姓名 周慎杰
性别 男
出生年月 1958.11
学历 研究生 学位 博士
专业技术职务及任导师情况 教授,博士研究生导师
所在一级学科名称 动力工程及工程热物理
所在二级学科名称 化工过程机械
中国力学学会理事,山东力学学会副理事长,中国化工学会搅拌技术专业委员会副主任委员,中国动力机械协会搅拌技术专业委员会委员。“计算力学学报”、“Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics”学报编委。
1978.9-1982.6 山东工学院获学士学位;
1982.7-2000.6 山东工业大学先后任助教、讲师、副教授、教授;
1985.9-1987.7 山东工业大学获硕士学位;
1997.3-2000.3 同济大学获博士学位;
2000.7-今 山东大学机械工程学院任教授、博士生导师;
2009.9-2010.3 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学合作研究。
主持在研科研项目包括:叶片姿势可变潮流能发电装置开发, 山东省科技攻关计划;高通量材料光谱表征新理论、新技术及新装备-子题,国家科技重点研发计划重点专项;压电微构件力电耦合性能尺寸效应理论及应用研究,山东省自然科学基金。
1. On the mechanics of curved flexoelectric microbeams, J Eng Scien, 2018, 124: 1-15.
2. A comparison of strain gradient theories with applications to the functionally graded circular micro-plate. Appl Math Model, 2017, 49: 124-134.
3. Analysis of surface mechanical properties effects on the dynamic characteristics of a circular micro-diaphragm with a distributed mass, Appl Math Model, 2017, 41:462-473.
4. Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic performance of blade position-variable hydraulic turbine, J Hydrodyn, 2017, 29: 314-321.
5. Modeling the size-dependent nanostructures: Incorporating the bulk and surface effects, J Nanomech Micromech, 2017, 7:**.
6. An application of a size-dependent model on microplate with elastic medium based on strain gradient elasticity theory, Meccen, 2017, 52:251-262.
7. Analysis of Residual Stresses on the Vibration of a Circular Sensor Diaphragm with Surface Effects, J Mech, 2016, 1-7.
8. Size-dependent electromechanical coupling behaviors of circular micro-plate due to flexoelectricity, Appl Phy A, 2016, 122: 1-18.
9. Reformulation of constitutive relations in the strain gradient elasticity theory for isotropic materials,Int J Solid Struct, 2016, 80:28-37.
10. Size-dependent bending of an electro-elastic bilayer nanobeam due to flexoelectricity and strain gradient elastic effect, Comp Struct, 2016,135:167-175.
11. A size-dependent finite-element model for a micro/nanoscale Timoshenko beam,J Multiscale Comput Eng, 2015, 13: 1-16.
12. A size dependent model for beam like MEMS driven by electrostatic and piezoelectric force: A variational approach, Phy E: Low-Dimen Sys Nanostruct, 2016,84: 46-54.
13. Reconsiderations on boundary conditions of Kirchhoff micro-plate model based on strain gradient elasticity theory, Appl Math Model, 2016, 40:7303-7317.
14. A reformulated flexoelectric theory for isotropic dielectrics. J Phy D: Appl Phy, 2015, 48: 465502.
15. A flexoelectric theory with rotation gradient effects for elastic dielectrics.Model Simul Mat Scien Eng, 2016, 24: **.
16. A variational size-dependent model for electrostatically actuated NEMS incorporating nonlinearities and Casimir force, Phy E, Low-Dimen Sys Nanostruct, 2015, 71: 20-29.
17. Pull-in voltage analysis of electrostatically actuated MEMS with piezoelectric layers: A size-dependent model, Mech Res Comm, 2015, 66: 7-14.
18. Turbulent flow and mixing performance of a novel six-blade grid disc impeller, Kor J Chem Eng, 2015, 32:816-825.
19. An energy model on particle detachment in the turbulent field, Min Eng, 2014, 69: 165-169.
20. Instantaneous bond number for a particle detaching from a bubble, Int J Min Proc, 2014, 142:22-29.
21. Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Power Consumption and Metzner-Otto Constant for Impeller of 6PBT, Chin J Mech Eng, 2014, 27: 636-640.
22. Size-dependent analysis of a three-layer micro-beam including electromechanical coupling, Comp Struct, 2014, 116: 120-127.
23. Dynamic response of sensor diaphragm with residual stress in contact with liquids, J Sound Vib, 2014, 333: 3702-3708.
24. Free vibrations of sensor diaphragm with residual stress coupled with liquids, J Appl Phy, 2014, 115: 084303.
25. A size-dependent model for bi-layered Kirchhoff micro-plate based on strain gradient elasticity theory, Comp Struct, 2014, 113: 272-280.
26. A size-dependent bilayered microbeam model based on strain gradient elasticity theory, Comp Struct, 2014, 108: 259-266.
27. Vibration of sensor diaphragm with residual stress coupled with liquids: effect of the residual stress,Sens rev, 2014, 31: 110-116.
28. A size-dependent Reddy-Levinson beam model based on a strain gradient elasticity theory, Meccan, 2014, 49: 1427-1441.
29. Analysis of wave propagation in micro/nanobeam-like structures: A size-dependent model, Act Mech Sin, 2012, 28: 1659-1667.
30. Detached eddy simulation of the liquid mixing in stirred tanks. Comp fluid, 2012, 64: 74-82.
31. Pull-in instability of circular plate mems: A new model based on strain gradient elasticity theory, 2012, Int J Appl Mech, 2012, 4: **.
32. C1 natural element method for strain gradient linear elasticity and its application to microstructures, Act Mech Sin, 2012, 28: 91-103.
33. Nonlinear microbeam model based on strain gradient theory, Appl Math Model, 2012, 36: 2674-2686.
1. 一类错位桨叶搅拌器,ZL 8.2
2. 网格状圆盘涡轮搅拌器,ZL8.8
3. 基于混沌映射的混沌搅拌控制系统,ZL6.0
4. 一种叶片姿势可变的潮流能获能水轮机,ZL2.2
5. 转轴位置可变的四自由度空间并联机构,ZL4.4
6. 一种叶片伸缩式潮流能发电装置,ZL5.6
7. 一种提升式搅拌器,ZL8.2
1. 获山东省科技进步奖、山东省高校科技进步奖、国家电网公司科技进步、中国机械工业联合会科技进步等奖励5项;
2. 山东省优秀博士学位论文指导教师,山东大学优秀博士学位论文指导教师;
3. 连续入选2014年度-2017年度Elsevier中国高被引****榜。
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-22
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