

山东农业大学 考研网/2016-03-15


  中国食文化研究会专家委员会委员,山东食品科技学会会员,美国AACC(谷物化学家协会)会员,中国农学会会员。主要从事“食品法规与标准”、“食品安全性”、“中国饮食文化”等课程的教学工作。先后以第一作者在International Journal of Food Science & Technology,Euphytica,中国农业科学(英文版),中国粮油学报,食品科学,食品与发酵工业等杂志发表论文20余篇,其中SCI收录5篇。近几年来,编著教材八部:主编全国高等教育“十一五”规划教材三部,其中《中国饮食文化》一书获全国化学工业部教材类二等奖,《食品标准与法规》获山东省软科学科技成果二等奖。副主编“十一五”规划教材两部,参编“十一五”规划教材三部。主持国家质检总局蔬菜农残标准研究课题;省部级国家重点实验室课题“固相微萃取法提取胶州大白菜中的风味物质”;泰安市科技发展计划课题“小麦馒头品质主要参数的数量性状基因定位及应用品种筛选鉴定”。 第二位主持国家自然科学基金项目“通电加热(欧姆加热)对豆浆品质的影响机理研究”(31171759/C200211)。参与国家科技基础条件平台项目(科技部)课题“农业微生物菌种资源整理整合”及国家973课题“小麦高产优质品种设计和选育的应用基础研究”;国家自然基金项目“利用关联分析挖掘小麦骨干亲本“矮孟牛”及其衍生品种(系)的高产基因“课题。

  4、饮食文化、食疗理论研究。E-mail: wupengguai@163.com Peng Wu, Female, Ph.D., Associate professor. The member of “1512 project” of Shandong Agricultural University. The member of Chinese Food Culture Union. The member of Shandong institute of food science and technology. The member of AACC. Conducting the course of “Food laws and standard” “Food security” and “Chinese food culture”.More than 20 papers were established in International Journal of Food Science & Technology,Euphytica,Agricultural Science and Chinese Agricultural Science etc. Five of them were embodied by SCI. The editor-in-chief of the teaching materials “Food laws and standard” and “Chinese food culture”. Leading researcher of the project group of “Standard of Pesticide Residue of Vegetables” of General Administration supported by Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China, “Automatic Static Headspace GC-MS Analysis of Flavor Compounds in Jiaozhou Chinese Cabbage” supported by State Key Laboratory , “QTL Mapping for Chinese Northern-1 Style Steamed Bread quality in DH groups” supported by Taian Science and Technology development projects and “QTL Mapping for Bread Quality in DH groups” supported by Shandong Young Scientist Reword Foundation. Participated in the research of the 973 program of the National Nature Science Foundation of China, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China from the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China.Research Aspect:1. Food security and quality detection2. Research and product development of cereals food 3. Comprehensive exploitation and utilization of flower food and dietary supplement4. Theory of food culture and diet treatment.

  E-mail: wupengguai@163.com

