张岩 博士 副教授 IEEE Member
E-mail:zy AT qust.edu.cn
Mobile:+86 **
2014年3月-2015年3月,法国NORMANDIE UNIVERSITÉ,GREAH实验室,访问****
已主持和作为主要的技术负责人承担科研项目18项,其中主持省部级项目4项;在IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering等国际学术期刊和重要学术会议上发表论文50余篇,其中SCIE收录15篇。在法国NORMANDIE UNIVERSITÉ访学期间,作为主要的技术负责人参研欧盟资助课题两项,并建立了长期合作关系。
IEEE Member
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Member
CCF (China Computer Federation) Member
山东省优秀博士论文 2015
青岛科技大学优秀博士论文 2014
山东高等学校科学技术贰等奖(自然科学类)(2017BK20006)2017 1/5
Yan Zhang, Dimitri Lefebvre, Chengliang Tian, Guangxu Li, Yutao Zhao, Bin Yu, Mario Pacas, Automated Tire Visual Inspection System Based on Low Rank Matrix Recovery, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Submitted.
Yan Zhang, Dimitri Lefebvre, Chengliang Tian, Guangxu Li, Yutao Zhao, Bin Yu, Mario Pacas, Industrial Robot Repeatability Assessment Using Nonlinear Local Feature Matching, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Submitted.
Yan Zhang, Guangxu Li, Yutao Zhao, Bin Yu, Robotic Manipulator Arms Repeatability Measurement Using Image Registration, in Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2018), 31 May-2 June 2018, in Wuhan, China. (EI)
Yan Zhang, Xuehong Cui, Yun Liu, Bin Yu, Tire Defects Classification Using Convolution Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, vol. 11, pp. 1056-1066, 2018. (SCI)
Xuehong Cui, Yun Liu, Yan Zhang, Chuanxu Wang, Tire defects Classification with Multi-Contrast Convolutional Neural Networks, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 32, no. 4, ** 1-17, 2018. (SCI)
Yan Zhang, Dimitri Lefebvere, Qingling Li, “Automatic Detection of Defects in Tire Radiographic Images”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 14, Issue: 3, pp. 1378-1386, Jul 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TASE.2015.** (SCI)
Yan Zhang, Yaya Sidibé, Gérard Maze, Fernand Leon, Fabrice Druaux, Dimitri Lefebvre, Detection of damages in underwater metal plate using acoustic inverse scattering and image processing methods, Applied Acoustics, vol. 103, pp. 110-121, February 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2015.10.013 (SCI)
ZHANG Yan, YU Bin, “Face Recognition Using a Combined Non-Negative Principal Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis Scheme,” The 6th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, Vol. 2, pp. 758-762, 16-18 Dec. 2013. (EI)
ZHANG Yan, LI Tao, LI Qingling, “Detection of Foreign Bodies and Bubble Defects in Tire Radiography Images Based on Total Variation and Edge Detection,” Chinese Physics Letters, Vol. 30, No. 8, pp. 084205, 2013. (SCI)
ZHANG Yan, LI Tao, LI Qingling, “Defect detection for tire laser shearography image using curvelet transform based edge detector,” Optics & Laser Technology, Volume 47, Pages 64-71, April 2013. DOI information: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2012.08.023. (SCI)
ZHANG Yan, YU Bin, GU Hai-ming, “MULTI-LEVEL DOCUMENT IMAGE SEGMENTATION USING MULTI-LAYER PERCEPTRON AND SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE,” International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp.** (13 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S02**023, 2012. (SCI)
ZHANG Yan, YU Bin, GU Hai-ming, “FACE RECOGNITION USING CURVELET-BASED TWO-DIMENSIONAL PRINCIPLE COMPONENT ANALYSIS,” International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.26, No. 3, pp. ** 1-13, DOI: 10.1142/S02**095. May 2012. (SCI)
ZHANG Yan, GU Hai-ming, Contour Based Multi-ROI Multi-Quality ROI Coding for Still Image, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, IJPRAI, Volume: 25, Issue: 1(2011) pp. 135-145. (SCI)
Yu Bin, Li Shan, Qiu Wenying, Chen Cheng, Chen Ruixin, Wang Lei, Wang Minghui, Zhang Yan. Accurate prediction of subcellular location of apoptosis proteins combining Chou’s PseAAC and PsePSSM based on wavelet denoising[J]. Oncotarget, 2017, 8(64): 107640. (SCI)
Bin Yu, Jia-Meng Xu, Shan Li, Cheng Chen, Rui-Xin Chen, Lei Wang, Yan Zhang, Ming-Hui Wang, Inference of Time-delayed Gene Regulatory Networks Based on Dynamic Bayesian Network Hybrid Learning Method, Oncotarget, 2017; 8:80373-80392. https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.21268 (SCI)
Yu, Bin; Zhang, Yan; Zhao, Likuan, Cancer Classification by a Hybrid Method Using Microarray Gene Expression Data, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 12, Number 10, October 2015, pp. 3194-3200(7). (SCI)
Yu Bin, Zhang Yan, “A Simple Method for Predicting Transmembrane Proteins Based on Wavelet Transform” International Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 9, pp. 22-33, doi: 10.7150/ijbs.5371, 2013. (SCI)
Yu Bin, Zhang Yan, “The Analysis of Colon Cancer Gene Expression Profiles and the Extraction of Informative Genes,” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 10, Number 5, pp. 1097-1103(7), May 2013. (SCI)
Yan Zhang (M’18) received the B.S. degree in computer science and technology from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China, in 2004, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in automatic control from Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China, in 2009 and 2014, respectively.
He is an associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering with Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China. He was a Visiting Scholar in the Research Group on Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control (GREAH), Faculty of Sciences, Normandy University, Le Havre, France during 2014 and 2015. His research interests include artificial intelligence, digital image processing, pattern recognition and nondestructive testing.
Prof. Zhang is a member of IEEE and was awarded Excellent Doctor Degree Dissertation of Shandong, China.
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姓名王琳琳性别女出生年月1986年7月职称讲师学历(学位)博士研究生理学博士所属学院数理学院导师类别硕士招生专业统计学研究方向随机分析、金融统计、数理统计、生物统计联系方式LinlinWang1507@qq.com个人简历(包括近期科研项目)王琳琳,女,博士,讲师、硕士生导师,主要从事随机分析、金融 ...青岛科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-18青岛科技大学法学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张福德
一、个人简介姓名:张福德;性别:男;政治面貌:中共党员;职称:教授;法律硕士学位,专业方向:刑法学;硕士生导师。邮箱:zfdjxm@163.com办公电话:法律系:二、教育经历1987.09-1991.06,山东师范大学,思想政治教育专业,法学学士1998.09-2001.06,中国政法大学,法学专 ...青岛科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-18青岛科技大学法学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王金堂
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一、个人简介仲崇玉,男,教授,法学博士,法学博士后,专业方向:民商法学,硕士研究生导师,青岛科技大学崂山****,中国商法学研究会理事,山东省民商法学研究会常务理事,青岛仲裁委员会仲裁员,中国国际贸易促进委员会青岛调解中心调解员。电子邮箱:chongyuzhong@163.com办公电话:二、教育经 ...青岛科技大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-18青岛科技大学法学院导师教师师资介绍简介-赵玉增
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