

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-05

1. 陈海滨,管理学院副教授,硕士生导师,香港理工大学博士。中国运筹学会会员(SM)。美国《Mathematical Reviews》评论员(MR Number:139802)。
主讲研究生及本科生课程: 《线性规划》、《非线性最优化理论与方法》、《高等数学》、 《线性代数》。
联系方式: 山东省日照市东港区烟台路80号,276826。chenhaibin508@163.com, 或 chenhaibin508@qfnu.edu.cn
2. 教育经历
● 2000-2004年:曲阜师范大学,数学科学学院,本科;
● 2004-2006年:哈尔滨工程大学,理学院,硕士研究生,导师:刘亚成;
● 2013.7-2016.7:香港理工大学,应用数学系,博士,导师:祁力群;
● 2017.3-2019.6:曲阜师范大学,管理学院,博士后,导师:王宜举
3. 学术交流
● 2017.1-2017.3:香港理工大学,访问****(Research Associate);
● 2017.6-2017.7:香港理工大学,访问****(Research Associate);
● 2018.1-2018.2:香港理工大学,访问**** (Postdoctoral Fellow);
● 2018.5-2018.5:香港浸会大学,访问**** (Research Assistant);
● 2018.7-2018.9:澳大利亚科廷大学,访问****(Visiting Research Fellow);
● 2019.7-2021.7:澳大利亚科廷大学,访问****(Visiting Research Fellow);
4. 项目与获奖情况
国家自然科学基金面上项目,协正张量理论及其在协正优化中的应用 (**),2021.1-2024.12,52万元,主持
国家自然科学基金青年项目,平方和张量分解理论及应用 (**),2017.1-2019.12,19万元,主持;
中国博士后基金特别资助,协正张量及其在多项式优化中的应用 (2018T110669),2018.5-2020.4,15万元,主持;
2016年山东省高校科学技术奖,张量优化问题的数值算法研究,二等奖 (2/3)
5. 部分代表性成果 (标“*”为通信作者)

Qi Liqun*, Chen Haibin, Chen Yannan, Tensor Eigenvalues and Their Applications, Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics, 39 Singapore, Springer, 2018.
Haibin Chen*, Liqun Qi, Yiju Wang, Guanglu Zhou, Further results on sum-of-squares tensors, Optimization Methods and Software,2020, DOI: 10.1080/**.2020.**
Wang Chunyan, Chen Haibin*, Wang Yiju, Zhou Guanglu, On copositiveness identification of partially symmetric rectangular tensors, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 372 (2020): 112678
Wang Wenjie, Chen Haibin*, Wang Yiju, A New C-eigenvalue Interval for Piezoelectric-type Tensors, Applied Mathematics Letters, 100 (2020): 106035.
Che Haitao*, Chen Haibin, Wang Yiju, On the M-eigenvalue Estimation of Fourth-Order Partially Symmetric Tensors, Journal of Industrial Management and Optimization, 16(1) (2020): 309-324
Dong Manman, Chen Haibin*, Geometry of the Copositive Tensor Cone and Its Dual, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Researcch, 37(4) 2020: **
Chen Haibin*, Wang Yiju, Zhou Guanglu, High-order sum-of-squares structured tensors: theory and applications, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 15(2) (2020): 255-284
Che Haitao, Chen Haibin*,Xu Na, Zhu Qingni, New lower bounds for the minimum M-eigenvalue of elasticity M-tensors and applications, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2020 (2020): 188.
Che Haitao, Chen Haibin*, A Relaxed Self-adaptive Projection Algorithm for Solving the Multiple-Sets Split Equality Problem, Journal of Function Spaces, 2020 (2020): **
Wang Chunyan, Chen Haibin*, Che Haitao, An SDP method for copositivity of partially symmetric tensors, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020 (2020): **
Chen Haibin, Qi Liqun, Lous Caccetta, Zhou Guanglu*, Birkhoff-von Neumann theorem and decomposition for doubly stochastic tensors, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 583 (2019): 119-133.
Hou Qiuling*, Wang Yiju, Jing Ling, Chen Haibin, "Linear Discriminant Analysis Based on Kernel-Based Possibilistic C-Means for Hyperspectral Images", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 16(8) (2019): 1259-1263
Zhang Kaili, Chen Haibin*, Zhao Pengfei, A Potential Reduction Method for Tensor Complementarity Problems, Journal of Industrial Management Optimization, 15(2) (2019):429-443
Che Haitao*, Chen Haibin, Wang Yiju, M-positive semi-definiteness and M-positive definiteness of fourth-order partially symmetric Cauchy tensors, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2019 (2019): 32
Che Haitao*, Chen Haibin, Wang Yiju, C-eigenvalue inclusion theorems for piezoelectric-type tensors, Applied Mathematics Letters, 89 (2019):41-49
Chen Haibin, Wang Yiju*, HIGH-ORDER COPOSITIVE TENSORS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation,8(6) (2018): 1863-1885
Chen Haibin, Yannan Chen*, Guoyin Li, Liqun Qi, A semidefinite program approach for computing the maximum eigenvalue of a class of structured tensors and its applications in hypergraphs and copositivity test. Numerical Linear Algebra with applications, 2018, 25: e2125. (DOI: 10.1002/nla.2125)(ESI高被引论文
Chen Haibin, Zhenghai Huang*, Liqun Qi, Copositive tensor detection and its applications in physics and hypergraphs. Comput Optim Appl, 69 (2018):133–158
Chen Haibin, Huang Zhenghai*, Qi Liqun. Copositivity detection of tensors: theory and algorithm. J Optim Theory Appl, 174 (2017): 746–761
Chen Haibin, Qi Liqun, Song Yisheng*, Column Sufficient Tensors and Tensor Complementarity Problems. Front. Math. China, 13(2) (2018): 255-276(ESI高被引论文
Chen Haibin*, Wang Yiju, Xu Yi, An alternative extragradient projection method for quasi-equilibrium problems. Journal of Inequalities and Applications. 2018 (2018):26,
Chen Haibin*, Wang Yiju, On computing minimal H-eigenvalue of sign-structured tensors. Front. Math. China, 12(6) (2017): 1289-1302.
Chen Haibin*, Li Guoyin, Qi Liqun, Further results on Cauchy tensors and Hankel tensors. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 275 (2016): 50–62
Chen Haibin, Li Guoyin, Qi Liqun*, SOS Tensor Decomposition: Theory and Applications. Commun. Math. Sci., 14(8) (2016): 2073–2100
Chen Haibin*, Qi Liqun, Spectral properties of odd-bipartite Z-tensors and their absolute tensors. Front. Math. China, 11(3) (2016): 539-556
Chen Haibin, Qi Liqun*, Positive Definiteness and Semi-definiteness of Even Order Symmetric Cauchy Tensors. J. Ind. Manag. Optim., 11 (2015):1263-1274
Chen Haibin, Wang Yiju*, Hongge Zhao, A Family of higher-order convergent iterative methods for computing the Moore–Penrose inverse. Applied mathematics and computation, 218(8) (2011): 4012-4016
Chen Haibin, Wang Yiju*, Finite convergence of a projected proximal point algorithm for the generalized variational inequalities. Operations Research Letters, 40(4) (2012): 303-305
Chen Haibin*, A new extra-gradient method for generalized variational inequality in Euclidean space. Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2013 (2013): 1-11.
Chen Haibin*, Wang Yiju, Wang Gang, Strong convergence of extra- gradient method for generalized variational inequalities in Hilbert space. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014 (2014): 1-11.
Chen Haibin*, An Improved Two-Step Method for Generalized Variational Inequality. ISRN Mathmatical Analysis, 2013.
Chen Haibin*, Liu Yacheng, 一类半线性双温度热传导方程整体强解的存在性. 应用泛函分析学报, 14(1) (2012): 95-99.
Che Haitao*, Chen Haibin, Li Meixia, A new simultaneous iterative method with a parameter for solving the extended split equality problem and the extended split equality fixed point problem. Numerical Algorithms, 79 (2018): 1231-1256
Wang Xueyong*, Chen Haibin, Wang Yiju, Solution structures of tensor complementarity problem, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 13(4) (2018): 935-945(ESI高被引论文
Wang Xueyong*, Chen Haibin, Wang Yiju, On the Solution Existence of Cauchy Tensor Variational Inequality Problems. Pacific Journal of Optimization, 14(3) (2018): 479-487
Wang Gang*, Che Haitao, Chen Haibin, Feasibility-solvability theorems for generalized vector equilibrium problem in reflexive Banach spaces. Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2012, (2012):38

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