本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-22
Dr. Yunrui Han
Yunrui Han (1990 -), post-doctor of Institute of Marine Science and Technology, Shandong University. Dr. Han is mainly focus on multiphase flow and multiphase separation, treatment of oil spill and sewage, droplet movement and shear deformation in microfluidic control, design and characterization of biomimetic superhydrophobic/superoleophobic surfaces. As a major researcher, Dr. Han has participated in dozens of national scientific research projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National key Research and development program, and the National Science and Technology Major Project. Dr. Han has published more than 10 papers, including 5 SCI papers. Her current research is focused on 1) the design of superhydrophobic patterned surfaces; 2) the self transport and external transport behaviors of droplets; 3) the determination of analytes based on Raman detection.
Post-Doctor, Shandong University (2020)
PhD., China university of petroleum (East China) (2013-2019)
Master of Engineering, China university of petroleum (East China) (2009-2013)
代表性著作/Selected Publications:
[1] Han Y, He L, Luo X, et al. A review of the recent advances in design of corrugated plate packs applied for oil–water separation[J]. Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, 2017, 53: 37-50.
[2] Han Y, Wang S, Zhou R, et al. The migration and adherence of oil droplets on surfaces with different wettability in a laminar flow field[J]. Langmuir, 2020, 36, 1, 109-118
[3] Han Y, He L, Wang S, et al. Oscillation behaviors of oil droplets adhered on the solid surfaces with different wettability in a laminar flow field[J]. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2020, 114(1): 110057.
[4] Han Y, Yang Z, He L, et al. The influences of special wetting surfaces on the dynamic behaviors of underwater oil droplet[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2018, 543: 15-27.
[5] Han Y, He L, Luo X, et al. Several surfaces with special wettability: Influence on spreading and motion of W/O emulsion droplets[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2018, 39(2): 241-249.
[6] Han Yunrui, He Limin, Luo Xiaoming, Huang xin, Shi kaiyue. Several Surfaces with Special Wettability: Influence on Liquidity and Separation of Oil-water Emulsions[A]. Interfinish 2016, 2016:1. (国际会议)
[7] Yang Zhaoming, Chen Jianlei, Han Yunrui, He Limin, Luo Xiaoming. (In Press) The design of two-stage gas and liquid cylindrical cyclone and numerical simulation of internal flow field characteritics[J]. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology. 2018.
[8] He Limin, Huang Xin, Luo Xiaoming, Yan Haipeng, Lü Yuling, Yang Donghai, Han Yunrui. Numerical study on transient response of droplet deformation in a steady electric field[ J]. Journal of Electrostatics, 2016, 82: 29-37.
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