本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-05
方豪,台湾铭传大学管理研究所(财务金融)博士,曲阜师范大学经济学院副教授(2018年9月起)。主要研究领域为投资学、行为经济学、金融市场及金融机构。以第一作者或通讯作者,在《International Review of Economics and Finance》、《International Finance》、《Emerging Markets Finance and Trade》、《China and World Economics》、《Finance a uver Czech Journal of Economics and Finance》、《Panoeconomicus》、《Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting》等核心SSCI来源期刊发表论文10余篇,在国际核心Econ-Lit期刊发表论文9篇,以其他作者在核心SSCI来源期刊发表论文3篇;在台湾核心TSSCI期刊发表论文1篇;主持山东省社会科学规划研究项目1项。通过并取得中国台湾省乙等特考(经建行政)的证照资格。
电子信箱 hihaoacn@163.com
通信地址 日照市烟台北路80号曲阜师范大学经济学院
邮 编 276800
Hao Fang, Yen-Hsien Lee, Chung-Hua Shen* and Chien-Ping Chung and, “The Motivations of Loan Herding by Chinese Banks and its Impact on Bank Performance,” China & World Economics (三区SSCI期刊) 2019, 27 (4), 1-24.《金融机构及行为财务相关著作》
Hao Fang, Chung-Hua Shen and Yen-Hsien Lee*, “The Dynamic and Asymmetric Herding Behavior of US Equity Fund Managers in the Stock Market,” International Review of Economics and Finance (二区SSCI期刊), 2017, 49, 353–369.《行为财务及投资代表著作》
Fang, Hao, Yang-Cheng Lu*, Hwey-Yun Yau and Yen-Hsien Lee, “Causes and Impacts of Foreign and Domestic Institutional Investors' Herding in the Taiwan Stock Market,” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (三区SSCI期刊), 2017,53(4), 727-745.《行为财务及投资代表著作》
Fang, Hao, Yang-Cheng Lu* and Hwey-Yun Yau, “The Effects of Stock Characteristics on the Direction and Extent of Herding by Foreign Institutional Investors in the Taiwan Stock Exchange,” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (三区SSCI期刊), 2014, 50 (2), 60-74.《行为财务及投资代表著作》
Lee, Yen-Hsien, Hao Fang* and Wei-Fan Su, “Effectiveness of Portfolio Diversification and the Dynamic Relationship between Stock and Currency Markets in the Emerging Eastern European and Russian Markets.” Finance a uver Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (SSCI期刊), 2014, 64(4), 296-311. 本人为通讯作者. 《财金计量及金融市场代表著作》
Lu, Yang-Cheng, Hao Fang* and Yen-Hsien Lee, “The Informational and Non-Informational Compositions of UK Fund Managers’ Dynamic Herding in the Stock Market,”Panoeconomicus (SSCI期刊), 2017, 64 (5), 571-592. 本人为通讯作者.《行为财务及投资代表著作》
Fang, Hao, Yang-Cheng Lu and Chi-Wei Su, “Impact of the Subprime Crisis on Commercial Banks’ Financial Performance,” Panoeconomicus (SSCI期刊), 2013, 5, 593-614. 《金融机构管理代表著作》
Fang, Hao and Yen-Hsien Lee, “Are the Global REIT Markets Efficient by A New Approach?” Panoeconomicus (SSCI期刊), 2013, 6, 743-757.《财金计量、不动产及金融市场代表著作》
Fang, Hao, Yen-Hsien Lee and William, S. Chang, “Nonlinear Short-run Adjustments between House and Stock Prices in Emerging Asian Regions,” Panoeconomicus (SSCI期刊), 2018, 65 (1), 37-63. 《财金计量、不动产及金融市场代表著作》
Fang, Hao, Yang-Cheng Lu, Hwey-Yun Yau and Yen-Hsien Lee, “Stock Characteristics Herded by Foreign Investors with Higher Abnormal Returns in the Taiwan Stock Market.” Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting (SSCI期刊), 2013, 4, 232-245.
Lu, Yang-Cheng, Hao Fang* and Shu-Lien Chang “History of Credit Crisis as a Mirror: An International Perspective into the Impact of the Sub-prime Crisis on the Performance of Investment and Commercial Banks.” Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting (SSCI期刊), 2013, 4, 67-81. 本人为通讯作者.《金融机构管理代表著作》
Tsang-Yao Chang, Hao Fang* and Yen-Hsien Lee,“ Nonlinear Adjustment to the Long-run Equilibrium between REITs and Stock Indices in Japan and Singapore,”Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting (SSCI期刊), 2015, 8 (3), 27-38. 本人为通讯作者. 《财金计量、不动产及金融市场代表著作》
Lu, Yang-Cheng, Hao Fang and Chien-Chung Nieh, “The Price Impact of Foreign Institutional Herding of Large-Size Stocks in the Taiwan Stock Market,” Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting(中国台湾国科会A-期刊), 2012, 39(2), 189-208. 《行为财务及投资代表著作》
B. 参考性论着
Chen,Ting-Hsuan, Hsiu-Hsia Chou, Yuan Chang and Hao Fang, “The effect of excess lending on bank liquidity : Evidence from China,”International Review of Economics and Finance (二区SSCI期刊), 2015, 36, 54-68.
Chung-Hua Shen, Meng-Wen Wu, Ting-Hsuan Chen and Hao Fang, “To engage or not to engage in corporate social responsibility: Empirical evidence from global banking sector,” Economic Modelling (二区SSCI期刊), 2016, 55, 207–225.
Fang, Hao, Yang-Cheng Lu and Tzu-Yi Yang, The Decomposition and Causes of Securities Dealers’Cascades in the Taiwan Stock Market,”Investment Management and Financial Innovations (中国台湾国科会B级Econ-Lit期刊), 2013, 10(3), 46-55.
Fang, Hao and Yen-Hsien Lee, “The Impact of the Subprime Financial Crisis on Stock Index Returns for High- and Low-Risk Countries via CDS Indices,”Investment Management and Financial Innovations (中国台湾国科会B级Econ-Lit期刊), 2011, 8(4), 126-140.
Fang, Hao, and Yen-Hsien Lee, “The Impact of the Nontradable Share Reform of the A Share Market on the Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong Stock Markets,”International Research Journal of Finance and Economics (Econ-Lit期刊), 2012, 93, 136-146.
Hao Fang, Tsang-Yao Chang, Yen-Hsien Lee, Wei-Jui Chen “The impact of macroeconomic factors on the real estate investment trust index return on Japan, Singapore and China,” Investment Management and Financial Innovations (中国台湾国科会B级Econ-list期刊), 2016, 13 (3), 18-29.
Fang, Hao, Yang-Cheng Lu and Tzu-Yi Yang, The Decomposition and Causes of Securities Dealers’Cascades in the Taiwan Stock Market,”Investment Management and Financial Innovations (中国台湾国科会B级Econ-Lit期刊), 2013, 10(3), 46-55.
Hao Fang, Tsang-Yao Chang, Yen-Hsien Lee, Wei-Jui Chen “The impact of macroeconomic factors on the real estate investment trust index return on Japan, Singapore and China,” Investment Management and Financial Innovations (中国台湾国科会B级Econ-list期刊), 2016, 13 (3), 18-29.
Hao Fang, Yen-Hsien Lee, Jen-Sin Lee, Wei-Jui Chen “The Adjustment Speeds of Short-Run REIT and Corresponding Stock Returns in the USA and Australia,” Investment Management and Financial Innovations (中国台湾国科会B级Econ-list期刊), 2017, 14 (3), 173-188.
Lu, Yang-Cheng, Wong, Jehn-Yih and Fang, Hao, “Institutional Herding Premium in the Taiwan Stock Market,” Investment Management and Financial Innovations (中国台湾国科会B级Econ-Lit期刊), 2009, 2 (6), 52-67.
(二) 回复重审学术期刊论文 (Review & Resubmit Papers)
1. Shen, Chung-Hua, Yen-Hsien Lee and Hao Fang* “Can more booms predict a forthcoming banking crisis more effectively?”(NBER- East Asian Seminar on Economics, San Francisco), 2018, R & R-International Finance (二区SSCI期刊). 本人为通讯作者.《总经泡沫及银行危机相关著作》
2. Hao Fang, Chung-Hua Shen and Yen-Hsien Lee*, “Irrational Loan Herding of Taiwanese Banks and Its Impact on Operating Performance,” 2018, R&R-International Review of Economics and Finance (二区SSCI期刊).《金融机构及行为财务相关著作》
3. Hao Fang, Hwey-Yun Yau, and Joseph C. P. Shieh “The Impact of the Mechanism of Director Governance on Herding Behavior in Chinese Listed Banks’Lending,”2018, Submitting “Emerging Markets Finance and Trade” (三区SSCI期刊).《银行治理及行为财务相关著作》
4. Hao Fang, Chung-Hua Shen and Hwey-Yun Yau*, “Shocks from the sub-prime crisis to bond indices in the U.S., the EU and emerging markets via CDS indices,” 2019, R&R-Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting (SSCI期刊).《金融市场及金融危机相关著作》
(二) 专书(Books)
卢阳正,王丽惠,方豪,魏裕珍,张健伟。债券市场理论与实务翻译(Fabozzi, F., Bond Markets: Analysis and Strategies, 7th ed., 2007)。台北市:双叶书廊,民国97年,ISBN:。
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讲师,经济学博士,2010年毕业于曲阜师范大学管理学院,获得管理学学士学位,2015年毕业于西南财经大学获经济学博士学位,2013年至2015年在北京大学中国卫生经济研究中心交流学习。研究方向:产业竞争力健康经济学医疗政策评估教学方向:市场营销学导论联系方式:电子信箱dunianyu2008@163 ...曲阜师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-05曲阜师范大学经济学院师教师师资介绍简介-讲师:张树艳
经济学硕士,讲师。研究领域:区域经济,港口经济,国际贸易;曾就读于青岛大学(获学士学位)、中国海洋大学(获硕士学位)。研究方向1.区域经济2.国际贸易教学方向1.国际贸易学2.劳动经济学3.财务管理学联系方式电子信箱:zhangshuyan0@163.com通信地址:曲阜师范大学经济学院邮编:276 ...曲阜师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-05曲阜师范大学经济学院师教师师资介绍简介-讲师:王蒙
经济学博士,讲师。曾就读于曲阜师范大学(获学士学位)、天津师范大学(获理学硕士学位)、南开大学(获经济学博士学位)。研究领域:区域经济学,土地经济学。教学方向1.区域经济学2.金融学3.财政学联系方式电子信箱:kingmeng230@163.com通信地址:曲阜师范大学经济学院邮编:276826出版 ...曲阜师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-05曲阜师范大学经济学院师教师师资介绍简介-讲师:任仲芳
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经济学博士,讲师;毕业于日本立命馆大学经济学院。研究方向:产业经济学;不动产经济学教学方向:世界经济学;国际金融实务;产业经济学联系方式:电子邮箱:wulei246@163.com通信地址:曲阜师范大学经济学院邮编:276826公开发表论文1.WULei,Xiao-PingZHENG.TheRela ...曲阜师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-05曲阜师范大学经济学院师教师师资介绍简介-讲师:葛波军
经济学硕士,讲师,教师。研究领域:证券投资学,金融市场投资技术分析,市场营销学;曾就读于山东财经大学(获经济学学士学位)、山东大学(获经济学硕士学位)。研究方向1.证券投资实务研究,金融市场投资技术分析,金融衍生品分析。2.市场营销管理、品牌经济。教学方向1.证券投资学,2.金融市场投资技术分析,3 ...曲阜师范大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-12-05