1986年07月,讲师, 山东大学物理系
1997年09月,教授, 山东大学物理系
2007-2012 热电材料电热输运的物理机制
2005-2007 铁电体表面界面的第一性原理研究
1. C L Wang, J C Li, M L Zhao, J L Zhang and W L Zhong, C. Aragó, M. I. Marqués, J.A. Gonzalo, Electric Field Induced Phase Transition in First Order Ferroelectrics with Large Zero Point Energy, Physica A 387(2008) 115-122
2. Zhang Chao(张超), Wang Chun-Lei(王春雷), Li Ji-Chao(李吉超),Yang Kun(杨鲲), Zhang Yan-Fei(张艳飞), and Wu Qing-Zao(吴清早),Surface rumples and band gap reductions of cubic BaZrO3 (001) surface studied by means of first-principles calculations, Chinese Physics B 17(1) (2008)1-7
3. C. Zhang, C.L. Wang, J.C. Li, K. Yang, Y.F. Zhang, Q.Z. Wu, Substitutional position and insulator-to-metal transition in Nb-doped SrTiO3, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 107 (2008) 215–219
4. J. C. Li, R. Q. Zhang, and C. L. Wang,N. B. Wong,Effect of thickness on the electronic structure of poly(vinylidene fluoride) molecular films from first-principles calculations,Physical Review B 75,(2007) 155408_1_9
5. C Zhang, C L Wang, J C Li and K Yang, Structural and electronic properties of Fe-doped BaTiO3 and SrTiO3, Chinese Physics, 16 (2007) 1422-1428
6. X.Y. Wang , C.L. Wang, M.L. Zhao, J.F. Wang, K. Yang, J.C. Li, Ferroelectric properties of lithia-doped (Bi0.95Na0.75K0.20)0.5Ba0.05TiO3 ceramics, Materials Letters 61 (2007) 3847-3850
7. R. Z. Zhang, C. L. Wang, J. C. Li, J. L. Zhang, K. Yang, and C. Zhang, H. M. Chen, Dopant position in Ti-doped high-temperature phase Ta2O5: First principles study, Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007) 092909
8. C. L. Wang, M. L. Zhao, K. Yang, J. C. Li,and J. L. Zhang, Influence of Multi-Body and Non-Nearest Interactions on the Shape of Hysteresis Loop and Domain Patterns, Ferroelectrics, 355 (2007) 223-227
9. J. L. Zhang, P. Zheng, S. F. Shao, W. B. Su and C. L. Wang, Dielectric and Electrical Properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 Ceramics at High Temperatures, Ferroelectrics, 356 (2007) 85-89
10. S. F. Shao, J. L. Zhang, P. Zheng, C. L. Wang, J. C. Li, and M. L. Zhao, High permittivity and low dielectric loss in ceramics with the nominal compositions of CaCu3?xLa2x/3Ti4O12, Applied Physics Letters 91,(2007) 042905-3
11. K Yang, C L Wang, J C Li, C Zhang, R Z Zhang, Y F Zhang, Q Z Wu, Y G Lv, and N Yin, Structural and polarization properties of short-period SrZrO3/SrTiO3 superlattices, Physical Review B 75,(2007) 224117_1-4
12. J A Gonzalo, Carmen Arago, Manuel Marques, C L Wang ,Effective field approach to metallic superconductors, Ferroelectrics 354 (2007)115-119
13. L. Chen and C L Wang,First principles study of the electron structures of CaCu3Mn4O12 and CaCu3Ti4O12,J Mag Mag Mater 312 (2007) 266-270
14. L Chen and C L Wang, Electronic Structure of Non-oxide Perovskite Superconductor MgCNi3, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 147 (2007)612-619
15. L Wu, J L Zhang, P Zheng and C L Wang, Influences of morphotropic phase boundaries on physical properties in (K,Na,Li)Nb0.80Ta0.20O3 ceramics, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 (2007) 3527-3530
16. 张睿智,李吉超,王春雷,张家良,赵明磊,梅良模,Pb 在钪铌酸铅铁电相形成中的驱动作用:第一性原理研究,功能材料(增刊),38(2007)809-810
17. 王春雷,张家良,李吉超,赵明磊,陈惠敏,梅良模,多晶材质电子结构及热电性能的模拟, 功能材料(增刊),38(2007)1384-1386
18. ?张艳飞,王春雷,吴清早,杨鲲,张超,张睿智,李吉超,两种晶粒长大Monte Carlo 方法的比较,功能材料(增刊),38(2007)4150-4152
1. C Arago, C L Wang, J A Gonzalo, Deviations from Vegard’s law in the Curie temperature of mixed ferroelectric solid solutions, Ferroelectrics, 337 (2006) 233-237
2. J C Li, C L Wang, K Yang, X Y Wang, M L Zhao, J L Zhang, Electronic structure of a- and b-phase of poly(vinylidene fluoride), Integrated Ferroelectrics, 78(2006) 27-33
3. C L Wang, J C Li, M L Zhao, K Yang, X Y Wang, J L Zhang, Simulation of domain patterns in fatigued ferroelectric films, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 78(2006) 69-73
4. K Yang, C L Wang, J C Li, Electronic structure of relaxor PMN, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 78 (2006) 113-117
5. K Yang, C L Wang, J C Li, M L Zhao, X Y Wang, Strain induced ferroelectricity in the SrZrO3/ SrTiO3 superlattice: first principles study, Solid State Commun.,139 (2006) 144-147
6. K Yang, C L Wang, J C Li, C Chao, Q Z Wu, Y F Zhang, N Yin and X Y Liu, Surface rumpling of cubic CaTiO3 from density functional theory, Chin. Phys., 15 (2006) 1580-1585
7. S F Shao, J L Zhang, P Zheng, W L Zhong and C L Wang, Microstructure and electrical properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics, J Appl Phys, 99 (2006) 084106-11
8. Y X Wang, M Arai, T Sasaki and C L Wang, First-Principles study of the (001) surface of cubic BaZrO3 and BaTiO3, Appl Phys. Lett. 88(2006) 091909
9. Y X Wang, M Arai, T Sasaki and C L Wang, First-Principles study of the (001) surface of cubic CaTiO3, Phys. Rev B 73(2006) 035411
10. C M Wang, J F Wang, W B Su, H C Chen, C L Wang,J L Zhang, G Z Zang, P Qi, Z G Gai, B Q Ming,Improvement in the nonlinear electrical characteristics of SnO2 ceramic varistors with Dy2O3 additive,Materials Science and Engineering B 127 (2006) 112–116
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Jianya Liu (刘建亚)Curriculum Vitae Family name and given nameFamily name: Liu; given name: Jianya ...山东大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-11-21山东大学数学学院导师教师信息介绍简介-胡锡俊
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