·所在系(中心):海洋技术系 于方杰
·学历:博士 YuFangJie
·办公室:山东省青岛市松岭路 238 号中国海洋大学(崂山校区)信息科学与工程学院南楼A506
1、国家实验室2016 开放基金“面向南海中尺度涡选的卫星-Glider 协同遥感观测技术”项目;
3、国家安全保障专项“两洋一海重要海域海洋动力环境立体观测示范系统研发” 项目;
2、国家高技术研究发展 863 计划“船载无人机海洋观测系统”;
青岛市海洋大数据专业委员会秘书长; 青岛市海洋大数据工程实验室 副主任;
1、 The response of cyclonic eddies totyphoons based on satellite remote sensing data for 2001-2014 from the SouthChina Sea[J]. Oceanologia, 2019, 61(2):265-275;
2、 Riskassessment of oil spill in the Chinese Bohai Sea for prevention andreadiness[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018, 135 (2018) 915-922;
3、Calibration of backward-in-time model using drifting buoys in the East ChinaSea[J]. Oceanologia, 2017,59(3):238-247;
4、 Designand implementation of atmospheric multi-parameter sensor for UAV-based aerosol distributiondetection[J]. Sensor Review, 2017,37(2):196-210;
5、 Animproved Otsu method for oil spill detection from SAR images[J].
Oceanologia,2017, 59(3):311-317;
6、 ACorrection Method for UAV HelicopterAirborne Temperature and HumiditySensor[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017, (2017-5-7), 2017;
7、 Designof a low-cost oil spill tracking buoy[J]. Journal of Marine Science & Technology, 2017(2):1-13;
8、 LosslessData Compression based on Adaptive Linear Predictor for Embedded System of UnmannedVehicles[J]. Journalof Atmospheric & Oceanic Technology, 2017,34(11):2499-2508;
9、 Ahindcast method to simulate oil spill trajectories for the Bohai Sea, Northeast China[J]. OceanEngineering, 2016, 124:363-370;
10、 Identifying storm-induced wave origins using SARwave mode data[J]. 中国科学:地球科学, 2016;
11、 基于SAR 波模式数据的涌浪起源追踪与定位[J].中国科学:地球科学, 2016,
12、 i4OilSpill, an operational marine oil spillforecasting model for Bohai Sea[J]. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2016,15(5):799-808;
13 、 MDIS cloth system: virtual reality technology forfirefighter training[C]// ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuumand ITS Applications in Industry. ACM, 2016,1:219-225;
14、 An objective algorithm for estimating maximumoceanic mixed layer depth using seasonality indices derived from Argotemperature/salinity profiles[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 2015,120(1):582-595;
15、 An indexof wind–wave couplingand its globalclimatology[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 2015, 36(8): 3139-3147;
16、 A NovelCross-Platform Architecture Designfor Oil Spill ForecastingModel[J]. Applied Mechanics & Materials,2015,730:265-270;
17、 Development of firefighting trainingclothes based on embeddedwireless sensors[C]// International Conference on Automation,
Mechanical Control and Computational Engineering. 2015,124:638-643;
18、 一种光照变化条件下的自适用权重局部立体匹配算法[J]. 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)自然科学版,2014,44(04):108-111;
19、 A Novel High Accuracy Sub-Pixel Corner DetectionAlgorithm for Camera Calibration[J]. Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2013,
20、 Illumination-robust area-based stereo matching with improved census transform[C]// International Conference on Measurement, Information and Control. IEEE,2012,1:194-197;
21 、 A robust local census-based stereo matchinginsensitive to illumination changes[C]// International Conference onInformation and Automation. IEEE, 2012:801-805;