many top journals including IEEE Transactions on Computer (TC), ACM transactions on multimedia Computing Communications and Applications (ToMM), IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), Information Science (IF), IEEE Systems Journal, and IEEE Sensors journal. Currently, these papers have been cited more than three hundred times (Google Scholar). The most cited paper has been cited more than one hundred times (published in 2016) which is also listed as ESI High cited paper (top 1%). His research has been continuously supported by The Ministry of Science and Technology, the General Equipment Department of Military, Naval Equipment Development Department.
Ph.D., Loughborough University, UK (2009)
Associate Professor, Shandong University (2010-2017)
Professor, Shandong University (2017- )
Research Interests:
Intelligent Computing; PHM(Prognostics and Health Management); Fault Diagnosis System Development
代表性著作/Selected Publications:
1.Si, J; Li, YB; Ma, SL*. Intelligent fault diagnosis for Industrial big data. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2018.9 1221–1233
2.Li, YB; Dai WY; Ming Z*;et al. Privacy protection for preventing data over-collection in smart city. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2016. 5: 1339-1350
3.Li, YB; Gai KK; Ming Z*; et al. Intercrossed access controls for secure financial services on multimedia big data in cloud systems. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, 2016. 12: article 67
4.Li, YB; Qiu, MK*; Dai, WY; et al. Loop parallelism maximization for multimedia DSP in mobile vehicular clouds, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2016, in press, DOI:10.1109/TCC.2016.**
5.Li, YB; Gai, KK; Qiu, LF; Qiu, MK*. Intelligent cryptography approach for secure distributed big data storage in cloud computing, Information Science, 2017. 387:103–115
6.Li, YB; Chen, M; Dai, WY; Qiu, MK*. Energy optimization with dynamic task scheduling mobile cloud computing, IEEE Systems Journal, 2017. 1: 96-105.
7.Li, YB*; Jia, ZP; Li, X. Task scheduling based on weather forecast in energy harvesting sensor systems, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2014.11: 3763-3765
8.Li, YB*; Jia, ZP; Xie, S. Dynamically reconfigurable hardware with a novel scheduling strategy in energy-harvesting sensor networks, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2013.5: 2032-2038
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