

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-22

毛德强 Mao Deqiang

2007 - 2012,亚利桑那大学,水文与水资源专业,博士
导师: Tian-Chyi Jim Yeh 教授
2004 - 2007,中国地质大学(北京),水文与水资源专业,研究生学习
导师: 万力 教授
2000 - 2004,中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院,水文与水资源专业,学士
导师: 杨国勇 教授

2017.10 – 至今,山东大学土建与水利学院水利系,教授, 博士生导师
2016.8 – 2017.9,新墨西哥理工学院地球环境系,助理教授(终身轨)
2016.1 – 2016.8,科罗拉多矿业学院石油工程系,博士后
2013.6 - 2015.12,科罗拉多矿业学院地球物理系,博士后
2012.5 - 2013.5,亚利桑那大学水文与水资源系,博士后


2016- 2018,美国地球物理协会水文地球物理委员会委员
2014 - 2018,美国地球物理协会地下水委员会委员
2006至今, 美国地球物理协会会员
Advance in Water Resources; Applied Mathematical Modeling; Geophysics; Hydrology Research; Hydrogeology Journal; Journal of Hydrology; Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment; Transport in Porous Media; Water Resources Research等期刊审稿人

科研项目 (Research grant)
1.Chevron Energy Technology Company, Field electrical resistivity monitoring of bioelectrical degradation of hydrocarbon contaminant, 负责人, 9/2016 – 11/2016,研究方向:利用交叉孔电阻率层析法监测野外尺度下石油污染物降解过程中电阻率的变化。
2. Chevron Energy Technology Company, Grant CW852844, K26625,PI:Dr. Andre Revil, 7/2013 – 12/2015,研究方向:通过数值模拟和砂箱实验,利用自然电位法、电阻率法、时域和频率域激电法研究污染物降解和运移过程中地球物理信号的变化,主要参与人。
3. Department of Defense, SERDP,ER-1365, PI: Dr. Walter Illman, Tian-Chyi Jim Yeh, 5/2012 – 5/2013,研究方向:利用协相关分析方法评价抽水试验中水头观测数据与含水层参数的关系,以及如何解决大型水文模型计算中的数据存储问题,主要参与人。
4. Department of Defense, SERDP, ER-1610,PI:Dr. Walter Illman, Tian-Chyi Jim Yeh, 8/2007 - 5/2012,研究方向:利用并行计算方法求解潜水含水层参数分布的反演模型,主要参与人。
5. 企事业委托“小浪底水库大坝坝基渗流研究”,负责人:万力教授,9/2005 - 8/2007,研究方向:分析求解裂隙含水层抽水井在不均匀出水条件下的井流公式,主要参与人。
6. 国家自然科学基金“黄河源区区域地下水位下降机制及其环境效应”,**,负责人:万力教授,8/2005 - 9/2006,研究方向:利用NDVI方法分析黄河源的植被分布和地下水水位变动之间的关系,参与。


发表论文(Peer-reviewed articles)
2017 1. Shao, Z., Revil, A., Mao, D. and Wang, D. (2017) Induced polarization signature of coal seam fires. Geophysical Journal International 208(3), 1313-1331.
2. Revil, A., Sleevi, M. and Mao, D. (2017a) Induced polarization response of porous media with metallic particles — Part 5: Influence of the background polarization. Geophysics, E77-E96.
3. Revil, A., Mao, D., Shao, Z., Sleevi, M. and Wang, D. (2017b) Induced polarization response of porous media with metallic particles — Part 6: The case of metals and semimetals. Geophysics, E97-E110.
2016 4. Mao D. and A. Revil (2016), Induced polarization response of porous media with metallic particles, Part 3. A new approach to time domain induced polarization tomography, Geophysics, 81:4, D359-375, doi: 10.1190/geo2015-0283.1.
5. Mao D. A. Revil, L. Lu, Y. Zuo, J. Hinton and Z. Ren (2016), Geophysical monitoring of hydrocarbon- contaminated soil remediated with bioelectrochemical system, Environmental Sciences & Technology, 50(15), 8205-8213, doi: 10.1021/acs.est. 6b00535.
6. Mao D. A. Revil and J. Hinton (2016), Induced polarization response of porous media with metallic particles. Part 4. Detection of metallic and non-metallic targets in time domain induced polarization tomography, Geophysics, 80(5), D525-538, doi: 10.1190/GEO2015-0480.1.
7. Feist R. A, H.R. Barnard, Mao D., A. Revil and K. Singha (2015), Examining diel patterns of soil and xylem moisture using electrical resistivity imaging, J. Hydr., doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.03.003 .
8. Zha Y, T-C J Yeh, W. Illman, T. Tanaka, P. Bruines, H. Onoe, H. Saegusa, D. Mao, S. Takeuchi, J‐C Wen, An Application of Hydraulic Tomography to a Large‐Scale Fractured Granite Site, Mizunami, Japan, Groundwater, doi:10.1111/gwat.12421.
2015 9. Yeh T.-C., Mao D., Zha Y., Wen J.-C., Wan L., Hsu K.-C. & Lee, C.-H., (2015). Uniqueness, scale, and resolution issues in groundwater model parameter identification, Water Science and Engineering, 8, 175- 194. doi:10.1016/j.wse.2015.08.002.
10. Mao D., T.-C. J. Yeh, W. Illman A. Revil, J.-C. Wen and Zha Y. (2015), Hydraulic tomography, in Handbook of Groundwater Engineering: 3rd edition, edited by J. H. Cushman and D. M. Tartakovsky, , Third Edition, CRC, ISBN: 978-1-49-870304-8, 2016.
11. Mao D., A. Revil, R. Hort, Munakata-Marr J. and Kulessa K. (2015), Resistivity and self-potential tomography applied to groundwater remediation and contaminant plumes: sandbox and field experiments, J. Hydr, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.09.031.
12. Zhao Z., W. Illman, S. Berg, D. Mao and T.-C. Yeh (2015), Validation of hydraulic tomography in unconfined aquifer: a controlled sandbox study, Water. Resour. Res.,doi:10.1002/2015WR016910.
13. Hort R. A., A. Revil. Munakata-Marr J. and D. Mao (2015), Evaluating the potential for quantitative monitoring of in-situ chemical oxidation of aqueous phase TCE using in-phase and quadrature electrical conductivity, Water. Resour. Res., doi: 10.1002/2014WR016868.
14. Revil. A, G. Z. Abdel Aal, E.A. Atekwana, D. Mao and N. Florsch. (2015), Induced polarization response of porous media with metallic particles - Part 2. Comparison with a broad database of experiments data, Geophysics, doi: 10.1190/GEO2014-0578.1.
15. Revil. A, N. Florsch and D. Mao (2015), Induced polarization response of porous media with metallic particles - Part 1. A theory for disseminated semi-conductors, Geophysics, doi: 10.1190/GEO2014- 0577.1.
2014 16. Revil A. D. Mao, A. Hass and M. Karaoulis (2014), Passive electrical monitoring and location of fluid leakages from wells, J. Hydr., doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.12.003.
17. Wang X.-S., J.-P. Zuo and D. Mao (2014), SEM in-situ study on the effect of offset-notch on basalt cracking behavior under three–point load, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2014.09.006.
18. Zha Y. T.-C. J. Yeh, D. Mao, J. Yang and W. Lu. (2014), Usefulness of Flux Measurements during Hydraulic Tomographic Survey for Mapping Fractures, Adv. Water Resour., doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.06.008.
19. Karaoulis M., A. Revil and D. Mao. (2014), Localization of a coal seam fire using combined self- potential and resistivity data, Int. J. Coal Geol., doi: 10.1016/j.coal.2014.04.011.
2013 20. Kuang X., J. J. Jiao, K. Zhang, and D. Mao (2013), Air and water flows induced by pumping tests in unconfined aquifers with low-permeability zones, Hydrol. Process, doi: 10.1002/hyp.10058.
21. Yan Zhu, L. Shi, J. Yang, J. Wu, and D. Mao (2013), Coupling methodology and application of a fully integrated model for contaminant transport in the subsurface system, J. Hydrology, 501, 56-72. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.07.038.
22. T.-C. J. Yeh, D. Mao, Y. Zha, K.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Lee and J.-C. Wen and J. Yang (2013), Why hydraulic tomography works? Ground Water. doi: 10.1111/gwat.12129.
23. Sun, R., T.-C. J. Yeh, D. Mao, M. Jin, W. Lu, and Y. Hao (2013), A temporal sampling strategy for transient hydraulic tomography analysis, Water Resour. Res., 49, 3881-3896, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20337.
24. Mao D., T.-C. J. Yeh, L. Wan, K.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Lee and J.-C. Wen (2013), Joint interpretation of sequential pumping tests in unconfined aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 49, 1782-1796, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20129.
25. Mao D., T.-C. J. Yeh, L. Wan, K.-C. Hsu, C.-H. Lee and J.-C. Wen (2013), Cross-correlation analysis and information content of observed heads during pumping in unconfined aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 49, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20066.
26. Mao, D., T.-C. J. Yeh, L. Wan, K.-C. Hsu and C.-H. Lee, (2013), Necessary and sufficient conditions for inverse modeling of flow through variably saturated porous media, Adv. Water Resour., http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres. 2012.08.001.
2012 27. Yeh, T.-C. J., D. Mao, L. Wan, C.-H. Lee, J.-C. Wen, and W. Lu (2012), Replies to comments on “A revisit of drawdown behavior during pumping in unconfined aquifers” by Neuman and Mishra, Water Resour. Res., 48, W02802, doi: 10.1029/2011WR011153.
2011 28. Mao, D., L. Wan, T.-C. J. Yeh, C.-H. Lee, K.-C. Hsu, J.-C. Wen and W. Lu (2011), A revisit of drawdown behavior during pumping in unconfined aquifers, Water Resour. Res., 47, W05502, doi: 10.1029/2010WR009326.
29. Kuang, X., J. J. Jiao, L. Wan, X. Wang, and D. Mao (2011), Air and water flows in a vertical sand column, Water Resour. Res., 47, W04506, doi: 10.1029/2009WR009030.
30. Zhu J., T.-C. J. Yeh, and D. Mao (2011), Hydraulic tomography to characterize heterogeneity of unconfined Aquifers, Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Sciences), Vol. 47, No. 3, p252-264.
2008 31. 毛德强,万力,张美静,詹红兵(2008),裂隙含水层中抽水井不均匀出水条件下的井流公式,工程勘察,1,35-38.

会议组织Conference session chairing
1. Mao, D., Judy Robinson, Christopher Zahasky, Bwalya Malama, Advances in Subsurface Characterization using Innovative Methods of Geophysics and Hydrogeology, American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, LA, AGU Fall Meeting, 2017.
2. Carroll K.C., H. Michael, D. Mao,and P.K. Mishra, Advances, breakthroughs, and challenges in hydrogeologic sciences, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, AGU Fall Meeting, 2016.
3. Mao, D., K.L.Kuhlman, P.A. Markerand T. Lochbuehler, Advances in Hydrogeology and Hydrogeophysics: Innovations in Experimental Methods, Data Processing and Modeling, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, AGU Fall Meeting, 2014.
4. Mishra, P.K., D. Mao, B. Malama and B. Jafarpour, Innovative methods in hydrogeology and hydrogeophysics, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, AGU Fall Meeting, 2013.

通讯地址:山东省济南市经十路17922号 山东大学千佛山校区土建与水利学院
电子邮箱: maodeqiang@sdu.edu.cn

ResumeEnglish version):
Deqiang Mao, PhD
Professor of Hydrogeology
Department of Hydraulic Engineering
Email: maodeqiang@sdu.edu.cn
Research areas: hydrogeology, hydrogeophysics, and inverse modeling

2007 – 2012, The University of Arizona, hydrology major, soil science minor, PhD
Advisor: Dr. Tian-Chyi Jim Yeh
2004 – 2007, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), hydrology major, graduate study
Advisor: Prof. Wan Li
2000 – 2004, China University of Mining and Technology, School of Resource and Earth Science, hydrology major, Bachelor
Supervisor: Prof. Yang Guoyong
Professional experience
2017.10 – today, School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University,Professor
2016.8 – 2017.9, Department of Earth and Environment Sciences, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Assistant professor
2016.1 – 2016.8, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Postdoc
2013.6 - 2015.12, Department of Geophysics, Colorado School of Mines, Postdoc
2012.5 - 2013.5,Department of Hydrology, The University of Arizona, Postdoc
2016- 2018,AGU Hydrogeophysics Technical Committee Member
2014 - 2018,AGU Groundwater Technical Committee Member
Since 2006, AGU member
Reviewers for: Advance in Water Resources; Applied Mathematical Modeling; Geophysics; Hydrology Research; Hydrogeology Journal; Journal of Hydrology; Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment; Transport in Porous Media; Water Resources Research
Research interest
1. Inverse modeling in hydrogeophysics
2. Parameter estimation in hydrogeology
3. Hydrological and geophysical model coupling
4. Application of geo-electrical methods in groundwater exploration and monitoring
5. High performance computing in hydrogeology and geophysics
Graduate student recruitment
Students with quantitative backgrounds and experience in either hydrogeology or geophysics (or both!!) are encouraged to apply. Please contact me if you are interested in joining my group.
Contact information
Mailing address:
Jingshi Rd 17922
School of Civil Engineering
Shandong University, Qianfoshan Campus
Jinan, Shandong province 250061
Email: maodeqiang@sdu.edu.cn
Personal website:http://faculty.sdu.edu.cn/~zmyeee/zh_CN/index.htm

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