

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-28

Yadira Miranda Cuba,古巴

2019.9 至今 青岛大学外语学院西班牙语老师;
2016.03 - 2018.03,在 Technical Superior Institute (安哥拉,索约) 就职,任该校教育学老师、教育科学学士答辩导师;
2014.05 - 2014.06,任西安外国语大学语言水平考试考官;
2011.09 - 2016.01, 在 University of Havana (古巴) 就职,任该校 Spanish faculty for non-Spanish speaking (FENHI) 西班牙语老师;
2004.09 - 2011.08, 在 Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM) (古巴) 就职,任该校西班牙语老师;
2000.09 - 2004.07, 在 High School of Pedagogic Science (古巴,阿尔特米萨) 就职,任该校西班牙语老师。

1999年,在 University of Pedagogic Science (古巴,哈瓦那)获得本科学位,专业为对外西班牙语教师。


Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information and contact

Name and Surname: Yadira Miranda Cuba
Place of birth: La Habana, Cuba
Nationality: Cuban
E-mail address: yadira.mc@fenhi.uh.cu

General aspect
11 years working experience as a Spanish and literature professor. As first language.
14 years working experience as a Spanish professor. As a second language.
September 2000 - August 2004: Spanish and literature professor at the high school level, Ceiba 5, Caimito Municipality, province of Artemisa, Cuba.
September 2004 - August 2011: Spanish professor as a second language at a medical school. Latin American School of Medicine. Havana, Cuba.
September 2011 - September 2013: Spanish professor as a second language. Spanish faculty for non-Spanish speaking. University of Havana, Cuba.
September 2013 - July 2014: Provided preparation to Chinese students for the state exam in Linguistic studies (Grammar I & II, Stylistics, Phonetics and Phonology, Introduction to linguistic studies, Text analysis) and in the subject of Didactics of Spanish as a Foreign Language, at the University of International Studies in Sichuan (SISU), People's Republic of China.
September 2014 – March 2016: Spanish professor as a second language. Spanish faculty for non-Spanish speaking. University of Havana, Cuba.
March 2016 – March 2018: professor in investigation methodology and pedagogy at the Technical Superior Institute of Angola.
September 2017 – March 2018: Presented numerous researches on types of linguistics, didactics and cultures in various national and international events,
December 2007: presented the thesis in option to the academic title of Masters in Spanish Didactics and Literature, mention: the grammar in the learning of Spanish as second and foreign language.
September 2012: “Actualization course in the teaching of the Spanish as foreign language” imparted at the Spanish College of Havana.
February 2013: “Online course for the examiners accreditation in A1, A2, B1y B2”, at the Spanish College in La Habana”. Accredited by the Cervantes Institute, examiners category of Spanish as foreign language in levels A1, A2, B1 y B2.
January 2016: presented her doctorate topic to the Scientific Board of The University of Habana.
Currently: Continue working at the Spanish Faculty for non-Spanish speaking at the University of Havana, Cuba.

Professional Studies
From September 1994 to July 1999: Coursed studies at the present University of Pedagogic Science, Havana, Cuba. Received the title that accredits her as a professor in education in the speciality of Spanish Literature.
From September 2005 to March 2007: coursed the Masters in Spanish Didactics and Literature.

Professional Experience
September 2000 – July 2004: professor of Spanish as maternal language, literature and composition writing at the High School of Pedagogic Science, Ceiba 5, Caimito Municipality, province of Artemisa, Cuba.
September 2004 – August 2011: Professor of Spanish as foreign and second language at the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM): imparted classes at the starting levels, intermediate and advanced. Also imparted classes at the school as professor of Spanish as Maternal Language such as: Spanish I, II and III, Dialogue Communication and composition writing.
September 2011 – January 2016: Professor of Spanish Grammar I and II; Professor of postgraduate in dialogue and good listening; Professor of textual analysis in the master’s program of linguistics studies in the Spanish Faculty for non-Spanish speaking (FENHI), University of Havana, Cuba.
March 2016 – March 2018: Professor of Pedagogy (educational history, general sociology, comparative education, culture and communication), tutor and tribunal opponent for the defence of thesis in Educational Science at a bachelor’s level at the Technical Superior Institute in Soyo, Angola.

?Spanish: native
?English: intermediate level
?Portuguese: intermediate level

Language Courses
Elemental level course of the Chinese language. Confucius Institute of Habana. (April, 2018)

Knowledge and Skills on Information Technology
?Micro Operator (use of Microsoft Office)
?Information technology and Communications in function of teaching foreign languages.
?Editing of images and videos
?Creation of digital didactic resources for the use in class.

E-mail: yadira.mc@fenhi.uh.cu

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