姓 名 | 田建祥 | 性 别 | 男 |
| |
出生年月 | 1979.10 | 博\硕导 | 硕导 | ||
民 族 | 汉 | 所在院校 | 物理系 | ||
所在院系 | 物理工程学院 | 职 称 | 教授 | ||
招生专业 | 理论物理 | 研究领域 | 黑洞;流体; | ||
| jianxiangtian@gmail.com | 联系电话 | 0537-** | ||
通讯地址 | 曲阜师范大学物理工程学院 | ||||
学术简介 | 个人教育以及工作经历: 曲阜师范大学物理系理学学士学位(1997.9--2001.7) 大连理工大学应用数学系博士后(2006.8--2008.8) 主要研究兴趣: 1. 流体的相变与临界现象;实际以及模型流体的物态方程理论 2. 流体力学; 3. 黑洞熵;黑洞的吸积盘理论; 4. Granular physics; colloids. 国际合作: 1. Dr. A. Mulero, Departamento de Física Aplicada, 2. Dr. Y. Jiao, CMG, | ||||
教研奖励 | 2009年山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖二等奖,4人第二 2010年山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖三等奖,3人第一 2010曲阜师范大学教学奖 | ||||
科研成果 | 1. Jianxiang Tian, Yuanxing Gui, Modification to the Van der Waals Equation of State , Journal of Phase Equilibria, 24(6):533-544, 2003. 2. Jianxiang Tian, Yuanxing Gui, Guanghai, Guo,Yan Lv, Suhong Zhang, Wei Wang, The Real Scalar Field in Schwarzschild-de Sitter Spacetime. General Relativity and Gravitation, 35(8):1473-1480, 2003. 3. Jianxiang Tian, Yuanxing Gui, An Extension of the Van Der Waals Equation of state. Modern Physics Letters B, 18(5&6):213-220, 2004. 4. Jianxiang Tian, Yuanxing Gui, Liquid-Gas Phase Transition To First Order of an argon-Like Fluid Modeled by the hard-core similar Sutherland potential, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 18(14) :2057-2069, 2004. 5. Jianxiang Tian, Yuanxing Gui, liquid-gas phase Transition to First Order of an argon-Like Fluid Modeled By Mie Potential, International Journal of Modern Physics B,19(19):3161-3172, 2005. 6. Jianxiang Tian, Yuanxing Gui, An application of the linear isotherm regularity (LIR), Journal of physical chemistry B, 111 (7): 1721-1723, January 26,2007. (08年影响因子4.064,JCR二区) 7. Jianxiang Tian, Yuanxing Gui, Equations of State for Fluids: Empirical Temperature Dependence of the Second Virial Coefficients, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 111(37): 10970-10974, August 13, 2007. (08年影响因子4.189,JCR二区) 8. Jianxiang Tian, Yuanxing Gui, Comments on “the Second Virial Coefficient and the Redlich-Kwong Equation”, Industrial and Engineering Chemical Research, 46(19):6375-6375, August 21, 2007. 9. Jianxiang Tian, Yuanxing Gui, Equations of state for fluids: the liquid-vapor equilibrium (LVE), International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22(30), 5335-5347, 2008. 10. Jianxiang Tian, The temperature dependent enthalpy of vaporization of pure substances, Modern Physics Letters B, 22(25), 2509-2515, 2008. 11. Jianxiang Tian, The temperature-dependent vaporization enthalpy in equilibrium vapor-liquid phase transitions: its universal behavior, Modern Physics Letters B, 23(10), 1333-1344, 2009. 12. Jianxiang Tian, Hua Jiang, and Yi Xu, A property of the saturated vapor pressure: results from equations of state, Modern Physics Letters B, 23(26): 3091-3096, 2009. 13. Jianxiang Tian, Hua Jiang, Yuanxing Gui, A. Mulero, Equation of state for hard sphere fluids offering accurate virial coefficients, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 11(47): 11213-11218, 2009. (08年影响因子4.064,JCR二区) 14. Jianxiang Tian, Yuanxing Gui, A. Mulero, Asymptotic expansion based equation of state for hard-disk fluids offering accurate virial coefficients, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 12(41):13597–13602,May 16, 2010。(08年影响因子4.064,JCR二区) 15. Jianxiang Tian, Yuanxing Gui, A. Mulero, New virial equation of state for hard-disk fluids, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 12(20):5248 – 5255,October 16, 2010。(08年影响因子4.064,JCR二区) 16. Jianxiang Tian, Yuanxing Gui, A. Mulero, New closed virial equation of state for hard-sphere fluids, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114(42): 13399-13402, 2010. 17. Jianxiang Tian, Investigation of the perturbed virial equations with arbitrary temperature dependent second and third virial coefficients, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 25(19): 2593-2600, 2011. 18. Jianxiang Tian, A. Mulero, New closed virial equation of state for both hard disk and hard sphere fluids, Thermodynamics 2011 conference, Page 418-419, 2011. 19. Xia Li, Jianxiang Tian, A. Mulero, Empirical correlation of the surface tension versus the viscosity for saturated normal liquids, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 352: 54-63, 2013; 20. Mengmeng Zheng, Jianxiang Tian, A. Mulero, New correlations between viscosity and surface tension for saturated normal fluids, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 360: 298-304, 2013; 21. A Mulero, I Cachadiña, Jianxiang Tian, Ideal gas contribution to the isobaric heat capacity of refrigerants: Poling et al.’s polynomial correlation vs DIPPR data, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 61: 90-99, 2013. | ||||
承担课题 | 曲阜师范大学科研基金,6万,2006-2010 山东省自然科学基金(Y2006A06),5万,2006-2009,已结题,评价为A 国家自然科学基金(**),17万,2009.01-2011.12 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2011AM017),5万,2011-2014 国家自然科学基金 (**),78万,2013-2016 | ||||