
2016年国际专家高层论坛Prof. Harold L. Drake报告两则_青岛生物能源与过程研究所

青岛生物能源与过程研究所 免费考研网/2017-12-07

报告题目:报告1:Darwin’s Invertebrates: A Transient “Black Box” Microbial Oasis  

   报告2:Manuscripts: How To Avoid Headaches  

   人:Prof. Harold L. Drake  

  工作单位:University of Bayreuth(德国拜罗伊特大学)  




  Charles Darwin was fascinated by the capacity of earthworms to alter terrestrial habitats. However, Darwin was not aware that the impact of earthworms is due in part to their effect on the activities of ingested soil microbes during gut passage. Anoxia and worm derived saccharides in the alimentary canal induce ‘explosive’ levels of fermentations and denitrification, leading to the in vivo emission of molecular hydrogen and the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide, respectively, by the earthworm. The complex fermentation-driven food web includes diverse facultative aerobes and obligate anaerobes. Certain earthworms also emit the greenhouse gas methane. Hydrogen-producing fermentations in the gut drive methanogenesis, and Methanobacteriaceae and Methanoregulaceae are linked to the production of methane. Acetogens may also participate in the flow of carbon and energy in the gut. These collective findings illustrate that the alimentary canal of the earthworm (a) constitutes a mobile and dynamic anoxic micro-compartment that has novel impact on the soil microbiome and (b) augments the production of greenhouse gases and the cycling of elements in the terrestrial biosphere. Functional parallels to peatlands and other greenhouse-gas-emitting ecosystems will be presented.  


  Harold Drake教授1978年在美国堪萨斯大学获得微生物学博士学位,1978-1980年在凯斯西储大学任博士后,1980-1991年,在密西西比大学任助理教授、副教授、教授,1991年至今在德国拜罗伊特大学任教授、环境微生物系主任。Drake教授是产乙酸微生物生理生化及生态学方面研究的国际领军人物。目前主要研究方向为厌氧菌生理生态、无脊椎动物微生物学、温室气体排放相关的环境微生物生态系统代谢分析。  

  Drake教授现任国际微生物学杂志Applied and Environmental Microbiology主编。到目前为止,已在微生物学领域的国际重要杂志发表论文200多篇,并编著多本著作。作为国际重要杂志的主编,Drake教授在科技论文写作、修改与发表等方面具有丰富的经验。不仅如此,Drake教授常年在拜罗伊特大学开课,授课形式及内容广受学生好评,在传授业务知识和论文写作知识的同时,让学生学会如何在平日工作中找到兴趣,获得做科研的动力和热情。  
相关话题/微生物 国际 微生物学 环境 生理