进化基因组学实验室 Laboratory of Evolutionary Genomics 负责人
1982 年 8 月出生
HonganLong, Professor, Ph.D. E-mail: longhongan@ouc.edu.cn Tel: +86 532 8203 1723
We are interested inmicrobial evolution, with a focuson mutation rate andbehavior evol ution. Theresearch models are quite broad, includingcilaites, bacteria, yeast, etc. Ourrese arch strategy combines population genetics theory, experimental evolution, -omics sequencin g, genetic techniques, andbioinformatic tools. The lab deems the training of indepedent re searchers asour first task and research asthe second. Graduate students would geta com plete training ofscientific research and multiple undergrad assistants are provided for theirresearch. We are now exploring the followingtopics:
A. Phenotypicplasticity of ciliates, and its role in evolution;
B.Genome instability and evolution ofmarine microbial organisms;
C.Ecological dependence of mutation rate;
D.Antibiotic resistance evolution ofpathogens in medical and natural environments;
E. Geneticregulation and evolution of reproduction inciliates.
招聘:协助拟加入人员申请中国海洋大学“青年英才工程”(http://rsc.ouc.edu.cn/04/50/c1485 a66640/page.htm)等各层次人才计划;定期招收实验室管理、技术等科研助理岗位。
第 15 批国家“青千”(2019-2022)
国家自然科学基金面上项目(**; 2019.1-2022.12)
'TaishanScholar' grant for young scientists, Shandong Province (2019.1-2024.1)
NSFC grant (No.**; 2019.1-2022.12; Phenotypicplasticity and itsevolution in theciliate Glaucone ma trihymene)
Research grant from the Central Government of China(2018.1-2021.1) Startup grant from Ocean University of China (2018.9-2021.8)
Full texts of publications can be downloaded from
Strauss, C.; Long*,H.; Patterson, C.;Te,R.; Lynch, M.2017. Genome-wide mutation rate response top H change in the coral reef pathogen Vibrio shilonii AK1.
Long, H.; Miller, Samuel F;Strauss, Chloe; Zhao, Chaoxian; Cheng, Lei; Ye,Zhiqiang; Griffin, Katherin e; Te, Ronald; Lee, Heewook;Chen, Chi-Chun; Lynch*, Michael. 2016.Antibiotic treatment enhances the genome-wide mutation rate of target cells.
Long*, H.; Kucukyildirim#,Sibel; Sung, Way; Williams, Emily; Lee, Heewook; Ackerman, Matthew; Doa k, Thomas G; Tang, Haixu; Lynch, Michael. 2015. Background mutational features ofthe radiation-resista ntbacterium Deinococcus radiodurans.
Long*, H.;Sung, Way; Miller, Samuel F; Ackerman, Matthew S; Doak, Thomas G; Lynch,Michael. 201
5. Mutation rate, spectrum, topology, andcontext-dependency in the DNA mismatch repair-deficient Pseud omonas fluorescens ATCC948. Genome Biology and Evolution 7(1):262-271
Farlow*, Ashley;
Long*, H.; Paixão, Tiago;Azevedo, Ricardo BR; Zufall, Rebecca A. 2013.Accumulation of spontaneous mutations in the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila.
Long*, H.; Zufall, R.A. 2010. Diverse modes ofreproduction in themarine free-living ciliate Glauconema trihymene. BMC Microbiology 10(1): 108
2018 李氏基金会杰出创新奖
2016 美国遗传学会DeLill Nasser 遗传学职业发展奖
2018 Li Foundation Heritage Prize-Excellence inCreativity
2016 DeLill NasserAward for Professional Development in Genetics, Genetics Society of America