本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-21
李锐,男,1967年9月,籍贯湖南岳阳。 E-mail:lirui@buaa.edu.cn,lirui@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn
Ph.D., Capital University of Economics & Business (Economics), July 10, 2003.
M.S., Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) (Agricultural Economics), September 23, 1991.
B.S., Hunan University of Agriculture (Agricultural Economics), July 4, 1988.
1991-2003, Assistant research fellow, Associate research fellow, Institute of Agricultural Economics, CAAS
2004-2005, Postdoctor, Department of Economics, School of Economics & Management, Tsinghua University
2005-2008, Associate Professor, School of Economics & Management, Beihang University
2008-Present, Professor, “Lantian Scholars Program” Professor, School of Economics & Management, Beihang University
2009-Present, “Taishan Scholars Program” Guest Professor, The Center for Economic Research, Shandong University.
2012-Present, Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, MIT.
Undergraduate courses: Microeconomics, Econometrics
Graduate courses: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics
1. 2012-2016, “Study on the Improvement and Management of Rural Financial System of China”(**), supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2.3 millions RMB, China’s National Key Scientific Research Project. Role: Principal Investigator.
2. 2008-2010, “Study on Rural Credit Rationing of China” (**), supported by (NSFC), 220 thousands RMB. Role: Principal Investigator.
3. 2006-2008, “Study on the Borrowing of China’s Rural Households and Rural Financial System”(**), supported by NSFC, 180 thousands RMB. Role: Principal Investigator.
4. 2005-2006, “Study on Rural Financial System”, supported by the Ministry of Personal, P. R. China, 30 thousands RMB. Role: Principal Investigator.
5. 2003-2005, “Study on the Investment of China’s Agricultural Research”(**), supported by NSFC, 150 thousands RMB. Role: Principal Investigator.
6. 2000-2002, “Study the Consumption Behaviors of China’s Rural Households”(**), supported by NSFC, 80 thousands RMB. Role: Principal Investigator.
7. 1999-2000, “Study on the Investment in Agriculture of China”, supported by the Ministry of Finance, P. R. China, 50 thousands RMB. Role: Principal Investigator.
8. 2001-2002, “Study on Rural Pubic Infrastructure of China”, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, P. R. China, 15 thousands RMB. Role: Principal Investigator.
1. Rui Li, Qinghai Li, Shaoan Huang, and Xi Zhu. The Credit Rationing of Chinese Rural Households and Its Welfare Loss: An Investigation Based on Panel Data. Forthcoming in China Economic Review, (SSCI).
2. Dongwen Tian, Rui Li, Wei Yao, and Li Huang. Study on the Survival of China Agri-Food Export Trade Relationships. Forthcoming in China Agricultural Economic Review, (SSCI).
3. Dandan Liu, Rui Li, Jijun Tan. A Dual Measure of Correlation between the Solow Residual and Output Growth Discrete Covariates. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 2012, Vol. 37, No. 1, 17-25, (SSCI).
4. Dandan Liu, Rui Li, Zijun Wang. Testing for Structural Breaks in Panel Varying Coefficient Models: With An Application to OECD Health Expenditure. Empirical Economics, 2011. 40, 95-118, (SSCI).
5. Li Rui, Zhu Xi. Econometric Analysis of Credit Constraints of Chinese Rural Households and Welfare Loss, Applied Economics, 2010, 42, 1615-1625, (SSCI).
6. Gaosheng Ju, Rui Li, Zhongwen Liang. Nonparametric Estimation of Multivariate CDF with Categorical and Continuous Data. Advances in Econometrics, 2009, Volume 25, pp. 291-318.
7. Li Rui, Guan Gong. K-nn Nonparametric Estimation of Regression Functions In the Presence of Irrelevant Variables. Econometrics Journal, 2008, Volume 11, pp. 396-408, (SSCI).
8. Qinghai Li, Rui Li, and Zhaohua Wang. The Land Rental Market and Its Welfare Effects. China Economic Quarterly, 2011, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 269-288. In Chinese.
9. Zhu Xi, Qinghua Shi, Rui Li. The investment behaviors of China’s Rural Households. China Economic Quarterly, 2010, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 713-730. In Chinese.
10.Yuan Zhang, Rui Li, Hou Wang. Empirical Analysis of Social Networks and Pay Level for Peasant-worker. World Economic Papers, 2008, No. 6, pp. 73~84. In Chinese.
11.Rui Li, Chao Li. Econometric Analysis of the Borrowing and Preference for China’s Rural Households. Chinese Rural Economy, 2007, No. 8, pp. 4~14. In Chinese.
12.Li Rui, Zhu Xi. Econometric Analysis of Credit Constraints Rural Households and Welfare Loss. Economic Research, 2007, No. 2, 146-155. In Chinese.
13.Li Rui, Zhang Shu. Econometric Analysis of the Factors Affecting Real Exchange Rates. Statistical Research, 2007, No. 6, pp. 58-62. In Chinese.
14.Li Rui, Li Zinai, Studies on the Efficiency of the Investment in Agricultural Research of China. Journal of Management Sciences, 2007, No. 4, pp.71-79. In Chinese.
15.Li Rui, Xiang Hairong. A Test of Factor Scarcity Induced Invention Hypotheses, Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2006, No. 9, pp. 39-45. In Chinese.
16.Li Rui, Xiang Hairong. Econometric Analysis of the Borrowing Behaviors of Rural Households of China. Management World, 2006, No. 9, pp. 33-37. In Chinese.
17.Li Rui, Li Ninghui. The Study on the Borrowing Behaviors of Rural Households and Welfare Effects, Economic Research Journal, 2004, No. 12, pp. 96-104. In Chinese.
18.Li Rui, Zinai Li. Analysis of Rural Household’s Demand for Consumption Based on Censored Regression Model. Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2004, No. 9, pp. 29-37. In Chinese.
19.Li Rui, Xiang Hairong. The Impact of Different Types of Income on the Consumption of Rural Residents. Chinese Rural Economy, 2004, No. 6, pp. 9-12. In Chinese.
20.Li Rui. The Month-of –the year Effect in the Stock Markets of China. Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2003, No. 7, pp. 126~130. In Chinese.
21.Li Rui. Econometric Analysis of the Consumption Structure of Rural Residents of China. Chinese Rural Economy, 2003, 5, 12-17. In Chinese.
22.Li Rui. Quantity Analysis of Rural Public Infrastructure Investment Benefit, Journal of Agrotechnical Economics, 2003, No. 2, pp. 5-9. In Chinese.
23.Li Rui, Zhao Jianmei. The Impact on Chinese Agriculture of Asian Financial Crises. Journal of Agrotechnical Economics, 1999, No. 2, 11-13. In Chinese.
24.Li Rui, Zhao Jianmei. Some Problems in Agricultural Research Investment of China. Journal of Agrotechnical Economics, 1997, No. 4, pp. 20-24. In Chinese.
25.Li Rui etc. Perspective of China’s Feed Supply-Demand Pattern in the Early 21th Century. Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association, Special 1998, 9-13. In English.
26.Li Rui etc. Commentary on ‘South-North Grain Transfer’ and ‘North –South Grain Transfer’ in China. Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association, Special 1997, 12-14. In English.
27.Li Rui etc. Studies on the Protection of Agriculture of China. Rural Economic Literature, 1998, No. 11, 9-14. In Chinese.
28.Li Rui. Studies on the Investment in Agriculture of China. Journal of Agrotechnical Economics, 1996, No. 4, pp. 33-37.
29.Li Rui. Study on Rural Financial Problems of China, Financial and Economics Publishing Company of China, 2006.
1. Rui Li, Qinghai Li. The Land Rental of Chinese Rural Households and Its Welfare Effect. Submitted to Journal of Public Economics. (SSCI).
2. Rui Li, Xiaofeng Lv. Quantiles Regression Estimates for Missing Response Variables and Mismeasured Covariates. Submitted to Econometrics Journal. (SSCI).
3. Xiaonan Li, Rui Li. Wavelet Smoother for Change Points Estimation in Derivatives. Submitted to Statistical Papers. (SCI)
4. Xiaofeng Lv, Rui Li. Kernel Weighted Smoothed Quantile Regression with Endogenous Regressors. Submitted to Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics. (SSCI).
5. Rui Li, Xiaofeng Lv. A Smoothed Maximum Score Estimator for the Bivariate Binary Responses Model with Partial Observability. In English.
1. NSFC Research Excellence Awards, 2004.
2. The third prize of the Scientific and Technological Progress in the Ministry of Agriculture, P. R. China, 2001.
3. The second prize of the Scientific and Technological Progress in the Ministry of Agriculture, P. R. China, 1999.
4. The third prize of the Scientific and Technological Progress in the Ministry of Agriculture, P. R. China, 1993
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