

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-22

彭京亮 教授
1992-1997,于北京大学计算机系读本科;1997-2000于北京大学计算机系读硕士;2001-2006于美国南加州大学读博士;2007-2009,于美国Digital Products, Inc.以及Qualcomm, Inc.做软件研发;从2009年9月至今,为山东大学教授、博士生导师。
计算机图形学,Advanced Computer Graphics
1. Peng Jiang, Haibin Ling, Jingyi Yu, Jingliang Peng, Salient Region Detection by UFO: Uniqueness, Focusness and Objectness, accepted to IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2013.
2. Yan Zhang, Jonathan Z. Sun, Jingliang Peng, Improved Image Resizing using Seam Carving and Scaling, accepted to the 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT), 2013.
3. Wei Zhang, Yan Huang, Jingliang Peng, Fast Mode Decision for H.264/AVC Based on Local Spatio-Temporal Coherency, accepted to APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, 2013.
4. Yuxue Fan, Yan Huang, Jingliang Peng, Point Cloud Compression Based on Hierarchical Point Clustering, accepted to APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, 2013.
5. Yan Zhang, Jonathan Z. Sun, Jingliang Peng, A Practical Multi-operator Operator Method for Content-aware Aware Image Retargeting, accepted to Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 2013.
6. Yan Zhang, Jingliang Peng, Yan Huang, Improved Adaptive Seam Carving for Image Retargeting, the Fourth International Conference on Digital Manufacturing and Automation (ICDMA) 2013
7. Qi Kong, Shaoshan Wang, Jiushan Yang, Ruiqi Zou, Yan Huang, Yilong Yin, Jingliang Peng, Automatic Measurement on CT Images for Patella Dislocation Diagnosis, accepted to IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2013.
8. Ping Hu, Qi Sun, Xiangxu Meng, Jingliang Peng, Data-Driven Human Motion Synthesis Based on Angular Momentum Analysis, accepted to IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2013.
9. Na Lv, Zhiquan Feng, Jingliang Peng, Mutual Information Based Video Shot Boundary Detection, accepted to The 4th International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing (IASP), 2012.
10. Jian Li, Jiushan Yang, Zhanwang Xu, Jingliang Peng, Computer-Assisted Hand Rehabilitation Assessment Using Optical Motion Capture System, accepted to The 4th International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing (IASP), 2012.
11. Qi Sun, Yanlong Tang, Ping Hu, Jingliang Peng, Kinect-Based Automatic 3D High-Resolution Face Modeling, accepted to The 4th International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing (IASP), 2012.
12. Wei Zhang, Wei Li, Yan Huang, Jingliang Peng, Motion Consistency Based Motion Estimation for H.264/AVC, accepted to The 2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing(CISP 2012).
13. Mingyin Ning, Yan Huang, Jingliang Peng, A Prototype of B/S-Based Intelligent Video Surveillance System, accepted to The 2012 5th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing(CISP 2012).
14. Jiang Tian, Wenfei Jiang, Tao Luo, Kangying Cai, Jingliang Peng, Wencheng Wang, Adaptive Coding of Generic 3D Triangular Meshes Based on Octree Decomposition, accepted to The Visual Computer(special issue for Computer Graphics International), 2012.
15. Peng Jiang, Jingliang Peng, Guoquan Zhang, Erkang Cheng, Vasileios Megalooikonomou, Haibin Ling , Learning-Based Automatic Breast Tumor Detection and Segmentation in Ultrasound Images, accepted to IEEE 9th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2012).
16. Feihu Yan, Yan Huang, Chen He, Xueqing Li, Jingliang Peng, Texture-Aware Simplification of Point-Based 3D Models, accepted to Information Journal, 2012.
17. Yixiao Zhou, Yan Huang, Haibin Ling, Jingliang Peng,?Medical Image Retrieval Based on Texture and Shape Feature Co-Occurrence, SPIE Medical Imaging, 2012.
18. Bei Wang, Jingliang Peng, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Cumulus Cloud Simulation Based on Thermal Dynamics, Computer Graphics International 2011 Short Papers, 2011.
19. Na Lv, Jingliang Peng, Lingqiang Ran, Ping Hu, Xiangxu Meng, A Novel Approach to Generic Motion Capture Data Retrieval, Computer Graphics International 2011 Posters, 2011.
20. Yan Huang, Feihu Yan, Bei Wang, Jingliang Peng, Feature Adaptive Surfel Set Simplification, Pacific Graphics 2011 Short Papers, 2011.
21. Qingkun Su, Yan Huang, Jingliang Peng, CoLDImage: Contrast and Luminance Distribution for Content-Based Image Retrieval, The 3rd International Conference on Image Analysis and Signal Processing(IEEE-IASP2011), 2011.
22. Jingliang Peng, Yan Huang, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Ilya Eckstein, M. Gopi, Feature Oriented Progressive Lossless Mesh Coding, Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics 2010), 29(7), 2029-2038, 2010.
23. Qin Gu, Jingliang Peng, Zhigang Deng, Compression of human motion capture data using motion pattern indexing, Computer Graphics Forum, 28(1), 1-12, 2009.
24. Bei Wang, Jingliang Peng, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Cumulus Cloud Synthesis with Similarity Solution and Particle/Voxel Modeling, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (International Symposium on Visual Computing 2008), 5358, 65-74, 2008.
25. Yan Huang, Jingliang Peng, C.-C. Jay Kuo, M. Gopi, A generic scheme for progressive point cloud coding, IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 14(2), 440-453, 2008.
26. Bei Wang, Jingliang Peng, Youngmin Kwak, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Efficient and Realistic Cumulus Cloud Simulation based on Similarity Approach, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (International Symposium on Visual Computing 2007), Part I LNCS 4841, 781-791, 2007.
27. Jessy Lee, Jingliang Peng, C.-C. Jay Kuo, View-Dependent Visibility Estimation for Tree Models, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2007.
28. Yan Huang, Jingliang Peng, C.-C. Jay Kuo, M. Gopi, Octree-based progressive geometry coding of point clouds, EUROGRAPHICS/IEEE Symposium on Point Based Graphics, 103-110, 2006.
29. Jingliang Peng, Ilya Eckstein, C.-C. Jay Kuo, A novel and efficient progressive lossless mesh coder, ACM SIGGRAPH Sketches, 2006.
30. Jingliang Peng, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Geometry-guided progressive lossless 3D mesh coding with octree (OT) decomposition, ACM SIGGRAPH (ACM Transactions on Graphics 24(3)), 609-616, 2005.
31. Jingliang Peng, Chang-Su Kim, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Technologies for 3D mesh compression : A survey, ELSEVIER Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 16(6), 688-733, 2005.
32. Jingliang Peng, Qing Li, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Manli Zhou, Estimating Gaussian curvatures from 3D meshes, SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VIII, 270-280, 2003.
33. Jingliang Peng, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Octree-based progressive geometry encoder, SPIE Internet Multimedia Management Systems IV, 301-311, 2003.
34. Jingliang Peng, An efficient algorithm of thinning scanned pencil drawings, Journal of Image and Graphics (Chinese), 5(5), 434-439, 2000.

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