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Du Jing
◆Basic InformationB.A.(Shandong University,Chinese language and literature)
M.A .(Xiangtan University,folklore)
Ph D.(Minzu University of China,cultural anthropology)
Postdoctoral fellow(physical anthropology, Institute of vertebrate paleontology and paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Professor of anthropology, Law school of Tsingtao University
Director of the Research Center of Historical Anthropology, Tsingtao University
Address: Law school of Tsingtao university, Tsingtao,Shandong province,China,266071
E-mailjingdu1966@sina.comSocial Appointments2009,08-,Director of China world nationalities association
2009,09-2012,12, the members of Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins of Chinese Academy of Sciences, IVPP.
2011-,the executive chief editor of the journal of Anthropologystudies in China
2014,09-2016,09,Guest Professor in the social development school, Central University of Finance and Economics
2014,09-,Distinguished Professor, Chinese professional committee of religious anthropology
2015,12-,Distinguished Professor, Chineseprofessional committee of developmentanthropology
2015,10-,The member of Chinese anthropological council
2018,11-,Consultant of “History of Chinese anatomy”,Chinese association of anatomy
IntroductionMy life is lonely and lonely. I do anthropology for relievingthe inner loneliness. I find the reality, including my career, extremely boring.In order to escape reality, I had to travel around.In my travels, however, I have pondered some questions that I should not have pondered.How did China become China?How did it go from traditional China to modern China? And in space, How does it come about?I've been curious about this question for years. Whether it is the study of Chinese lineage, orthe history of Chinese anthropology, It's just a window into China.In my pinion, the patriarchal lineagesystem is just a symbol which the Han society represents itselfby it.I am interested inthe patriarchal lineagesystem’movement in different directionsin China. In the process of modernization, scientific China has become an important dimension of modern China's self-interpretation. I am engaged in the research of the history of Chinese physical anthropology and scientific anthropology, to a large extent, for wantingto understand the generation processof scientific China. In thinking about these problems, I have developed a unique understanding of historyfrom China mosthistorians. Namely, Howdid history come into the present? How does the past’pastcome to the past? In addition, Istressed the research methods, namely “two-way reading between document and field”, so explore an anthropological way which combings western social sciences and Chinese traditional humanities.Research Specializations and InterestsChinese lineage
History of Chinese cultural anthropology
History of physical anthropology in China
Historical anthropology
Anthropology of science and Knowledge anthropology.
My field worksI have been working on the culture and history of various places in Shandongprovince, Anhui province, Henan provinceand The loess plateau, and am still continuing with culture and history.Of course, I also enjoy doing field work in the archivescenter, and Interview some anthropologistsfor studyingthe history of Chinese anthropology.Selected PublicationsA. Academic books
Jiu Tsu and Xiang Tu:A fountain society in the Han people world(《九族与乡土——一个汉人世界里的喷泉社会》, Peking: Intellectual Property Publishing House,2012.
A Study on the History of Chinese Physical Anthropology(《中国体质人类学史研究》),Peking: Intellectual Property Publishing House,2013.
Moving between the State and Relatives:The Historical Narration and Cultural Practice of anVillage Lineagein North China(《在国家与亲属间游移——一个华北村落宗族的历史叙事和文化再生产》), Zhejiang University Press,2019.
B.Academic papers
a. cultural anthropologyhistory and theory
●“The knowledge vein and growing point of the rural Han anthropology for recent 30 years”, Ethno-National Studies,2008, No.6,pp.85-95.
●“Main paradigms in the studies on the Han peoples: patriarchal lineage last 100 years: and its cultural existence mechanism”,Ethno-National Studies,2010, No.1,pp.52-62.
●“The village as concept and the concept of the village: A review on the studies of the Han people village”, Ethno-National Studies,2011, No.2,pp.91-102.
●“Beyond the village: A review on the research about the Han people area-society”,Ethno-National Studies,2012, No.1,pp.92-102.
●“On the establishment and inheritance of Lin Yao-hua’s studies on Han Chinese society”, Journal of Guangxi University for Nationlities,2010, No.2,pp.44-52.
●“How the History to the Present: the Historical Anthropology from the Anthropology View”, Journal of Social Sciences, 2015,No.10, pp.154-167.
●“On the Sinicizing of overseas sinology and its debate: the cultural formation as a Chinese space”, Academic Research, 2015,No.11,pp.94-102.
●“How do people deal with their history:A historical anthropological view of meaning”, Studies of Southwestern Nations,2015,No.3.
●“The patterns of regional social studies in Chinese experience”,Research on Social History, 2016,Vol.4,pp.207-259.
●“Two-way reading between document and field: an anthropology way combing western social sciences and Chinese traditional humanities”, Exploration and Free Views, 2017,No.5,pp.110-117.
●“Discussion on the Macro-background of the introduction of anthropology and ethnology to our county”, Heilongjiang National Series, 2007, No.1,pp.128-132.
●“Archives and texts from the perspective of historical anthropology”,Qinghai Journal of Ethnology,2010,No.1,pp.28-33.
b. on Chinese lineage study
●“The construction of Min lineage under the care of the empire”, in Xiao Tang-biao edit, Contemporary China's rural lineages and rural governance:Interdisciplinary research and dialogue, pp.69-90, China Social Sciences Press,2008.
●“Wu fu,relation by marriage, and lineage: A new frame theory of the social history on Han ethnic group”, Journal of Historical China Studies, 2009,Vol.6,pp.485-501.
●“Cultural restoration in a polyphonic context:the case of the ancestral hall of Min lineage in Shandong”, China Studies, 2008,Vol.7-8,pp.242-272.
●“The westernizationof Chinese lineage theory and the sinicization of western lineage theory”, Anthropology in China, 2012,Vol.1, pp.166-190.
●“The paternal lineage research paradigm in the relations of ‘state-local society’and question of it”, Qinghai Journal of Ethnology,2013,No.2,pp.19-31.
●“The geomancy, and the hydraulic engineeringof state: A historical anthropology’s inspectionon ‘cultural replace’ theoretical model”, China Rural Studies, 2013,No.2,pp.95-123.
●“The lineage during land reform and the land reform in the lineage society”, Chinese social history review,2014,No.15,pp.209-227.
●“Chinese Collateral Tsu: Taking South and North Mindikou Min’s Family in Pei County of Jiangsu Province for Example”, Journal of Shanxi University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition) ,2014,No.6,pp.107-114.
●“Why does Maurice freedman attach importance to the Chinese lineage’s function only and neglect its pedigree”,Qinghai Journal of Ethnology,2015,No.1,pp.47-52.
●“The principle of writing culture of the biography in Min lineage genealogy, Tengchou County, Shandong province”, Qinghai Journal of Ethnology,2015,No.4,pp.30-38.
●“Four-Dimensional sense of belonging a re-explanation of the Han people’s clan Construction: A discussion with Mr. Qian hang”, Exploration and Free View, 2015,No.4,pp.38-43.
● “The ancestor worship like cordyceps sinensis in the Han people society: A historical anthropological investigation on the Min Ziqian’tomb and temple in the Ji Nan city, Shandong province”, Anthropological Studies in China, 2015,Vol.7,pp.1-61.
●“Research on the Qingming Festival sacrifice of the Wei lineagein Qinxian county, Shanxi Province”,Local Culture Research,2015,No.6,pp.58-79.
● “A field reflectionon the interpretation mode of ‘state-lineagehouse branch fission’of Maurice freedman”, in Zhang Peiguo,etc., History and ethnography:“Folk culture and public order”Symposium proceedings,pp.212-259, China Social Sciences Publishing House,2015.
● “Straight state and trope state: The historic narrative technique on Tong Di Wu Shi Ren Wen Zhi of Qinxian in Shanxi province”, Qinghai Journal of Ethnology,2016,No.2,pp.28-32.
●“The phenonmenon of Arithmetic progression in the developmental process of Chinese lineage and reason analysis”,Qinghai Journal of Ethnology,2017,No.1,pp.122-131.
●“The rite practice of bureaucrat ancestry temple system of Ming dynasty in the Shanxi province”(Co-wrote with Li Ying), Local Culture Research,2017,No.1,pp.37-44.
●“China Min clan cult today between the public memorial ceremony and private offering”(Co-wrote with Zhou Lin and Xing Guangtai),Local Culture Research,2017,No.3,pp.70-88.
●“From genealogy lineage to entity lineage: the development and evolution of the Chinese lineage since the Mid-late Ming dynasty: Taking Min lineage in Tengyang of Shandong as an example”, Journal of Minzu University of China(Phylosophy and Social Science Edition), 2017,No.2,pp.35-43.
●“The construction and practice of Sun’s clan of Chengyang Qingdao city in Qing dynasty”(Co-wrote with Liying et al), Journal of Hubei University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Science),2017,No.6,pp.1-14.
●“ Lin Yueh-hua’s continuous sequence theory in the study of Han-Lolo society and episteme of kinship system study”,Si Xiang Zhan Xian, 2017,No.6,pp.17-28.
●“Competition on the ritual of ancestor worship: The Min clansmen interaction between China and Korea”, Anthropological Studies in China, 2017,Vol.9,pp.107-140.
●“From social organization to the practice of the institution about ceremony and propriety: the new orientation about Chinese lineage research”, Qinghai Journal of Ethnology,2018,No.1,pp.37-48.
c. Physical anthropology history and Anthropology of Science
●“On the background and process of the introducing of paleoanthropology into China”,Qinghai Journal of Ethnology,2010,No.4,pp.1-9.
●“The whole story about Academic Sinica’s‘case of researching to improve the Chinese national physique”, Studies in the History of Natural Sciences,2011, No.1,pp.91-107.
●“A review to the China’s physical anthropology research and teaching activities from 1895to1950”, Acta Anthropological Sinica, 2008,Vol.27,No.2,pp.182-190.
●“Discovery of human fossils in China and related theoreticalexploration(1922-2009)(Co-wrote with Wu Xinzhi), Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 2009,Vol.48, No.3,pp.302-313.
●“Is there a kind of discourse of nationalism in the multiregional theory of Chinese paleoanthropology?”,Qinghai Journal of Ethnology,2011,No.1,pp.12-20.
●“The anthropology of science in the practice theory: The new route on studies in the history of natural sciences——Take history of Chinese physical anthropologyresearch as example”, Qinghai Journal of Ethnology,2014,No.1,pp.22-31.
●“Physique, culture and history: The conceptual problems in the study of modern physical anthropology in China”, The Development of Chinese Anthropology in the 21stCentury,pp.251-266, Peking: Intellectual Property Publishing House,2015.
●“Presence of Genealogical Concepts as Metacognition in Physical Anthropology: An Insight into Anthropology of Knowledge”(Co-wrote with Du Baopu),Si Xiang Zhan Xian, 2018,No.6,pp.24-36.
d. and other articles
●“Origin and meaning of myth Er Lang shoulders mountain and pursue sun”, Studies of Ethnic Literature, 2008,No.2,pp.41-46
●“Er Lang: A god who reorders the universe and society”, Local Culture Research, 2013,No.3,pp.82-103.
●“As a kind of the collective representation and the rites of passage, the Yangge in the Spring Festival in the south of Shandong province”, Journal of Social Sciences,2007,No.8, pp.141-147.
◆Academic research projects●“The history of physical anthropology in China”(NSSFG,major special projectson “Leng men jue xue”, 2018)
●“A study on the lineage alliance on the Huang-Huai plain since the 16th century”(NSSFG,the general project, 2011)
●“The historical process of a village lineagein north China”(Ministry of education humanities and social sciences research,the general planning project,2009)
●“The history of Chinese paleoanthropology”(The 45th batch of projectsof China postdoctoral science foundation, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation,2009)

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