

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-05










西南交通大学 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程博士

美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学 建筑工程博士后

美国马里兰大学 机械工程访问学者





热能工程学院 建筑环境与能源应用工程教研室副主任









西南交通大学供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程专业博士(2013年),美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学建筑工程联合培养博士、博士后(2009年9月-2014年8月),美国马里兰大学访问学者(2018年2月-2019年1月)。自2014年9月起任职于山东建筑大学热能工程学院建筑环境与能源应用工程教研室。作为主要完成人先后参与美国采暖、制冷与空调工程师学会项目(ASHRAE 1596-RP)、美国国家科学基金会项目(EFRI-**)、山东省科技计划项目(2012GGX10416)、美国能源部(DOEARPA-E DEAR**)等科研项目,现主持国家自然科学基金项目(**)、山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2016EEB08)、山东省高等学校科技计划项目(J16L07)、山东建筑大学博士科研基金项目(XNBS1408)、山东省绿色建筑协同创新中心创新团队支持计划项目等。作为第一作者或通讯作者已在国际期刊《International Heat and Mass Transfer》、《Energy and Building》、《Building Simulation》和《Sustainable Cities and Society》等发表过多篇高质量学术论文;截止2020年9月,已在国内外重要期刊及国际学术会议上发表学术论文60篇,其中SCI检索收录20余篇。学院个人介绍页:https://www.sdjzu.edu.cn/rnxy/info/1035/2309.htm



[1] Jiying Liu, Wei Cai, Shengwei Zhu, Fei Dai, Impacts of Vehicle Emission from a Major Road on Spatiotemporal Variations of Neighborhood Particulate Pollution—A Case Study in a University Campus, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 53, 101917.

[2] Jiying Liu, Jing Ren, Linfang Zhang, Xiaona Xie, Moon Keun Kim, Linhua Zhang, Optimization of Control Strategies for the Radiant Floor Cooling System Combined with Displacement Ventilation: A Case Study of an Office Building in Jinan, China, International Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology, 2019, 6:33-48.

[3] Jiying Liu, Zhuangzhuang Li, Moon Keun Kim, Shengwei Zhu, Linhua Zhang, Jelena Srebric, A comparison of the thermal comfort performances of a radiation floor cooling system when combined with a range of ventilation systems, Indoor and Built Environment, 2019, 29(4):527-542.

[4] Jiying Liu, Mohammad Heidarinejad, Saber Khoshdel Nikkho, Nicholas W. Mattise, Jelena Srebric, Quantifying Impacts of Urban Microclimate on a Building Energy Consumption—A Case Study, Sustainability, 2019, 11(18), 4921.

[5] Jiying Liu, Daniel Alejandro Dalgo, Shengwei Zhu, Linhua Zhang, Jelena Srebric, Performance analysis of a ductless personalized ventilation combined with radiant floor cooling system and displacement ventilation, Building Simulation, 2019, 12(5): 905-919.

[6] Jiying Liu, Shengwei Zhu, Moon Keun Kim, Jelena Srebric, A Review of CFD Analysis Methods for Personalized Ventilation (PV) in Indoor Built Environments, Sustainability, 2019, 11(15), 4166.

[7] Wenke Zhang, Linhua Zhang, Ping Cui, Yan Gao, Jiying Liu, Mingzhi Yu, The Influence of Groundwater Seepage on the Performance of Ground Source Heat Pump System with Energy Pile, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 162:114-217.

[8] Linhua Zhang, Jiying Liu, Mohammad Heidarinejad, Moon Keun Kim, Jelena Srebric, A Two-dimensional Numerical Analysis for Thermal Performance of an Intermittently Operated Radiant Floor Heating System in a Transient External Climatic Condition, Heat Transfer Engineering, 2020, 41(9-10):825-839.

[9] Hui Li, Fengsheng Liu, Shoujun Zhou, Jiying Liu, Zhongjie Wu, Thermal Degradation Characteristics of Rapeseed Biodiesel and its Blends with Petroleum Diesel. Heat Transfer Engineering, 2020, 41(9-10):896-904.

[10] Junying, Li, Jiying Liu, Jelena Srebric, Yuanman Hu, Yumao Hu, Miao Liu, Lei Su, Shunchang Wang, The Effect of Tree-Planting Patterns on the Microclimate within a Courtyard, Sustainability, 2019, 11(6): 1665.

[11] Jiying Liu, Mohammad Heidarinejad, George Pitchurov, Linhua Zhang, and Jelena Srebric, An extensive comparison of modified zero-equation, standard k-ε, and LES models in predicting urban airflow, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018, 40: 28-43.

[12] Moon Keun Kim, Jiying Liu, Shi-Jie Cao, Energy analysis of a hybrid radiant cooling system under hot and humid climates: A case study at Shanghai in China, Building and Environment, 2018, 137: 208-14.

[13] Saber Khoshdel Nikkho, Mohammad Heidarinejad, Jiying Liu, Jelena Srebric, Quantifying the impact of urban wind sheltering on the building energy consumption, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 116:850-865.

[14] Jiying Liu, Xiaona Xie, Fenghua Qin, Shoujie Song, Donglan Lv, A case study of ground source direct cooling system integrated with water storage tank system, Building Simulation, 2016, 9(6):659-668.

[15] Mohammad Heidarinejad, Stefan Gracik, Mostapha Sadeghipour Roudsari, Saber Khoshdel Nikkho, Jiying Liu, Kai Liu, George Pitchorov, Jelena Srebric, Influence of building surface solar irradiance on environmental temperatures in urban neighborhoods, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2016, 26:186-202.

[16] Jiying Liu, Mohammad Heidarinejad, Stefan Gracik, Jelena Srebric, Nanyang Yu, An indirect validation of convective heat transfer coefficients (CHTCs) for external building surfaces in an actual urban environment, Building Simulation, 2015, 8(3):337-352.

[17] Jiying Liu, Mohammad Heidarinejad, Stefan Gracik, Jelena Srebric, The impact of exterior surface convective heat transfer coefficients on the building energy consumption in urban neighborhoods with different plan area densities, Energy and Buildings, 2015, 86:449-463.

[18] Jelena Srebric, Mohammad Heidarinejad, Jiying Liu, Building neighborhood emerging properties and their Impacts on multi-Scale modeling of building energy and airflows, Building and Environment, 2015, 91:246-262.

[19] Stefan Gracik, Mohammad Heidarinejad, Jiying Liu, Jelena Srebric, Effect of urban neighborhood on the performance of building cooling systems, Building and Environment, 2015, 90:15-29.

[20] Glen M. DeLoid, Joel M. Cohen, Georgios Pyrgiotakis, Sandra V. Pirela, Anoop Pal, Jiying Liu, Jelena Srebric, and Philip Demokritou, Advanced computational modeling for in vitro nanomaterial dosimetry, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, 2015, 12-32.

[21] Danko Davidovic, Jiying Liu, Mohammad Heidarinejad, Jelena Srebric, Airflow study for a cluster of campus buildings using different turbulence modeling approaches, International Journal of Building, Urban, Interior and Landscape Technology, 2014, 3(1):33-56.

[22] Jiying Liu, Jelena Srebric, Nanyang Yu, Numerical simulation of convective heat transfer coefficients at the external surfaces of building arrays immersed in a turbulent boundary layer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 61: 209-225.


[1] 宗婕,柴红凯,贺文军,王玲娜,刘吉营.济南某高校教学楼自然通风教室通风量测试与问卷调研[J].节能,2020,39(07):12-16.

[2] 刘吉营,李壮壮,谢晓娜.双一流建设背景下土建类普通院校研究生培养现状和思考——以山东建筑大学为例[J].教育现代化,2020,7(41):31-36.

[3] 刘吉营,安法润,杜艳秋,张林华.普通高校本科实习实践教学探索——以山东建筑大学建筑环境与能源应用工程专业为例[J].教育教学论坛,2020(19):330-332.

[4] 刘吉营,闫春辉,庄兆意.构建应用型暖通研究生培养模式探索——以山东建筑大学暖通研究生为例[J].教育现代化,2020,7(35):24-27.

[5] 李彬,续成平,刘吉营.基于BIM技术的机电设备安装及管理研究[J].中国设备工程,2020(13):23-24.

[6] 赫连雅馨,张修霖,刘吉营,杨开敏,降温方式对乘用车舱体内热舒适性影响的研究[J],山东建筑大学学报,2020,35(3)49-55+78.

[7] 赵莹莹,宋金峰,郝振凯,周升迪,李天一,刘吉营.济南某高校教室室内环境测试与问卷调查[J],建筑热能通风空调,2020,39(5)33-37.

[8] 任婧,闫春辉,赵莹莹,刘吉营.屋顶绿化对建筑围护结构节能的模拟研究[J],建筑节能,2020,48(4):33-38+51.

[9] 李壮壮,李凯月,郭曦,姜丰原,刘吉营.济南市冬季某高校宿舍室内空气质量调查[J].建筑节能,2019,47(03):13-19.

[10] 李壮壮,郭曦,姜丰原,刘吉营.北方某高校宿舍冬季室内环境状况调查分析[J].建筑热能通风空调,2019,38(02):19-23.

[11] 栗浩,刘吉营,张林华.基于FLUENT的济南某办公楼地板辐射采暖周末间歇运行模拟分析[J],区域供热,2018(4)112-118.

[12] 李亭,齐春玲,刘吉营,张林华.基于TRNSYS模拟的太阳能复合式供热系统的研究[J],建筑节能,2018(5):1-5.

[13] Linfang Zhang, Zhenyang Yu, Jiying Liu, Linhua Zhang.The numerical analysis of outdoor wind and thermal environment in a residential area in Liaocheng, In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 121(5)52-54.

[14] 齐春玲,李亭,刘吉营,张林华.碳夹点技术对区域能源规划的优化作用[J]. 建筑节能,2017,45(12):59-63.

[15] Xiaokai Huang, Huixin Fang, Linfang Zhang, Jiying Liu, Linhua Zhang, Preliminary Analysis on the Different Heating Technologies in a Rural Area of Shandong Province, China, Procedia Engineering 205 (2017) 1461–1468.

[16] Huixin Fang, Wei Wang, Jiying Liu, Linhua Zhang, Operation Analysis of a Compound Air Conditioning System using Measurement and Simulation, Procedia Engineering 205 (2017) 1454–1460.

[17] Linfang Zhang, Ming Jin, Jiying Liu, Linhua Zhang, Simulated study on the potential of building energy saving using the green roof, Procedia Engineering 205 (2017) 1469–1476.

[18] Zhenyang Yu, Shuyu Zhang, Xiaokai Huang, Jiying Liu, Investigation on the Energy Status and Heating in Rural Areas of Shandong Province, China, Procedia Engineering 205 (2017) 1446–1453.

[19] Chunling Qi, Yaxin Helian, Jiying Liu, Linhua Zhang, Experiment Study on the Thermal Comfort inside a Car Passenger Compartment, Procedia Engineering 205 (2017) 3607–3614.

[20] Linhua Zhang, Xiaokai Huang, Li Liang, Jiying Liu, Experimental study on heating characteristics and control strategies of ground source heat pump and radiant floor heating system in an office building, Procedia Engineering 205 (2017) 4060–4066.

[21] Linhua Zhang, Linfang Zhang, Ming Jin, Jiying Liu, Numerical Study of Outdoor Thermal Environment in a University Campus in Summer, Procedia Engineering 205 (2017) 4052–4059.

[22] Linhua Zhang, Huixing Fang, Wei Wang, Jiying Liu, Energy-saving analysis of ground source heat pump combined with floor radiant air conditioning system, Procedia Engineering 205 (2017) 4067–4073.

[23] Mohammad Heidarinejad, Saber Khoshdel Nikkhoa, Jiying Liu, Nicholas Mattisea, Jelena Srebric, Quantify Impacts of Local Urban Microclimate on Local Airflow Patterns, Procedia Engineering 205 (2017) 1983–1989.

[24] 王伟,梁莉,刘吉营,张林华. 室内人员设备对建筑负荷的影响分析[J].建筑节能,2017,45(04):11-13+47.

[25] 梁莉,王伟,刘吉营,张林华. 过热度对翅片管蒸发器性能影响的模拟研究[J].建筑节能,2017,45(02):105-108.

[26] 张林华,梁莉,王伟,刘吉营. 地板辐射供冷系统建筑围护结构蓄热特性分析[J].山东建筑大学学报,2016,31(06):576-582.

[27] 赵明,金铭,王松亚,钟棂,刘吉营,张林华. 温州市灵昆岛区域热环境的模拟初步研究,建筑节能,2016,44(10):83-87.

[28] Jiying Liu, Fenghua Qin, Xiaona, Xie, Linhua Zhang, An applied research on the compound air conditioning system of ground source direct cooling system and water storage tank system, Procedia Engineering, 2016, 146: 559-566.

[29] Linhua Zhang, Dong Yang, Yan Zhang, Qingmei Wen, Jiying Liu, Numerical evaluation of the indoor environment in a room with capillary radiation air conditioning system, Procedia Engineering, 2016, 146: 567-572.

[30] Jiying Liu, Mohammad Heidarinejad, Min Guo, Jelena Srebric, Numerical evaluation of the local weather data impacts on cooling energy use of buildings in an urban area, Procedia Engineering, 2015, 121: 381-388.

[31] Jiying Liu, Bing Liu, Liqun He, Yandong Gao, Investigation on the winter building energy consumption in rural areas in Jinan, China, Procedia Engineering, 2015, 121: 1819-1826.

[32] 刘吉营,郭敏,斯雷布里奇·伊莲娜,达维多维奇•丹科. 零方程湍流模型用于城市微气候的模拟研究,山东建筑大学学报,2014,29(6):512-519.

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