
1st International Alginate & Marine Biomaterial Congress (IAMBC 2015)_青岛生物能源与过程研究所

青岛生物能源与过程研究所 免费考研网/2017-12-07

Marine industry and health industry are two important themes of economic development. Marine biological material industry is an emerging industry under the two themes, and has attracted more and more attention with strong development trend in recent years. The 1st International Alginate & Marine Biomaterial Congress offers a unique opportunity for international researchers to discuss the latest developments in the marine biological materials research, and the fundamental issues surrounding the scientific challenges faced ahead.

  1. Date & venue location

  21-22 August, 2015

  Qingdao West Coast National New District

  2. Invited lectures

  Themed lecture 1: Comprehensive utilization of seaweed

  Speaker: Prof. Duan Delin, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
  Themed lecture 2: Development trend of marine biomedical materials

  Speaker: Prof. Ma Xiaojun, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS
  Themed lecture 3: Development trend of seaweed bioactive substances

  Speaker: Prof. Han Jun, National China Thousand Talents Professor, Liaocheng University & Qingdao Bright Moon Group Co., Ltd.
  Themed lecture 4: Performance and application of alginate

  Speaker: Prof. Yu Guangli, Ocean University of China
  Themed lecture 5: Functional marine biomedical dressings

  Speaker: Prof. Qin Yimin, Taishan Scholars, Jiaxing University & Qingdao Bright Moon Group Co., Ltd.
  Themed lecture 6: Marine biological cosmetic materials

  Speaker: Li Chengliang, General Manager, Shanghai Laibo Bio-chemical Co. Ltd.
  Themed lecture 7: Health effects of seaweed polysaccharide and its derivatives

  Speaker: Dr. Wang Zhengping, Qingdao Bright Moon Group Co., Ltd.

  3. Sponsors and organizers


  Shandong Peninsula Blue-economic Zone Marine Bio-industry Alliance

  China Algae Industry Association


  Qingdao Bright Moon Group Co., Ltd.

  Institute of Oceanology, CAS

  Ocean University of China

  Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS

  Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, CAS

  Jiaxing University

  Liaocheng University

  Shanghai Laibo Bio-chemical Co., Ltd.

  4. Participants registration

  Please email your registration information (Annex 1) to 86612019@163.com before August 12, 2015.

  5. Contact information

  Contact person: Jiang Jinju

  Tel: 86-186-6982-5169

  Email: 86612019@163.com

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