·所在系(中心):物理系 李文东
·学历:博士 Wen-Dong LI
·办公室:山东省青岛市松岭路 238 号中国海洋大学(崂山校区)信息科学与工程学院北 A207
量子信息导论,MATLAB 与科学计算,MATLAB程序设计与应用,大学物理
2012/07-至今 中国海洋大学,信息科学与工程学院物理系,副教授。
1.基于单光子探测的水下无线光通信应用基础研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(**), 2018/01-2020/12。
3.水下量子通信关键技术及新传输机理的实验与理论研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(**), 2016/01-2019/12。
1.Shicheng Zhao, Wendong Li*(共同一作),Yuan Shen, YongHe Yu, XinHongHan, Hao Zeng, Maoqi Cai, Tian Qian,Shuo Wang, Zhaoming Wang, Ya Xiao,and Yongjian Gu*, Experimentalinvestigation of quantum key distribution over a water channel,Appl. Opt. 58(14), 3902-3907, 2019.
2.Shi-Cheng Zhao, Xin-Hong Han, Ya Xiao, YuanShen, Yong-Jian Gu*, andWen-Dong Li*, Performance of underwaterquantum key distribution withpolarization encoding, J. Opt. Soc.Am. A 36(5) 883-892, 2019.
3.Ying Zhang, Wendong Li*, Hengze Wu,Yihai Chen, Xiaoyi Su, Ya Xiao,Zhaoming Wang, Yongjian Gu*, High-visibility underwaterghost imaging in low illumination, Optics Communications, 441: 45-48, 2019.
4.Qin-Wei Zhang, Wen-Dong Li*, KaiLiu, Long-Wen Zhou, Zhao-Ming Wang, andYong-Jian Gu*, Effect of oceanic turbulence on the visibility of underwater ghost imaging, Journal ofthe Optical Society of America A, 36(3): 397-402, 2019.
5.Ying Zhang, Ying Li, WendongLi, Zigang Sun, and Yunfeng Bi ,
Classification of Geological Samples Based onSoft Independent Modeling
of Class AnalogyUsing Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy,Journal of Spectroscopy, 2018, 2018:1-7.
6.Pei-Yuan Su,Wen-Dong Li(共同一作), Xiao-Ping Ma, Kai Liu, Zhao-MingWang, Yong-Jian Gu, A new method for quantifying entanglement of multipartite entangled states, QuantumInf Process 16:190, 2017.
7.Zhang W. Z., Cheng J., Li W. D. andZhou L., Optomechanical cooling in the Non-Markovian regime. Phys. Rev. A, **, 2016.
8.赵士成,史鹏,李文东,顾永建,水下量子通信的数值模拟及误码率分析,中国海洋大学学报(自然版), (02) 131-137, 2016.
9.Chunhong Zheng, Yongjian Gu, Wendong Li, Zhaoming Wang, Jiying Zhang, Complete distributedhyper-entangled-Bell-state analysis and quantum super dense coding,International Journal of TheoreticalPhysics, 55(2):1-9, 2016.
10.Chunyan Wang, Xiaofeng Shi, Wendong Li, Lin Wang, Jinliang Zhang, Chun Yang,Zhendi Wang, Oil speciesidentificationtechnique developed by Gaborwavelet analysis and support vector machine based onconcentration-synchronous-matrix-fluorescence spectroscopy, MarinePollution Bulletin, 104, 322-328, 2016.
11.Peng Shi, Shi-Cheng Zhao, Yong-Jian Gu, Wen-Dong Li, Channel analysis for single photon underwater free space quantum key distribution, Journal ofthe Optical Society of AmericaA, 32(3):349-356, 2015.
12.Liu Kai, Li Wen-Dong, Gu Yong-Jian, Measurement-based quantumcomputation with an optical two-dimensional Affleck–Kennedy–Lieb–Tasaki state, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 31(11):2689-2695, 2014.
13.Chun-Hong Zheng, Jie Zhao, Peng Shi, Wen-Dong Li, Yong-JianGu*,
Generation of three-photonpolarization-entangled GHZ state via linear optics and weak cross-Kerrnonlinearity, Optics Communications 316, 26, 2014
14.Wen-Dong Li, Yong-Jian Gu, Kai Liu, Yuan-Harng Lee, and Yao-Zhong Zhang, Efficient universal quantumcomputation with auxiliaryHilbert space, Physical Review A 88, 034303, 2013.
15.Jie Zhao, Wendong Li and Yongjian Gu, Deterministic multicopyentanglement concentration, Europhysics Letters, 104, 10005, 2013.
16.ZHAO Jie, LI Wen-Dong, GU Yong-Jian,. Deterministic Three-CopyEntanglement Concentration of Photonsthrough Direct Sum Extension and Auxiliary Degrees of Freedom, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 30(7) 070302, 2013.
17.Peng Shi,Li-bo Chen, Yong-jian Gu*, Wen-dongLi, Generation of multi- levelmaximally entangled states under large atom-cavity detuning, Journal of the Optical Society of AmericaB 30(4), 2013.
18.任春年, 史鹏, 刘凯, 李文东,赵洁, 顾永建. 初态对光波导阵列中连续量子行走影响的研究, 物理学报.62 (9): 90301, 2013.
19.刘凯, 李文东, 张闻钊, 史鹏, 任春年, 顾永建. 高维辅助的普适量子线路优化,物理学报.61 (12): 120301, 2012
20.Wen-Dong Li, Wen-zhao Zhang,Li-Zhen Ma, Yong-Jian Gu. Optimaldeterministic entanglement concentration ofpolarized photons through direct sum extension and cavity-assitedinteraction, Quantum Information and Computation, 11(7&8), 2011.
21.张闻钊, 李文东, 史鹏, 顾永建.3 对非最大纠缠粒子的确定性纠缠浓缩协议, 物理学报, 60(6), 060303, 2011.
22.Chunyan Wang, WendongLi, Xiaoning Luan, Qianqian Liu, Jinliang
Zhang, Ronger Zheng; SpeciesIdentification and Concentration Quantification of Crude Oil Samples inPetroleum Exploration Using the Concentration-Synchronous-Matrix FluorescenceSpectroscopy, Talanta, 81(1-2), 2010.
23.王春艳, 李文东, 栾晓宁,张登英, 张金亮, 郑荣儿. 基于浓度参量同步荧光光谱的相近油源溢油鉴别, 光谱学与光谱分析, 30(10), 2010.
24.Bing Mu, Wen-dong Li, Kai Cheng,Ming-ming Ding, Zheng Sun, Lihui Ren, Xing-huaCi, Rong-er Zheng. High-resolution linear CCDapplication in the recognition of cuttings'lithology category, 2009 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology - Optoelectronic Imaging andProcess Technology Proc. of SPIE, 7513(75132F), 2009.
25.GUYong-Jian, XIANLiang, LI Wen-Dong, MA Li-Zhen. OpticalRealization of DeterministicEntanglement Concentration of Polarized,Chinese Physics Letters, 25 (4), 1191, 2008.
26.Wen-dong Li, Yan Zhu, Li-Zhen Ma, Yong-Jian Gu. Optimal deterministic entanglement concentrationof polarized photons through directsum extension and cavity-assisted interaction, 2008 Symposium for Young Researchers “Quantum manipulation of Photons and Atoms”, 2008.
27.李文东, 王春艳, 高居伟,郑荣儿. 油样品的可变角同步荧光光谱的计算机模拟, 中国海洋大学学报(自然版), 37(1), 2007.
28.Yang Ailing,Li Wendong, Dong Junyu, Zhang Jinliang. Source rock maturity study by capillarytube interferometer. 27th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, Proc. of SPIE, 6279(62794W), 2007.
29.Yang Ailing, Li Wendong, Dong Junyu, Sun Guimei, Bi Decang, Yuan
Guang, Zhang jinliang.Experimental investigation of thefringe pattern of capillary tubefilled with liquid by using focused laser sheet of light, 27th InternationalCongress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, Proc. of SPIE, 6279(627978), 2007.
30.LiWen-Dong, Zhang Jian-Li,Gu Yong-Jian. Quantum circuitsfor realizing deterministicand exact teleportation via two partially entangled pairs of particles, Chinese Physics, 15(3), 2006.
31.Yong-Jian Gu,Wen-Dong Li, Guang-Can Guo. Protocol and quantum circuits for realizingdeterministic entanglement concentration, Physical Review A, 73(022321), 2006.
32.Yang Ailing,Li Wendong, Yuan Guang, Dong Junyu;Zhang Jinliang. Measuring the refractive indices of liquids with a capillary tube interferometer, Applied Optics, 45(31): 7993, 2006.