

曲阜师范大学 免费考研网/2016-03-22


姓 名


性 别





民 族






职 称













山东省 曲阜市 曲阜师范大学 物理工程学院




曲阜师范大学 物理系 理学学士学位(1992.07)

北京师范大学 物理系 理学硕士学位(1995.07)

中国科学院半导体研究所 理学博士学位(2000.07)


1995年7月开始在曲阜师范大学物理系工作,历任助教(1995)、讲师(1997)、副教授 (2000)、教授 (2006),其间:

日本电信电话株式会社(NTT)物性科学基础研究所 博士后(2000.09-2002.08)

香港理工大学 电子及资讯工程系 访问学者(2002.09-2003.07)

日本国际电气通信基础技术研究所(ATR) 客座研究员(2003.08-2005.03)

在国内外重要期刊如Physical Review B,Applied Physics letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Crystal Growth等发表论文70多篇,其中有40多篇被SCI收录,获得国家发明专利2项。已主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目、教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金等项目。目前主要从事光通信、半导体光电子学等方面的研究。


1、 山东省海外专业人士创新创业成就奖,山东省侨办、省人大民侨外委、省政协港澳台侨和外事委、省致公党、省侨联,2011年3月

2、 山东省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师,山东省人民政府学位委员会、山东省教育厅、山东省财政厅,2010年9月

3、 山东省优秀学士学位论文指导教师,山东省人民政府学位委员会、山东省教育厅、山东省财政厅,2012年5月

4、 曲阜师范大学优秀共产党员,中共曲阜师范大学委员会,2011年6月

5、 曲阜师范大学优秀研究生指导教师,曲阜师范大学,2013年6月

6、 曲阜师范大学优秀研究生指导教师,曲阜师范大学,2011年6月


发表研究论文70多篇,其中有40多篇被SCI收录, 代表论文:

1 陈茜, 王海龙, 汪辉, 龚谦, 宋志棠, Ga1-xInxNyAs1-y/GaAs量子阱中电子-LO声子的散射率, 物理学报,62(20),226301(2013)。(通讯作者)

2 Shangshang Shi, Hailong Wang, Qian Gong, Zhitang Song and Songlin Feng, Refined sectionalized method of QD-SOA, Optik, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2013.07.015. (2013) (通讯作者)

3 成若海, 王海龙, 龚谦, 严进一, 汪洋, 柳庆博, 曹春芳, 岳丽,基于DMD的量子点外腔激光器性能研究,光电子·激光,24(6), 1070-1074(2013)。(通讯作者)

4 龙睿,王海龙,成若海,龚谦,严进一,汪洋,陈朋,宋志棠,封松林,外腔反馈对量子点激光器输出特性的影响,发光学报,34(4), 474-479 (2013)。(通讯作者)

5 S. G. Li, Q. Gong, C. F. Cao, X. Z. Wang, and H. L. Wang, Measurements of I-V characteristics in InAs/InP quantum dot laser diode, Journal of Modern Optics, 59(19), 1695-1699 (2012). (SCI收录)

6 S. G. Li, Q. Gong, X. Z. Wang, L. Yue, Q. B. Liu, H. L. Wang and C. H. Ma, Morphology and shape dependent characteristics of InAs/InP(100) quantum dot laser grown by gas source molecular beam epitaxy, Physica E, 44(10), 1983-1987(2012). (SCI收录)

7 Shi Guo Li, Qian Gong, Xin Zhong Wang, Li Yue, Qin Bo Liu and Hai Long Wang, Low-temperature characteristics of two-color InAs/InP quantum dots laser, Chinese Optics Letter, 10(4), 041406 (2012). (SCI收录)

8 S. G. Li, Q. Gong, C. F. Cao, X. Z. Wang, L. Yue, Q. B. Liu, H. L. Wang and Y. Wang, Optical investigation of InAs/InP(100) quantum dots grown by gas source molecular beam epitaxy, Infrared Physics Technology 55, 205-209 (DOI: 10.1016/j.infrared.2012.01.004), (2012). (SCI收录)

9 Chuanhe Ma, Hailong Wang, Yan Zhou, Qian Gong, Peng Chen, Chunfang Cao, Song-Lin Feng, Shiguo Li, The I-V characteristics of InAs/GaAs QD laser, Physica B, 406(19),3636-3639(2011). (通讯作者)

10 Zhou Yan,Wang Hai-long, Ma Chuan-he, Gong Qian, Feng Song-Lin, Fabrication of strain-driven self-assembly micromirror on a GaAs substrate, Chinese Physics Letters, 28(7):078102 (2011). (通讯作者)

11 Q. Gong, P. Chen, S.G. Li, Y.F. Lao, C.F. Cao, C.F. Xu, Y.G. Zhang, S.L. Feng, C.H. Ma, H.L. Wang, Quantum dot lasers grown by gas source molecular-beam epitaxy, Journal of Crystal Growth, 323(1), 450-453 (2011).

12 P. Chen, Q. Gong, C. F. Cao, S. G. Li, Y. Wang, Q. B. Liu, L. Yue, Y. G. Zhang, and S. L. Feng,C. H. Ma, H. L. Wang, High performance external cavity InAs/InP quantum dot lasers, Applied Physics Letters,98(12), 121102 (2011).

13 Hailong WANG , Liming JIANG, Qian GONG,Songlin FENG, External electric field effect on the hydrogenic donor impurity in zinc-blende InGaN/GaN cylindrical quantum well wire, Physica B,405(18), 3818-3821 (2010). (通讯作者).

14 Ming-Bao Yan, Qian Gong and Hai-Long Wang, Defect and dope selective of transmission properties of 2D photonic crystal, Optik, 121(23), 2133-2136 (2010).

15 S.G. Li, Q. Gong, Y.F. Lao, Y.G. Zhang, S.L. Feng and H.L. Wang, InAs/InP(100) quantum dot laser with high wavelength stability, Electronics Letters,46 (2), 158-159 (2010).

16 S. G. Li, Q. Gong, Y. F. Lao, H. D. Yang, S. Gao, P. Chen, Y. G. Zhang, S. L. Feng, and H.L. Wang, Two-color quantum dot laser with tunable wavelength gap, Applied Physics Letters 95, 251111 (2009).

17 Liming JIANG, Hailong WANG , Huiting WU, Qian GONG,Songlin FENG,Electronic states of a shallow hydrogenic donor impurity in different shaped semiconductor quantum wells, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 51(6), 1135-1138 (2009).(通讯作者)

18 Liming JIANG, Hailong WANG , Huiting WU, Qian GONG,Songlin FENG, External electric field effect on the hydrogenic donor impurity in zinc-blende GaN/AlGaN cylindrical quantum dot, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 053710 (2009) (通讯作者)

19 Huiting WU, Hailong WANG , Liming JIANG, Qian GONG,Song-Lin FENG, The electric field effect on binding energy of hydrogenic impurity in zinc-blende GaN/AlxGa1-xN spherical quantum dot,Physica B,404(1), 122-126(2009). (通讯作者)

20 S.G. Li, Q. Gong, Y.F. Lao, K. He, J. Li, Y.G. Zhang, S.L. Feng, H.L. Wang, Room temperature continuous-wave operation of InAs/InP(100) quantum dot lasers grown by gas-source molecular-beam epitaxy, Applied Physics Letters 93, 111109 (2008).

21 JIANG Li-Ming, WANG Hai-Long ,WU Hui-Ting, GONG Qian,FENG Song-Lin,External electric field effect on the hydrogenic donor impurity in zinc-blende InGaN quantum dot,Chinese Physics Letters,25(8), 3017-3020(2008). (通信作者)

22 Jia Bi, Fuquan Wu, Wang Hai-long, Mengmeng Zheng, Theoretical analysis on the change of Marple–Hess prism's transmittance with incident angle, Optik, 118( 12), 565-568.

23 Haifeng Wang, Fuquan Wu, Hailong Wang, Jing Wang, and Shan Zhang, Research on refractive index of optical cement used in Glan-Thompson prisms, Chinese Optics Letters, 5(2), 108-110(2007)

24 H. J. Tang , F. Q. Wu, H. L. Wang, Y. H. Wei, and Q. S. Li, Microstructure and optical properties of Cu/Al2O3 nanoarray composite structure, Journal of Applied Physics 100, 064316 (2006)

25 Tadashi Saitoh, Masami Kumagai, Hailong Wang, Takehiko Tawara, Toshio Nishida, (Tetsuya Akasaka), and (Naoki Kobayashi)Highly reflective distributed Bragg reflectors using a deeply etched semiconductor/air grating for InGaN/GaN laser diodes, Applied Physics Letters, 82(25), 4426-4428(2003).

26 Hailong Wang, Masami Kumagai, Takehiko Tawara, Toshio Nishida, Tetsuya Akasaka, Naoki Kobayashi and Tadashi Saitoh, Fabrication of an InGaN multiple-quantum-well laser diode featuring high reflectivity semiconductor/air distributed Bragg reflectors, Applied Physics Letters, 81(25), 4703( 2002).

27 Hailong Wang, Takehiko Tawara, Masami Kumagai, Tadashi Saitoh and Naoki Kobayashi, Novel Design to Fabricate High Reflectivity GaN-based Semiconductor/Air Distributed Bragg Reflector with the Tilt of Vertical Sidewall, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,41 (6B), Pt.2, L682(2002).

28 Wang Hailong, (Feng Songlin), (Yang Fuhua), (Sun Baoquan) and (Jiang Desheng), Excitation transfer in vertically self-organized pairs of unequal-sized InAs/GaAs quantum dots, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 615-616, 2000.

29 Jiannong Wang, Baoquan Sun, Xiangrong Wang, Yuqi Wang, Weikun Ge, Desheng Jiang and Hailong wang, Static and dynamic electric field domain formation in a doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice, Physica E, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 141-145, 2000.

30 H. L. Wang, (F. H. Yang) and (S. L. Feng), Photoluminescence in Si and Be directly doped self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 212, pp. 35-38, 2000.

31 H.L. Wang, (F.H. Yang), (S.L. Feng), (H.J. Zhu), (D. Ning), (H. Wang) and (X. D. Wang), Experimental determination of local Strain effect on InAs/GaAs self-organized quantum dots, Physical Review B., Vol. 61, No. 8, pp. 5530-5534, 2000.

32 H. L. Wang, (D. Ning) and (S. L. Feng), Temperature dependence of the optical properties of InAs/GaAs self-organized quantum dots with bimodal size distribution, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 209, pp. 630-636, 2000.

33 H.L. Wang, (D. Ning), (H.J. Zhu), (F. Chen), (H. Wang), (X.D. Wang) and (S.L. Feng), Electronic characteristics of InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots by deep level transient spectroscopy, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 208, pp. 107-112, 2000.

34 (Haijun Zhu), (Songlin Feng), (Desheng Jiang), (Yuanming Deng) and Hailong Wang, Strain Effect on the InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.38, Pt.1, No.11, pp. 6264-6265, 1999.

35 (J.N. Wang), (B.Q. Sun), (X.R. Wang) and H.L. Wang, Negative differential resistance and the transition to current self-oscillation in GaAs/AlAs superlattices, Solid State Communications, Vol. 112, No. 7, pp. 371-374, 1999.

36 (Jiannong Wang), (Baoquan Sun), (Xiangrong Wang), (Yuqi Wang), (Weikun Ge) and Hailong Wang, Dynamic dc voltage band observed within each current branch in the transition from static to dynamic electric field domain formation in a doped GaAs/AlAs superlattic, Applied, Physics Letter, Vol. 75, No. 17, pp. 2620-2622, 1999.

37 (Baoquan Sun), (Jiannong Wang), (Weikun Ge), (Yuqi Wang), (Desheng Jiang), (Haijun Zhu), Hailong Wang, (Yuanming Deng) and (Songlin Feng), Current Self-oscillation Induced by Transverse Magnetic Field in a doped GaAs/AlAs Superlattice, Physical Review B, Vol. 60, No. 12, pp. 8866-8870, 1999.


1、 国家自然科学基金(**),经费:70万元,2012-2015,第二位

2、 国家自然科学基金(**),经费:40万元,2010-2012,项目负责人

3、 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2010FM023), 经费:7.0万元,2010-2013,项目负责人

4、 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2011AQ026), 经费:5万元, 2011-2014, 第二位

5、 国家重点实验室开放课题,经费:10.0万元,2011-2013,项目负责人
