

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-13

1996.9至 2000.7 海军潜艇学院 自动控制 专业本科
2000.9至 2003.7 青岛理工大学 供热燃气通风与空调 硕士研究生
2004.3至 2008.4 上海交通大学 制冷与低温工程博士研究生
2008.5至 青岛理工大学 能源与动力工程任教/副教授
2012.12至 2014.1 美国普渡大学 新能源级可再生能源发展访问****
2014.10至2015.1 德国达姆施塔特工业大学 沼气热电联产应用项目访问****
工作期间承担山东省博士基金项目“机械泵两相氨高效冷却系统传热机理的研究”BS2010DX008 (2011.1-2013.11);参与“国家自然科学基金”“基于节能减排的供水网络多目标多工况智能优化技术研究”位次第2位(总共8位);参与“国家自然科学基金”“基因循环扩增热传递机理研究”,位次第3位(总共8位)参与“国家十一五科技重大专项”“地下水源城市饮用水安全保障共性技术研究与示范”子课题“复合污染条件下含砷地下水强化除砷技术”;2012年获得国家级大学生创新训练项目《基于可再生能源空调水系统智能控制与空调系统末端装置优化设计创新训练项目》;2011年7月指导08级学生的《流量数据远程监控仪》项目荣获第十二届“挑战杯”山东省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖。2015年参与青岛市十三五新能源与可再生能源发展规划的编写任务。
1. Experimental investigation on startup of a novel two-phase cooling loop. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (EI&SCI),2008,32(4):939-946.
2. Experimental investigation on a mechanically pumped two-phase cooling loop with dual-evaporator,International Journal of Refrigeration,2008(31):1176-1186 SCIExperimental investigation on a novel method for set point temperature controlling of the active two-phase cooling loop. International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 31, Issue 8, December 2008:1391-1397
3. Experimental investigation on mechanical pumped cooling loop for application in future space missions,Energy Conversion and Management, 49 (2008),2704-2710 SCI索引号:025
4. Experimental investigation on start-up of mechanically pumped cooling loop. Energy Conversion and Management, 49 (2008) :2595–2601 SCI索引号:013
5. Start-up investigation on a dual-evaporator MPCL system, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 33, n 3, 2009(3) : 555-560, SCI索引号:017
6. Transient performance investigation of the MPCL system. International Journal of Refrigeration.33 (2010), pp. 26-32
7. Numerical Simulation of the Mechanically Pumped Two-Phase cooling loop,Applied Mechanics and Materials 2011Vols. 84-85
8. Investigation on Temperature and Humidity Control Fuzzy Self-Tuning PID Method,Advanced Materials Research, 2011Vols 271-273
9. Strategies Study on Intelligent Building Vocational Training Skills. ,Advanced Materials Research 2011Vols 271-273
10. Investigation on double-tube copper-aluminum Column-wing type radiators ,Advanced Materials Research 2011Vols. 243-249
11. Investigation on Remote Monitoring System for Heat-Supply Thermal Characters Based GPRS ,International Conference on Earth Sciences and Engineering,2011
12. The Investigation on Remote Monitoring System of Well-Water Quality Based on GPRS.,2011 International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Public Health.
13. Research on the Mechanism of Arsenic Pollution in groundwater in northern suburbs of Zhengzhou ,2011International Conference on Earth Sciences and Engineering vol5
14. Investigation on Water Recording system for Large User of Water Supply Network Based on PLC. 2011IEEE能源与环境国际学术会议
15. Investigation on a novel pressure test method in testing water pipe resistance coefficient 2011IEEE能源与环境国际学术会议
16. 基于组态软件的中央空调监控系统研发,2013湖南科技大学学报(自然科学版)

相关话题/环境 青岛理工大学