1999/09 - 2004/07,中国海洋大学,水产养殖专业,博士学位
1994/09 - 1997/07,青岛海洋大学,水产养殖专业,硕士学位
1985/09 - 1989/07,青岛海洋大学,淡水渔业专业,学士学位
2006/01 - 至今, 中国海洋大学,水产学院养殖系,教授
2000/01-2005/12, 中国海洋大学,水产学院养殖系,副教授
1995/01-1999/12, 青岛海洋大学,水产学院养殖系,讲师
1989/07-1994/12, 青岛海洋大学,水产学院养殖系,助教
1、 国家“973”课题“养殖池塘生态系统生物功能群优化与水环境调控(2009CB118706)”,
2009.01-2013.12,521 万元,主持。
2、 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划课题(子课题)“对虾健康清洁养殖技术集成与示范
(2006BAD09A07)”,2006.01-2010.12,51 万元,主持。
3、 国家自然科学基金面上项目“外源因子对对虾蜕皮同步性的调控及其机制(**)”,
2006.01-2008.12,24 万元,主持。
4、 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金“盐度突变对对虾蜕皮和生长的影响及其机制
(2006BS07002)”,2006.01-2008.12,8 万元,主持。
5、 山东省自然科学基金“基于EwE 模型分析的草鱼与对虾混养结构优化与环境效应评价
(ZR2014CM042)”,2014.01-2017.12,14 万元,主持。
6、 国家“ 十二五” 科技支撑计划课题“海水池塘高效清洁养殖关键技术研究
(2011BAD13B03)”,2011.01-2015.12,70 万元,参加。
近五年通讯作者发表 SCI 论文:
1.Yunfei Suna,b,
2.Xian-Tao Guo1,2, Feng Liu3,
3.Xuying Jia1,2, Dan Zhang1,
4.Zhang Dan, Biao Guo,
5.Yinghuai Xiong1,
6.Dapeng Liua,
7.Yunfei Sun1,2,
8.Yunfei Sun, Fang Wang*, Xianpeng, Su, Dapeng, Liu, Shuanglin Dong, 2017.Sizematters for predator-prey relationships: The case of swimming crab
9.Dan Zhang, Fang Wang*, Shuanglin Dong, Yunliang LU, 2016. De Novo Assemblyand Transcriptome Analysis of Osmoregulation in
10. Yunliang Lu, Fang Wang*, Li Li,Shuanglin Dong, 2016. Responses of metabolism and haemolymph ions ofswimming crab Portunus trituberculatus tothermal stresses: a comparative study between air and water. Aquaculture Research, 47,2989-3000.
11. YunfeiSun, Fang Wang*, Dapeng Liu,Shuanglin Dong, 2016. Behavioral mechanisms underlying the functional responseof the swimming crab Portunustrituberculatus preying on the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Marine Biology,163(5): 124(1-9).
12. HengtongLiu, Fang Wang*, Qiaohan Wang,Shuanglin Dong, Xiangli Tian, 2016. A comparative study of the nutrient uptakeand growth capacities of seaweeds CaulerpaLentillifera and Gracilarialichenoides . J Appl Phycol, 28(5):3083-3089.
13. Yunliang Lua.b, Dan Zhanga,b, Fang Wang
related genes of swimming crabs
14. ZhangDan, Guo Xiantao, Wang Fang*, Dong Shuanglin, 2016.Effects of periodical salinity fluctuation on the growth, molting, energyhomeostasis and related-gene expression pattenof
Litopenaeus vannamei. Journal ofOcean University of China, 15(5):911-917.
15. NanHu1,Fang Wang
16. Yunliang LU, Fang Wang *, ShuanglinDong , 2015. Energy response of swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus to thermal variation: implication for crabtransport method. Aquaculture, 441, 64-71.
17. Yunfei Sun, Fang Wang*, Shuanglin Dong, 2015. A comparativestudy of the effect of starvation regime on the foraging behavior of swimmingcrab Portunus trituberculatus andJapanese stone crab Charybdis japonica.Physiology & Behavior, 151:168-177.
18.Feng Liu , Biao Guo ,
19. DasenZhong , Fang Wang*, ShuanglinDong, Li Li, 2015. Impact of
20. DasenZhong ,Fang Wang*, ShuanglinDong, Sachin Onkar Khairnar, 2015. Benthic nutrient fluxes influenced by thecommon carp Cyprinus carpio in pondpolyculture with special reference to nitrification, denitrification andnitrate ammonification. Indian J. Fish, 62(4):50- 57.
21. JiaXuying, Dingsen, Wang Fang*, DongShuanglin, 2014. Comparison of the nonspecific immunity in juvenile
22. DingSen, Wang Fang*, Dong shuanglin, Li Ying, 2014. Comparison of respiratorymetabolism of Litopenaeus vannamei culturedin seawater and freshwater at different molt stages. Journal of OceanUniversity of China. 13(2):331-337.
23.Xuying Jia, Fang Wang*, Yunliang Lu, Dan Zhang, Shuanglin Dong, 2014. Immuneresponses of Litopenaeus vannamei tothermal stress: a comparative study of shrimp in freshwater and seawaterconditions. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 47(2):79-92.
24.Yun Liang Lu,
25. Guo Biao,
26.Hou Chunqiang,
fluctuations on growth and energy budget of juvenile
International, 20: 177-188.
27. BiaoGuo, Fang Wang*, ShuanglinDong and Dasen Zhong,2012. Effect of fluctuating light intensity on moltingfrequency and growth of Litopenaeusvannamei. Aquaculture, 330-333: 106-110.
28. BiaoGuo, Yingchun Mu, Fang Wang* and Shuang-lin Dong,2012. Effectof periodic light color change on the molting frequency and growth of
10.赵夕旦,董双林,王芳,孙卫明,介子林。一种用于对虾养殖的肥料。国家发明专利,ZL**2199 .5 。
1.国家科技进步二等奖,海水池塘高效清洁养殖技术研究与应用,2012 年,第三位。
2.山东省科技进步一等奖,海水重要养殖动物池塘养殖结构优化,2010 年,第三位。
3.国家海洋局海洋创新成果二等奖,三倍体牡蛎快速生长机理的研究,2005 年,第三位。
4.山东省科学技术二等奖,对虾池封闭式综合养殖的基础研究,2002 年,第四位。
地址:山东省青岛市市南区鱼山路 5 号,中国海洋大学敏行馆 A 楼202 房间邮编:266003
E-mail: wangfang249@ouc.edu.cn