

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-04

2. 主要学习工作经历
4. 在研科研项目
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:免耕宽幅精播麦田水分利用效率及其碳水平衡调控机制研究 2016–2019 主持
[2] 国家重点研发计划课题:可控生物降解地膜田间功能验证2016–2021 主持
[3] 山东省科技发展计划项目:麦玉两熟农田周年水分高效利用模式与示范2014–2017 主持
[4] 国家863课题:作物健康生长农艺调控技术 2013–2017 第二位
[5] 国家科技支撑计划课题:盐碱地小麦高产栽培技术集成2013–2017 第二位
5. 主要论文论著
[1] Yan Z.X., Gao C., Ren Y.J., Zong R., Ma Y.Z., Li Q.Q*.Effects of pre-sowing irrigation and straw mulching on the grain yield and water use efficiency of summer maize in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 2017, 186: 21–28.
[2] Liu X.H., Ren Y.J., Gao C., Yan Z.X., Li Q.Q*.Compensation effect of winter
wheat grain yield reduction under straw mulching in wide-precision planting in the North China Plain. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-00391-6.
[3] Ma C.J., Liu X.H., Bian C.Y., Liu Q.R., Li Q.Q*. Straw mulching can realize soil/plants carbon sequestration and yield increasing of summer maize in North China. Romanian Agricultural Research, 2017, 34: DII 2067-5720 RAR 2017-115.
[4] Li Z.X., Bian C.Y., Liu X.H., Ma C.J., Li Q.Q*. Response of summer maize grain yield and precipitation-use efficiency to straw mulching in North China Plain. Romanian Agricultural Research, 2017, 34: DII 2067-5720 RAR 2017-114.
[5] Bian C.Y., Ma C.J., Liu X.H., Yan Z.X., Ren Y.J., Li Q.Q*. Responses of winter wheat yield and water use efficiency to irrigation frequency and planting pattern. Plos One, 2016, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.**.
[6] Li Q.Q., Bian C.Y., Liu X.H., Ma C.J., Liu Q.R. Winter wheat grain yield and water use efficiency in wide-precision planting pattern under deficit irrigation in North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 2015, 153: 71–76.
[7] Liu Q.R., Liu X.H., Bian C.Y., Ma C.J., Lang K., Han H.F., Li Q.Q*. Response of soil CO2emission and summer maize yield to plant density and straw mulching in the North China Plain. The Scientific World Journal, 2014, doi: org/10.1155/2014/180219.
[8] Zhao D.D., Shen J.Y., Lang K., Liu Q.R., Li Q.Q*. Effects of irrigation and wide-precision planting on water use, radiation interception, and grain yield of winter wheat in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 2013, 118: 87–92.
[9] Li Z.X., Liu K.C., Liu C.X., Zhang X.Q., Liu X., Zhang H., Liu S.C., Wang Q.C., Li Q.Q*. Aboveground dry matter and grain yield of summer maize under different varieties and densities in North China Plain. Maydica, 2013, 58: 189–194.
[10] Li Q.Q., Lang K., Liu Q.R., Bian C.Y., Liu X.H., Chen G.Q. Dry matter, grain yield, and evapotranspiration of winter wheat under deficit irrigation in North China Plain. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2013, 11: 2593–2596.
[11] Li Q.Q., Zhou X.B., Chen Y.H.*, Yu S.L. Water consumption characteristics of winter wheat grown using different planting patterns and deficit irrigation regime. Agricultural Water Management, 2012, 105: 8–12.
[12] Li Q.Q., Chen Y.H., Zhou X.B., Yu S.L., Guo C.C. Effect of irrigation to winter wheat on the radiation use efficiency and yield of summer maize in a double cropping system. The Scientific World Journal, 2012, doi:10.1 100/2012/476272.
[13] Shen J.Y., Zhao D.D., Han H.F., Zhou X.B., Li Q.Q*. Water consumption characteristics and yield of summer maize in different plant types under straw mulching. Plant Soil and Environment, 2012, 58(2): 161–166.
[14] Han H.F., Shen J.Y., Zhao D.D., Li Q.Q*. Effect of irrigation frequency during the growing season of winter wheat on the water use efficiency of summer maize in a double cropping system. Maydica, 2011, 56: 1–6.
[15] Li Q.Q., Dong B.D., Qiao Y.Z., Liu M.Y., Zhang J.W. Root growth, available soil water, and water-use efficiency of winter wheat under different irrigation regimes applied at different growth stages in North China. Agricultural Water Management, 2010, 97: 1676–1682.
[16] Li Q.Q., Zhou X.B., Chen Y.H., Yu S.L. Grain yield and quality of winter wheat in different planting patterns under deficit irrigation regimes. Plant Soil and Environment, 2010, 56(10): 482–487.
[17] Li Q., Liu M., Zhang J., Bong B., Bai Q. Biomass accumulation and radiation use efficiency of winter wheat under deficit irrigation regimes. Plant Soil and Environment, 2009, 55(2): 85–91.
[18] Li Q.Q., Chen Y.H., Liu M.Y., Zhou X.B., Yu S.L., Dong B.D. Effects of irrigation and planting patterns on radiation use efficiency and yield of winter wheat in North China. Agricultural Water Management, 2008, 95: 469–476.
[19] Li Q.Q., Chen Y.H., Liu M.Y., Zhou X.B., Yu S.L., Dong B.D. Effects of irrigation and straw mulching on microclimate characteristics and water use efficiency of winter wheat in North China. Plant Production Science, 2008, 11(2): 161–170.
[20] Li Q.Q.,Chen Y.H., Liu M.Y., Zhou X.B., Dong B.D., Yu S.L. Water potential characteristics and yield of summer maize in different planting patterns. Plant Soil and Environment, 2008, 54(1): 14–19.
[21] Li Q.Q, Chen Y.H., Liu M.Y., Zhou X.B., Dong B.D., Yu S.L. Effect of irrigation to winter wheat on the soil moisture, evapotranspiratin, and water use efficiency of summer maize in North China. Transactions of the ASABE, 2007, 50(6): 2073–2080.

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