

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-20

16.国家自然科学基金重大项目,模糊信息处理与机器智能,科学基金项目, 1988.1-1991.12,136万元,已结题,参加。
Xiao Wang, Fusheng Yu, Witold Pedrycz, Lian Yu, Clustering of interval-valued time series of unequal length based on improved dynamic time warping, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 125, 1 July 2019, Pages 293-304.
Rui Wang, Fusheng Yu, Yanjun Liu, Jianyin Wang, Lian Yu, Liyun Zhao, A novel adaptive non-backstepping VUFC algorithm for a class of MIMO nonlinear systems with unknown dead-zones in pure-feedback form, Nonlinear Analysis-Hybrid Systems, 2019, Volume 31, 200-219.
Shurong JIANG and Fusheng YU, New Knowledge-Transmission Mechanisms Based Horizontal Collaborative Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms for Unequal-Length Time Series, Databases and Information Systems, X, 2019,210-224.
L. Duan, F. Yu, W. Pedrycz, X. Wang, X. Yang. Time-series clustering based on linear fuzzy information granules,Applied Soft Computing Journal, vol. 73, pp:1053-1067, 2018.
Xiao Wang, Fusheng Yu, Witold Pedrycz, Jiayin Wang, Hierarchical clustering of unequal-length time series with area-based shape distance, Soft Computing,Soft Computing(2018)
Shihu Liu, Fusheng Yu and Patrick S. P. Wang, Granularity approach for multi-criteria decision making about hybrid evaluation information, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,Vol. 32, No. 11 (2018)
Ke Wang, Ping Guo, Fusheng Yu, Lingzi Duan, Yuping Wang, Hui Du, Computational intelligence in astronomy: a survey, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol.11(1), 575-590 (2018)
Xiyang Yang, Fusheng Yu, Witold Pedrycz, Long-term forecasting of time series based on linear fuzzy information granules and fuzzy inference system, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Vol. 81, 1–27(2017)
Rui Wang, Yanjun Liu, Fusheng Yu, Jiayin Wang, Jinlin Yang, Adaptive variable universe of discourse fuzzy control for a class of nonlinear systems with unknown dead zones, International Journal of Adaptive Control Signal Process, Vol. 31, No. 12, 1934–1951. (2017)
Shihu Liu, Fusheng Yu, and Patrick S. P. Wang, Rank factor granules with fuzzy collaborative clustering and factor space theory,International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 31, No. 6 (2017).
Deqing Li, Wenyi Zeng, Junhong Li, Fusheng Yu, Note on hesitant fuzzy prioritized weighted operators, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 30, No. 6, 3191-3196 (2016)
Xiao Wang, Fusheng Yu, Witold Pedrycz, An area-based shape distance measure of time series, Applied Soft Computing, Vol.48, 650-659 (2016)
Xiao Wang, Fusheng Yu, Huixin Zhang, Shihu Liu, Jiayin Wang, Large-scale time series clustering based on fuzzy granulation and collaboration,International Journal Of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 30, 763–780 (2015).
Rui Wang, Fusheng Yu, and Jiayin Wang,Adaptive non-backstepping fuzzy control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown dead-zone input, Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1394-1402. (2015)
Shihu Liu, Xiaozhou Chen, Tauqir AhmedMoughal, and Fusheng Yu, Fuzzy collaborative clustering-based ranking approach for complex objects, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Article ID 495829, 1-11 (2015)
Tauqir Ahmed Moughal, Fusheng Yu, Abeer Mazher, Shihu Liu, Abdul Razzaqd, Enhanced detection of burned area using cross- and autocorrelation, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2015)
Toly Chen, T. Warren Liao, Fusheng Yu, Fuzzy collaborative intelligence and systems, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol.30, No.6, 617-619 (2015)
Xiyang Yang, Fusheng Yu, A type-2 fuzzy c-means algorithm and its application, Journal of University of Jinan(Sci. & Tech.), Vol.29, No.5, 372-276 (2015)
Rui Wang, Fusheng Yu, JiaYin Wang,Adaptive non-backstepping fuzzy tracking control for a class of multiple-input–multiple-output pure-feedback systems with unknown dead-zones,IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 8, Iss. 14, 1293–1302 (2014)
Rui Wang, Yanjun Liu, Fusheng Yu, Jiayin Wang, A novel alleviating computation algorithm for a class of large-scale nonlinear systems with unknown dead-zones, Nonlinear Dynamics, 76:915–930 (2014)
Shihu Liu, Fusheng Yu, Hesitation degree-based similarity measures for intuitionistic fuzzy sets, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol.6, No.1,7-22 (2014)
Tauqir Ahmed Moughal, and Fusheng Yu,An automatic unsupervised method based on context-sensitive spectral angle mapper for change detection of remote sensing images,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 8933, 151–162 (2014)
Weihua Xu, Shihu Liu, Fusheng Yu, Knowledge reduction in lattice-valued information systems with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy decision, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol.22, No.1 (2013)
Shihu Liu, Fusheng Yu, Weihua Xu, Wenxiu Zhang, New approach to MCDM under interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy environment, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics,Vol.4, No.6, 671-678 (2013)
Fusheng Yu, Xiao Wang, Huixin Zhang, Qiuxiang Zhao, Wenwen Wang, A novel forecasting method for long time series based on granulation and triple-3 algorithm, Journal of Pattern Recognition & Image Processing, Vol.3, 59-67, (2013)
Xiyang Yang, Fusheng Yu, Kernal based semi-supervised clustering and its application in leave recognition of bauhinia blakeana leaves, Advanced materials research, 756-759 (2013)
Dingyun Feng,Fusheng Yu,Xiao Wang,The consistency degree of rule groups,Computer Science,Vol.40, No. 5, 45-47 (2013)
Fusheng Yu, Shihu Liu, Decision-making model in the environment of complex structure data, Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, Vol. 3, No. 2 ,103-109 (2013)
Xiyang Yang, Fusheng Yu, Fei You, Dimension reduction of fuzzy controller based on Fisher projection and variable universe method and its application on water level control, Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics, Vol.26, No. 5, 154-160 (2012)
Xiao Wang, Fusheng Yu, Huixin Zhang, Yuming Liu,Knowledge-guided clustering of large-scale time series under wavelet transformation, LNAI, Vol. 7530, 126-133 (2012)
Shihu Liu, Fusheng Yu, Aggregation operator based MCDM with intuitionistic fuzzy information, Innovative theories and methods for risk analysis and crisis response, 411-416, (2012)
Minghuang Li, Fusheng Yu, semidefinite programming-based method for implementing linear fitting to interval-valued data, International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications Vol.1, No.3, 32-46 (2011).
Fangmin Wu, Liyang, Fusheng Yu, Fuzzy granulation based forecasting of time series, Fuzzy Information and Engineering, AISC, 511-520 (2010)
Mingxin Zhang, Fusheng Yu, A new pairwise comparison based method of ranking lr-fuzzy numbers, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,Vol. 6320, 160-167 (2010)
Fusheng Yu, Witold Pedrycz, The design of fuzzy information granules: tradeoff between specificity and experimental evidence,Applied Soft Computing, Vol.9, 264-273 (2009)


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