

山东农业大学 考研网/2016-03-15

  姓名:蒋高明 性别:男博硕导师出生年月:1964.9职称:“泰山学者”特聘教授兼任中国科学院研究生院教授、联合国教科文组织人与生物圈计划城市组委员、中国生态学会副秘书长、中国生物多样性保护基金会副秘书长、中国环境文化促进会理事、中国植物学会植物生态学专业委员会委员、北京植物学会常务理事、青年工作委员会主任。《植物生态学报》常务编委、《生态学报》编委、《植物学报》副主编,曾任联合国教科文组织人与生物圈中国国家委员会副秘书长。《植物生态学报》常务编委、《生态学报》编委、《植物学通报》副主编、《生命世界》顾问、《新京报》特约评论员、《科学时报》、《第一财经日报》、《中外对话》专栏作者。
  在国内外发表论文共224篇(部),其中CSCD以上论文164篇,SCI收录论文74篇(58篇为第一作者或通讯作者),参与编写专著8部。以第一作者身份发表在Trees上文章被著名学者W. Larcher主编教科书《Physiological Plant Ecology》引用;发表论文被包括《Nature》在内的SCI刊物引用155次, CSCD引用1986次。在浑善达克退化沙地草地生态系统恢复试验示范重大项目研究中,取得了显著的生态、经济和社会效益,温家宝、回良玉、韩启德等领导分别做出过批示;《Science》317: 314-316报道了该试验效果。主编了国内第一本教科书《植物生理生态学》。提出的“以地养地”、“以自然力恢复”、“畜南下、禽北上”等退化生态系统恢复理论得到社会广泛认可。浑善达克案例进入美国南加州大学N. Pipkin, D.D. Trent, R. Lazlett & P. Bierman教授编写的环境专业类大学教科书《Geology and the Environment》《Geology and the Environment》(第6版, pp 407~408)。
  电话:**Email: jianggm@126.com
  1.Zheng Y.H., Li Z.F., Feng S.F., Lucas M., Wu G.L., Li Y., Li C.H. &Jing G.M*. 2010. Biomass energy utilization in rural areas may contribute to alleviating energy crisis and global warming: A case study in a typical agro-village ofShandong,China. Renewable and Suatainable Energy Reviews. (Publishing online). (IF=4.842)
  2.Wang R.F, D.G. An, Q.E. Xie, Wang K.J. &Jiang G.M.*. 2009.Leaf photosynthesis is enhanced in normal oil maize pollinated by high oil maize hybrids.Industrial Crops and Products,29(1): 182-188. (IF=1.66)
  3.Liu Meizhen,Jiang Gaoming*, Yu Shunli, Li Yonggeng & Li Gang. 2009. The role of soil seed bank in natural restoration of the degradedHunshandak Sandland,NorthChina.Restoration Ecology, 17(1): 127-136. (IF=1.892)
  4.Biswas D.K., Li Yonggeng, Xu Hong, Li Weidong &Jiang Gaoming*. 2009. Impacts of methods and sites of plant breeding on ozone sensitivity in winter wheat cultivars.Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment(accepted)(2.884)
  5.Li Wei-Dong, D. K. Biswas, Hong Xu, Chang-Qing Xu, Xian-Zhong Wang, Jia-Kun Liu &Jiang Gaoming*. 2009. Photosynthetic responses to chromosome doubling in relation to leaf anatomy in Lonicera japonica subjected to water stress.Functional Plant Biology(accepted)(2.248)
  6.Zheng Yanhai, Xu Xianbin, Li,Zongfeng &Jiang Gaoming*.2009. Differential responses of grain yield and quality to salinity between contrasting winter wheat cultivars.Seed Science and Biotechnology(accepted).
  7.Jiang Gaoming*. 2009. Leaf-level plasticity of SalixinHunshandake Sandland,NorthChina.Journal of Plant Research(in press).
  8.Zheng Y.H., Xu X.B, Wang .Y., Zheng X.H., Li Z.J. &Jiang GM*. 2009. Responses of salt-tolerant and intolerant wheat genetypes to sodium chloride: photosysthesisi, antioxidants activities, and yield.Photosynthetica,47: 87-94.
  9.Xu H, Chen SB, Biswas DK, Li YG,Jiang GM*(2009)..Photosynthetica(accepted)
  10.杨维才、瞿礼嘉、袁明、王小菁、王台、孔宏智、许亦农、蒋高明、种康. 2009. 2008年中国植物科学若干领域重要研究进展.植物学报, 44: 379-409.
  1.Biwas D. K., Xu H., Li Y. G., Sun J. Z., Wang X. Z., Han X. G. &Jiang G. M*. 2008.Genotypic differences in leaf biochemical, physiological and growth responses to ozone in 20 winter wheat cultivars released over the past 60 years.Global Change Biology14:46-59. (5.876)
  2.Biswas D.K., Xu H, Li Y.G., Liu M.Z., Chen Y.H., Sun J.Z. &Jiang G.M. 2008. Assessing the genetic relatedness of higher ozone sensitivity of modern wheat to its wild and cultivated progenitors/relatives.Journal of Experimental Botany59: 951-963. (4.001)
  3.Liu Meizhen, Colin P. Osborne . 2008. Leaf cold-acclimation and freezing injury in C3and C4grasses of the Mongolian Plateau.Journal of Experimental Botany59:4161-4170 (4.001)
  4.Liu H,Jiang GM*, Zhuang HY, Wang KJ. 2008. Distribution, utilization structure and potential of biomass resources in ruralChina: With special references of crop residues.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,12:1402-1408. (4.842)
  5.Zheng Yanhai, Wang Zhenlin, Sun Xuezhen, Jia Aijun,Jiang Gaoming*and Li Zengjia. 2008. Higher salinity tolerance cultivars of winter wheat relieved senescence at reproductive stage.Environmental and Experimental Botany,62: 129-138. (3.164)
  6.Zheng Yanhai, Jia Aijun, Ning Tangyuan, Xu Jialin, Li Zengjia &Jiang Gaoming*. 2008. Potassium nitrate application alleviates sodium chloride stress in winter wheat cultivars differing in salt tolerance.Journal of Plant Physiology,165: 1455-1465. (2.437)
  7.Li Linfeng, Li Yinghao, Biswas Dilip Kumar, Nian Yuegang &Jiang Gaoming*. 2008. Potential of constructed wetlands in treating the eutrophic water: Evidence from Taihu Lake of China.Bioresource Technology,99(6):1656-1663.(4.453)
  8.Wang Guangmei,Jiang Gaoming*, Yu Shunli, Li Yinghao & Liu Hui. 2008. Invasion possibility and potential impacts of Rhus typhina L.to Beijing municipality. 2008.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,50(5):522-530
  9.Jiang Gaoming*. 2008. The control of Sandstorms inInner Mongolia. In pp. 471-482. Cathy Lee and Thomas Schaaf.The Future of Dryland. Springer, xvi+855
  10.瞿礼嘉、王小菁、王台、杨维才、许亦农、袁明、蒋高明、孔宏智、种康. 2008. 2007年中国植物科学若干领域研究进展.植物学报,44(1): 2-26.
  11.蒋高明、郑延海、冯素飞、唐爱民、王明堂、吴光磊. 2008.农业与低碳经济:生态学主导的新农业革命与大粮食安全.见pp396-410张坤民主编:低碳经济论.北京:中国环境科学出版社, xi+703.
  12.郑延海、蒋高明. 2009.外源硝酸钾对小麦氯化钠胁迫缓解机理的研究.科学通报53(24): 3140-40. (IF=0.683)
  13.Yanbin Hao,Yanfen Wang,Xiangzhong Huang,Xiaoyong Cui,Xiaoqi Zhou, Shiping Wang, Haishan Niu,Gaoming Jiang.2007.Seasonal and interannual variation in water vapor and energy exchange over a typical steppe inInner Mongolia,China.Agricultural andForestMeteorology,146(1-2): 57-69. (3.668)
  14.Li Gang,Jiang Gaoming*, Li Yonggeng, Liu Weizhen, Peng Yu, Li Linghao & Han Xingguo. 2007. A new approach to the fight against desertification inInner Mongolia.Environmental Conservation,34(2): 95-97.
  15Peng Yu,Jiang Gaoming*, Liu Xuehua, Niu Shuli, Liu Meizhen, Biswas D.K.2007. Photosynthesis, transpiration, water use efficiency of four plant species with grazing intensities inHunshandake Sandland,China., 70: 304-315.
  16.LI Y.-G.,G.-M.Jiang*, M.-Z.Liu、S.-L.Niu、L.-M.Gao、X.-C.Cao. 2007. Photosynthetic response to precipitation/rainful in predominant tree (Ulmus pumila) seedlings inHunshandak Sandland,China.Photosynthetica45 (1): 133-138.
  17Xu H., D. K. Biswas, W.-D. Li, S.-B. Chen, L. Zhang,G.-M. Jiang* and Y.-G. Li. 2007.Photosynthesis and yield responses of ozone-polluted winter wheat to drought.Photosynthetica45 (4): 582-588.
  18Wang Guangmei,Jiang Gaoming*, Zhou Yunlong , Liu Quanru, Ji Yanshou, Wang Shixiong, Shengbin Chen and Hui Liu. 2007. Biodiversity conservation in a fast-growing metropolitan area inChina: a case study of plant diversity inBeijing.Biodiversity Conservation,16(14): 4025-4038.
  19.Zhang Zhen, Wang Shiping,Jiang Gaoming, PattoneB. and Nyren P. 2007. Responses of Artemisia frigida Willd. (Compositae) and Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. (Poaceae) to sheep saliva. Journal of Arid Environments, 70: 111-119.
  20韩同林、林景星、王永、郑柏峪、宋怀龙、刘江永、蒋高明、史培军、张静. 2007.京津地区“沙尘暴”的性质和治理——以北京2006年4月16日的尘暴为例.地质通报, (2):117-127.
  21许宏、杨景成、陈圣宾、蒋高明、李永庚. 2007.植物的臭氧污染胁迫效应研究进展.植物生态学报,31(6): 1205-1213.
  22Xue Qiujin, Nian Yue Gang, Jin Xiangcan, Yan Changchou Liu Jin & Jiang Gaoming. 2007. Effects of chitosan on growth of an aquatic plant (Hydrilla verticillata) in polluted waters with different chemical oxygen demands.Journal of Environmental Science, 19(2): 217-221.
  23.Jiang Chuangdao, Gao Huiyuan, Zou Qi,Jiang Gaoming& Li Ling-Hao. 2006. Leaf orientation, photorespiration and xanthophyll cycle protect young soybean leaves against high irradiance in field.Environmental and Experimental Botany,55(1): 87-96. (3.164)
  24.Jiang Chuang-Dao,Jiang Gaoming*, Wang Xianzhong, Li Ling-Hao, Biswas D.K. and Li Yong-Geng.2006.Increased photosynthetic activities and thermostability of photosystem II with leaf development of elm seedlings (Ulmus pumila) probed by the fast fluorescence rise OJIP.Environmental and Experimental Botany,58(1-3): 261-268.(3.164)
  25.Niu Shuli,Jiang Gaoming*, Wan Shiqiang, Li Yonggeng, Gao Leiming & Liu Meizhen. 2006. A sand-fixing pioneer C3species in sandland displays characteristics of C4metabolism.Environmental and Experimental Botany,57(2):123-130.(3.164)
  26.Jiang Gaoming*, Han Xingguo & Wu Jiangguo. 2006. Restoration and Management of theInner Mongoliagrassland requires a sustainable strategy.AMBIO,35(4):269-70. (2.092)
  27.Cui Hongxia,Jiang Gaoming*, Niu Shuli, Jiang Chuangdao, Liu Meizhen, Yu Shunli, Gao Leiming. 2006. Ecophysiological response of plants to combined pollution from heavy-duty vehicle and industrial emissions under higher humidity.Journal of Integrative Plant Science,48(12): 1391-1400.
  28.Ding Li, Wang Kongjun.,Jiang Gaoming*., Li Yonggen., Jiang Chuangdao., Liu Meizhen., Niu Shuli. & Peng Yu. 2006. Diurnal variation of gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and xanthophyll cycle components of maize hybrids released in different years.Photosynthetica,44(1): 26-31.
  29.Jiang Chuangdao,Jiang Gaoming*., Wang Xianzhong., Li Linghao, Biswas D.K. & Li Yonggeng. 2006. Enhanced photosystem 2 thermostability during leaf growth of elm (Ulmus pumila) seedlings.Photosynthetica,44(3): 411-418
  30Ding Li, Wang Kongjun*,Jiang Gaoming.*, Liu M.Z. and Gao L.M..2007. Photosynthetic rate and yield formation in different maize hybrids.Biologia Plantarum, 51 (1): 165-168. (IF=1.426)
  31.Zhang Zhen, Wang Shiping, Nyren P. and Jiang Gaoming. 2006. Morphological and reproductive response of Caragana microphylla to different stocking rates. Journal of Arid Environments, 67: 671-677.
  32.Wang Shiping , Haishan Niu, Xiaoyong Cui, Shu Jiang, Yonghong Li, Xiangming Xiao, Jinzhi Wang, Guojie Wang, Dehua Huang, Qiuhui Qi and Zonggui Yang. 2005. Plant communities: Ecosystem stability inInner Mongolia.Nature435: E5-6.(31.432)
  33.Ding Li, Wang Kongjun.,Jiang Gaoming*, Jiang Chuangdao., Liu Meizhen. Niu Shuli. Yu shuli & Gao Leiming. 2005.Post-anthesis changes in photosynthetic traits of maize hybrids released in different years.Field Crop Research, 93:108-115.(89)(2.032)
  34.Ding Li, Wang Kongjun,Jiang Gaoming*, D.K. Biswas, Xu Hong, Li Linfeng, Li yinhao. 2005.Effects of nitrogen deficiency on photosysthetic traits of maize hybrids released in different years.Annual of Botany,96:925-930. (3.501)
  35.Jiang Chuangdao, Gao Huiyuan, Zou Qi,Jiang Gaoming& Li Linghao. 2004.Enhanced photoprotection at the early stages of leaf expansion in the field-grown soybean plants.Plant Science168: 911-918.
  36.姜闯道、高辉远、邹琦、蒋高明*、李凌浩. 2005.叶角、光呼吸和热耗散协同作用减轻大豆幼叶光抑制.生态学报,25(2): 313-325.
  37.Niu Shuli,Jiang Gaoming*, Gao Leiming, Li Yonggeng, Jiang Chuangdao, Liu Meizhen, Cui Hongxia, Ding Li & Peng Yu. Comparison of phtotsynthesis and water use efficiency betweem three plant functional types in Hunshandake Sandland.Acta Ecologica Sinica,25(4): 699-704.
  38.Niu Shuli,Jiang Gaoming*, Wan Shiqiang. , Liu Meizhen., Gao Leiming & Li, Yonggeng. 2005. Ecophysiological acclimation to different soil moinstures in plants from a semi-arid sandland. .Journal of Arid Environment63: 353-365.
  39.彭羽、蒋高明、李永庚、刘美珍、牛书丽、于顺利、杨道斌. 2005.浑善达克沙地榆树疏林自然保护区核心区设计的初步研究.植物生态学报,Acta Phytoecologica Sinica,29(5): 775-780.
  40.王光美、蒋高明、彭羽、于顺利、李永庚. 2005.基于社区发展的生物多样性保护策略——以浑善达克沙地生态恢复为例.生态学报,25(6): 1459-1465.
  41.Yuan Zhiyou., Li Linghao, Han Xingguo, Huang Jianhui.Jiang Ggaoming.&Wan Shiqiang. 2005. Soil chanracteristics and nitrogen resorption in Stipa krylovii native to northChina.Plant and Soil,273: 257-268.
  42.Yuan Zhiyou, Li Linghao, Huang Jianhui.JiangGaoming, Wan Shiqiang, Wang Zhengwen & Chen Quansheng.2005. Nitrogen resorption from snescing leaves in 28 plant species in a semi-arid region of northChina.Journal of Arid Environment63: 191-202.
  43.于顺利、Marcelo Sternberg、蒋高明、刘美珍、Pua Kutiel. 2005.地中海沿岸沙丘种子大小对植物及其种子多度的影响.生态学报,25(4): 749-755.
  44.种康、杨维才、王台、瞿礼嘉、蒋高明、王小菁、许:亦农、陈之端、于昕. 2005. 2004年中国植物科学若干领域研究进展.植物学通报,22(4): 385-395.
  45.Cui H.X.,Jiang, Gaoming*, Niu Shuli., Li Yonggeng., Jiang Chuangdao., Liu Meizhen & Gao Leiming. 2004. Gas exchanges of an endangered speciesSyringa pinnatifoliaand a widespread congenerS. oblata.Photosynthetica, 42(4): 529-534.
  46.Jiang Chuangdao, Gao Huiyuan, Zou Qi &Jiang Gaoming. 2004. Inhibition of photosynthesis by shift in the balance of excitation energy distribution between photosystems in dithiothreitol treadted soybean leaves.Photosynthetica, 42(3): 409-415.
  47.LiYonggeng,Li Linghao,Jiang Gaoming*, Liu Meizhen, Niu Shuli & Gao Leiming. 2004.Traits of chlorophyll fluorescence in 99 plant species from the spare-elm grassland inHunshandak Sandland.Photosynthetica42(2): 243-249.
  48.Liu Meizhen,Jiang Gaoming*, Li Yonggeng, Yu Shunli, Niu Shuli, Gao Leiming.Control of sandstorms inInner Mongolia,China.Environment Conservation31(4): 1-5.
  49.Niu Shuli. Li Linghao,Jiang Gaoming*, Gao Leiming., Li Yonggeng. & Liu Meizhen.2004. Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence response to simulated rainfall inHedysarum fruticosumPhotosynthetica, 42 (1): 1~6.
  50.Niu Shuli, Peng Yu,Jiang Gaoming*, Li Yonggeng, Gao Leiming, Liu Meizhen, Cui Hongxia & Ding Li. 2004. Differentialresponses to simulated precipitation exhibited by a typical shrub and a herb coexisted in Hunshandak Sandy Land.Acta Botanic Sinica,46(10):1170-1177.
  51.Peng Yu,Jiang Gaoming*, Liu Meizhen, Niu Shuli, Zhang Qian, Shi Xuan & Yang Qisen. 2004. Potential of combating desertification in Hunshandak Sandland through nature reserve.Environmental Management,35(1): 1-9.
  52.崔洪霞、蒋高明、藏淑英. 2004.丁香属植物的地理分布及其起源演化.植物研究, 24(2): 141-145.
  53.姜闯道、高辉远、邹琦、蒋高明. 2004.田间大豆叶片展开过程中的光合特性及光破坏防御机制.植物生理与分子生物学学报,30(4): 428-434.
  54.蒋高明. 2004.植物生理生态学的学科起源与发展.植物生态学报,28(2): 278~284.
  55.李永庚、蒋高明*. 2004.矿山废弃地生态重建研究进展.生态学报,24(1): 95~100.
  56.刘美珍、蒋高明*、于顺利、李永庚、牛书丽、高雷明、彭羽. 2004.浑善达克沙地三种生境下不同植物的水分生理生态特征.生态学报,24(7): 1465-1471.
  57.刘美珍、蒋高明(通讯作者)、于顺利、李永庚、高雷明、牛书丽、姜闯道、彭羽. 2004.浑善达克退化沙地恢复演替18年中植物群落动态变化.生态学报,24(8): 1731-1737.
  58.牛书丽、蒋高明*、李永庚. 2004. C3与C4光合类型的环境调控.生态学报,24(2): 308~314.
  59.牛书丽、蒋高明. 2004.人工草地建设在退化生态系统恢复中的作用.应用生态学报, 15(9): 1662-1666.
  60.牛书丽、蒋高明*. 2004.豆科植物在中国草原生态系统中的地位及其生理生态研究.植物学通报,21(1): 9~18.
  61.彭羽、郭天财、王晨阳、蒋高明、李永庚. 2004.开花后水分调控对小麦品质和产量的影响.植物生态学报,28(4): 554-561.
  62.于顺利、Marcelo Sternberg、蒋高明、Pua Kutiel. 2004.地中海沿岸沙丘微生境对幼苗出现时空格局的影响.生态学报,24(4): 1346-1352.

