
Printed Electronics – Progress in Materials and Processes_青岛生物能源与过程研究所

青岛生物能源与过程研究所 免费考研网/2018-05-01


Printed Electronics – Progress in Materials and Processes


Prof. Beng Ong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong


9:00-10:30 am, Dec. 25, 2017, Monday


216 Meeting Room, Energy Building

Introduction of Lecturer:

Prof. Beng Ong is Director of Research Centre of Excellence for Organic Electronics, Deputy Director of Institute of Creativity, and Chair Professor of Materials Science at Hong Kong Baptist University. He was formerly a Distinguished Nanyang Professor at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, concurrently holding joint Directorships at Institute of Materials Research and Engineering and Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology as well as a Program Directorship at Singapore Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). Prior to his relocation from North America to Asia in 2007, Prof. Ong was a Senior Fellow and 21st-Century Materials Strategist at Xerox Corporation and an Area Manager at Xerox Research Centre of Canada. Over the years, he has also held adjunct professorships at McMaster University and University of Waterloo in Canada, and Shanghai JiaoTong University in China as well as an Honorary Professorship at Shanghai East China University of Science and Technology. Prof. Ong has published extensively in advanced materials, organic electronics, and nanotechnology, and has delivered numerous invited talks including plenary, keynote and distinguished lectures. He has an H-index of 65 and over 16,000 citations, and currently holds a patent portfolio of 230 US patents. His honors and recognitions include US Scientific American Top-50 in Chemicals and Materials, Nanyang Distinguished Alumni Award, Chester Carlson Inventor Award, Xerox Top Innovator, etc. as well as international program awards including American Chemical Society’s Innovation Award, NanoTech-50’s Nanotechnology Innovation Award and Nanotechnology Commercialization Award, to name a few.

Prof. Ong received a B.Sc. degree from Nanyang University, a Ph.D. degree from McGill University, and did his postdoctoral studies at Harvard University before joining Xerox.


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